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Yeah I have the same issue. He just couldn't me a mercenary? How old was he anyway? They make him seem like a teen, but when you fight him he's like 30 :lol
Wasn't he supposed to be a child soldier? I do remember him being the same height as Big Boss, and all muscled out during the boss fight :lol.
He's a child in the flashback where Big Boss mentioned about him being a child assassin... but there was no consistent age for him in the game :lol
Jaeger was teenager in PO, officially

I hated his design from that game, despite never playing it
He should of been just a normal soldier, with exceptional talent, like Big Boss... but no, he had to be a manipulated product as far back as a kid...
For the mistakes the writers made with Null in MPO, they made up with a Metal Gear mech that totally made sense. RAXA >> singing robots any day.
A Metal Gear launched from a Saturn V made plenty sense, and still was in line with the tech from that era... but now we got holograms, and mechanical chicken tanks.
I'm thoroughly enjoying it actually, there will be some sort of comment about it going in there eventually though
A Metal Gear launched from a Saturn V made plenty sense, and still was in line with the tech from that era... but now we got holograms, and mechanical chicken tanks.

I thought the point of the prequels were to juxtapose espionage in the 60's/70's with the 21st century, at least that's where MGS3/PO were doing. Big Boss had an iDroid, Raiden got a brick cellphone from the ninja. Compared to PW/GZ/TPP, it's MGS1 and 2 that are set in the 60's. :rotfl
so uhhh...time to look like the odd one out here, again. tee hee

Metal Gear Solid 3 is my favorite of the series, the gameplay really evolved (which was already fine in MGS 2 and good in MGS 1) and some bossfights were pretty neat - bar The Pain and Volgin/Shaghod (first Volgin fight was pretty cool and tense however) and I loved the jungle setting due to the use of camoflague and how you could sneak around, along with the things you could find at times like that armory before Ocelot and The End. It was also neat to play as Big Boss for once and find out about his history, while The Boss is a pretty well made character. It's just as a shame that she's been bastardized to hell in Peace Walker - there was nothing wrong with her ideals or speeches, it made sense and even then, you could make good interpretations without much problems...till PW. The rest of the story worked as well, and got me a few times like the ending and moments like The Boss talking about seeing the world from space. Some foreshadowing was really neat too, such as The Sorrow and it still felt like it had some of the work put in that MGS 2 has. It's what got me into the series and solidified me as a fan for it. I still think MGS 1 and MGS 2 are great games, but 3 just did something for me. I do need to replay 1 and 2 however a few more times, no doubt. But seeing you guys talk about those games and the little things has helped me appreciate the game.

It's such a shame that the game started the downward spiral the series has made now, focusing on Big Boss and just not making sense after this game. It's like the Resident Evil 4 of the series, great game with nice evolutions, terrible legacy that misinterpreted those evolutions. I honestly think we would have been fine with this one game with Big Boss, and just leave it to interpretation as to why he became the hero-turned-villain as Pliss once talked about. It already made some sense in the game's ending, but it's so drawn out now. Not to mention I don't think PW really actually adds much to that 'fall from grace' motif Big Boss has when you think about it.
That's a great comparison of MGS3 and RE4. I love both, but both were the stepping stone of completely derailing the series in to retardville. It was great seeing Big Boss's origin, but it should of stayed a one shot. His legend has been terribly watered down, and Kojima will end up doing it to the Boss in the future at some point since he mentioned pursuing a Boss game set in WWII.
Didn't see this thread till now I would say MGS 2 ...............

Seriously it's MGS 1 then close second is MGS3.
You guys are worrying me with your speculations! At least we'll have eye candy if anything. I was curious why you guys wanted another Solid Snake game, because I thought you'd worry about it watering down his story. I think you could get great stories, but the problem is working with the gameplay. Once you throw in bosses, it's going to be ridiculous. I wish Kojima would just make Metal Gear movies, so he'd be free to tell the story he wants. Well with the help of an editor.

Batman, Dragon Ball (Japanese only), Metal Gear Solid are my big geek fandoms! Although, I don't own a single piece of MGS merchandise other than the games.

1. MGS3- It's been my favorite game for the past 10 years. I know MGSV will dethrone it gameplay-wise, but I don't know about the story. The story is so dumb, but it's extremely self-aware. THE BOX IS HIS DESTINY! I don't know how any game will top those last two hours for me. It's the only game that I've ever felt emotional over. Since Big Boss wasn't as a defined character as Solid Snake, I felt like I was him. Being that it's an interactive video game, that immerses me more. My only criticism is that I wished they would have developed the Cobra Unit more, because I love the idea of Big Boss defeating his pain, fear, death, fury, but not his sorrow. This was the game that introduced CQC, which is my favorite gaming mechanic. It just made boss fights so much fun, and it's a shame that when they expanded it in MGS4, they didn't give us much options to use it against bosses.

2. MGS- Best supporting cast, villains, and atmosphere. Unfortunately, I feel like the gameplay went downhill a bit after the opening, but it's still a good game. The elevator room and hellicarrier's level design is so good for stealth, and it's a shame they didn't expand on it that much as the game progressed. The game structure is very similar to the previous ones, which is probably what hurt this one a lot for me originally. I also don't feel like it controls very well, or at least, I do not feel like a cool super soldier. I don't think the combat is very good, and it's frustrating when they force you to use it. It's not cool when your gun shoots straight up in the air, when a guy is right in front of you. Once I get past the cringe-worthy dialogues (the laughs....I can't stand those cheesy laughs!), I love the story. Mighty props to introducing the Human Genome Project to a lot of teens.

3. MGS2- This has been my second favorite game of all time for years. However, I forgot there's a lot of stuff you got to weed through to get to the goods. Kojima really needed an editor. I always loved it though! It was the game that taught me as a teenager that I'm too trusting. Although I may have took it too far by wearing a tin foil hat for few years (kidding!), I learned not to be so trusting of the media influences. It's helped me a lot! Anyways, I love the gameplay and the music--maybe the best in the series!

4. MGS4- The game is beautiful! You have to turn your brain off at a lot of points, but man, Kojima out-did himself with the choreography. I don't know any game director that would want to put all that work into a split screen sequence like he did with the Ray fight/ Raiden vs Vamp. They knew that so many people would miss out on their hard-work making that scene, but they did it for immersion. I love when my heroes get beaten down, because that connects me to the character more. The reason I became a Batman fan as a child was because of the Knightfall storyline with Batman getting obliterated physically and emotionally. It just inspires me seeing them get back from it. The problem is that they weren't very respectful to Snake. If Kojima didn't want Snake to kill himself at the end, fine, but then don't make him pull the trigger. Did he miss? What the heck happened? Did he shoot a squirrel? That would make sense, but then they'd have to show that. Along with that, it seemed like Big Boss took the spot light away from Snake's final mission. I don't know. I still love the game. I've beaten it over 30 times, which is way more than any other numbered game. Oh and I love the soundtrack!

5. MGS PO- I haven't played this game in a long time, because I've been done with handhelds since God of War Ghost of Sparta (That killed that franchise for me, sadly). The story might not have been the greatest, but I loved the gameplay. When Gene makes my men kill eachother, it made me realize how attached I got to me team. I could really feel for Big Boss when he was screaming for Gene to stop, because I was doing the same thing! Oh and Calling to the Night is still my favorite MGS song!

5. MGS Ground Zeroes- It's a demo, but I loved it! It's the reason I know MGSV will have my favorite gameplay. It's still the only PS4 game that I've played, except the free ones in the trial. Outlast was good!

6. MGS PW- Next! It's not that enjoyable on the PS3, but I thought it was a great MGS game to have on the go for 5 or 10 minute bursts. David Hayter's "No, why won't it stop" line is one of my favorite performances by him, despite my criticism. He just needs the director to tell him to pull back a bit, because he is the voice of Snake.

7. Metal Gear Rising- The gameplay was great, but I don't like the aesthetic, characters, or the story.
whoa whoa Bane, come on. Putting Rising under PW and GZ? :lol

Also I agree with you on Ghost of Sparta though I would say the series really died with Ascension and it only began with Ghost of Sparta.
That's a great comparison of MGS3 and RE4. I love both, but both were the stepping stone of completely derailing the series in to retardville. It was great seeing Big Boss's origin, but it should of stayed a one shot. His legend has been terribly watered down, and Kojima will end up doing it to the Boss in the future at some point since he mentioned pursuing a Boss game set in WWII.
They really were. In a similar manner to seeing Big Boss's origin, it was nice to see an RE game with nothing about Umbrella and different types of horror...but RE5 just ruined everything from there. The horror, the tension, the intrigue...I don't want a game centered around The Boss though. It would go wrong so easily.
I've seen plenty of MGS fans who think Rising is "bad" and some flat out refuse to play it because "robs the honor" of the series. So be it. I'd say have a little fun and never take something too seriously. :lol
Well I'm glad I'm not the only one who enjoyed MGS3 while viewing most of everything else that came after as a misfire in terms of direction. Barring a few elements that I personally enjoyed, I just feel that anything MGS4 onwards didn't have that same magic (save for MGR). The RE4 "legacy" comparison is pretty damn well spot-on though.
MGS 3 is my favorite in the series. The story, the new mechanics in the game, plus everything Snake (or BB) went through hit a lot closer to home for me. MGS 1 was a close second for me. I don't know why a lot of you guys liked 2. I did not like that one at all. 2 and 4 were my least favorite. I would put PW and Rising above both of them. GZ was too short to be considered a real MGS game so I won't count that one.