Hot Toys – MMS126 - Predator 2: Guardian Predator(2010 Toy Fairs Exc) spec

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He doesn't use it but Gort does have a Medi-Kit in the film.


Borg doesn't have a Medi-Kit because his armor is different so it doesn't have the slot to hold one. Gort aka Guardian Predator has the exact same armor as P2. Same Plasma Cannon, Medi-Kit, etc.

Also, Gort is supposed to have the same color armor AND skin color as P2 because it's a duplicate P2 suit with just a different bio. HT took some creative license and decided to give this figure a unique paint scheme (skin and armor) because it's a rehash of the previosuly released P1/P2 figures. But realistically, Gort should be an exact clone of P2 with a different bio (which is silver).



I agree with you on this, Gort should be a P2 clone. But i will be getting this and swapping the bio for brother Boar who the paint job would seem to be.


Where are you located then? If you are in the US, then SDCC isn't out of the country. You just need your card billing address and shipping address to match. If they don't, start fixing it. You got a month.

If you don't, expect to pay $$$ for this guy.

I'm currently not in the states but I have a US shipping address courtesy of my relatives living there. The problem is my credit card's billing address won't match my shipping address. Is there a way to order by credit card and get the item shipped to my US address? Or is this really impossible with SSC?
SSC ships internationally to most countries via FedEx. So I don't see why you can't order the Non-Attendee Edition from SSC and get them to ship to your international address.
Yeah, you are just going to have to have it sent to you directly. Sideshow makes it so your billing and shipping address are the same to prevent people from buying more than the 1 per person (or whatever the limit it) limit. I know you can have it sent to your working address, but I'm not sure it would work when your work is out of the country :lol
The reason is I want to save on shipping costs because it's more expensive shipping internationally than shipping the figure within the US.
I'm not about to read all 31 pages of this thread, so maybe this question already asked. Is this newly announce Guardian Predator the same as the Gort predator that was also recently announced and discussed in another thread?
I agree with you on this, Gort should be a P2 clone. But i will be getting this and swapping the bio for brother Boar who the paint job would seem to be.


Personally, I'm glad we're getting a new paint scheme. Artistic license, sure. But does it work? Yes, quite well IMO. If we weren't getting a newly repainted figure, and instead got an exact P2 like in the film, this figure wouldn't do so well, as its only redeeming quality would the the bio (that you can easily get yourself as a custom) and the trophy skull (for which there are kits and whatnot available). People would still probably buy it, but not as many.
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Looks amazing and i will have a go at getting this :clap as im in the Uk will they ship it here?

and on the day of the sale what time is 10am pst in england?

am i right in thinking 18.00 uk time? :slap very confused!:impatient:
Looks amazing and i will have a go at getting this :clap as im in the Uk will they ship it here?

and on the day of the sale what time is 10am pst in england?

am i right in thinking 18.00 uk time? :slap very confused!:impatient:

Yes 18.00 uk time.
Just saw someone bid $850 on a P2 Elder......
$500 for Gort should be considered a steal :lol
ha! i saw that.
and about a week ago an elder went for like $300 and it had a busted leg.
bunch of jackasses on ebay.
Sorry, but $500 for this fig is a joke.
$500 for ANY figure is a joke.
there are much cooler collectibles to get for that price.
this figure is truly just a rehash except for the mask. but man, its predator. everyone seems to get excited about this figure.

i always wanna get complete collection. in fact, i do have scar, celtic, etc. all predators that hot toys has put out, i got them all. i feel like i need to have this.

but this thing like LIMITED EDITION AND CRAP start to piss me off lately. come on, why dont they just sell this as regular item.

i am still collecting, but i dont really get the feeling anymore to get worked up and ____, to pay so much of my hard earned money to get figure just because its labeled as exclusive. what a nonsense.


i also think that limited edition to 500 , thats just plain bull****

WHY?? i remember 3 years ago, when i picked up my hot toys asia exclusive ancient predator, i could still get it after 2 years it had been released. and they said, oh this guy will be limited to bla bla bla.

i paid around 270 USD for this bad boy, and if it was truly 500 figures lime what they said, come on. do you think anybody will still have chance to pick this one up for normal retail price?
I have to admit I didn't see this coming. Guess this proves you can never say never with Hot Toys, especially when there are plenty of useful recycled parts available! I had hoped they'd make more P2 Lost Hunters, but figured "Lost" was probably the Last. It makes perfect sense HT would announce this right when I'm more than halfway finished building my own Gort from recycled P2 and P1 parts! Idiots!!! :lol

I like the looks of the HT Gort bio, the new trophy skull is a real gem, and it looks like they finally got the details right on the respirator mask, (which will go to my BD P2 if I can snag one of these "Guardian" Preds).

Great to hear that Sideshow will be getting some. There's no way I can make it to Tokyo Toy Fair this year anyway, and now I shouldn't end up having to pay the usual inflated Japanese price for one... 22,000 yen my a$$!!! :nana: