Hot Toys – MMS126 - Predator 2: Guardian Predator(2010 Toy Fairs Exc) spec

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Well i will be up early saturday 3 July.

United States - California Australia - New South Wales
Fri 7/2/2010 12:00 AM* Fri 7/2/2010 5:00 PM
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Fri 7/2/2010 6:00 AM* Fri 7/2/2010 11:00 PM
Fri 7/2/2010 7:00 AM* Sat 7/3/2010 12:00 AM
Fri 7/2/2010 8:00 AM* Sat 7/3/2010 1:00 AM
Fri 7/2/2010 9:00 AM* Sat 7/3/2010 2:00 AM
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Fri 7/2/2010 11:00 AM* Sat 7/3/2010 4:00 AM
Fri 7/2/2010 12:00 PM* Sat 7/3/2010 5:00 AM
Fri 7/2/2010 1:00 PM* Sat 7/3/2010 6:00 AM
Fri 7/2/2010 2:00 PM* Sat 7/3/2010 7:00 AM
Fri 7/2/2010 3:00 PM* Sat 7/3/2010 8:00 AM
Fri 7/2/2010 4:00 PM* Sat 7/3/2010 9:00 AM
Fri 7/2/2010 5:00 PM* Sat 7/3/2010 10:00 AM
Fri 7/2/2010 6:00 PM* Sat 7/3/2010 11:00 AM
Fri 7/2/2010 7:00 PM* Sat 7/3/2010 12:00 PM
Fri 7/2/2010 8:00 PM* Sat 7/3/2010 1:00 PM
Fri 7/2/2010 9:00 PM* Sat 7/3/2010 2:00 PM
Fri 7/2/2010 10:00 PM* Sat 7/3/2010 3:00 PM
Fri 7/2/2010 11:00 PM* Sat 7/3/2010 4:00 PM
Sat 7/3/2010 12:00 AM* Sat 7/3/2010 5:00 PM
Thanks Blade!!! So let me see if I got this right... On July 2nd I log onto sideshow collectibles, and search for the pred, then order it??
This is my first time with one of these, and i'm already pretty nervous:lol

You won't have to search. You'll only be able to order three things on the entire site at that time:

1) Predator
2) Sarah-1000
3) Iron Man bust

You just check (a check box) the item(s) you want and check out.
Thanks Blade!!! So let me see if I got this right... On July 2nd I log onto sideshow collectibles, and search for the pred, then order it??
This is my first time with one of these, and i'm already pretty nervous:lol

From what I've heard, the site's normal function shuts down. All of the exclusives for that day will be on the homepage. You check the box next to the one(s) you want (and be sure to specify either Attendee or Non-Attendee -- only choose one), then enter your username and password. Then you're set (the reason it's this simple is because you should have your accurate info already saved to your account).

Dunno if I'm missing any steps there. I'd go with what Buttmunch says :D.
From what I've heard, the site's normal function shuts down. All of the exclusives for that day will be on the homepage. You check the box next to the one(s) you want (and be sure to specify either Attendee or Non-Attendee -- only choose one), then enter your username and password. Then you're set (the reason it's this simple is because you should have your accurate info already saved to your account).

Dunno if I'm missing any steps there. I'd go with what Buttmunch says :D.

That's pretty much it. I don't think you'd have to choose attendee or non-attendee, though. I think they do those pre-orders on seperate days.
That's pretty much it. I don't think you'd have to choose attendee or non-attendee, though. I think they do those pre-orders on seperate days.

Riiiiiiight. Think I misread the FAQ. Guess they meant you can't order the same item on both days. Strictly 1 of each per person/household/etc.
From what I've heard, the site's normal function shuts down. All of the exclusives for that day will be on the homepage. You check the box next to the one(s) you want (and be sure to specify either Attendee or Non-Attendee -- only choose one), then enter your username and password. Then you're set (the reason it's this simple is because you should have your accurate info already saved to your account).

Dunno if I'm missing any steps there. I'd go with what Buttmunch says :D.

Correct except choosing attendee or non-attendee. That's why there are two different days for them, so there wouldn't be that confusion.

I HIGHLY recommend you guys check out the PPO this week and use it as a dry run. Its the Dead bust. Attendees Thursday, Non-attendees Friday. Just tune in and see how it works. The Pred will work exactly the same way. And if this week doesn't work, then you got 3 more weeks to give it a try. Once you've seen a PPO in action, you'll know exactly what to do come Pred time.
This figure looks class but just does not appeal to me for some reason. Maybe not ironic enough.
please fill me in on the Mark 6 bust. Is this a 1:1 or lsb?

The Mark 6 Bust is from Hot Toys and is 1/4 scale.

Jul 2 especially will be a mad day for PPO as there are 3 items on PPO at the same time and they are all from different genres. So when fans of all 3 genres converge on the same day, the server is going to slow to a crawl. I expect lots of complaints immediately after that PPO. :slap

Must try to get in, order the Pred and get it all over and done with in 1 min flat. Otherwise, no guarantees the order will get through. Will be using my brand new MacBook for this event as my current Dell Notebook is too old and slow.
When you order or check out, you dont have to enter your credit card number wright? because its already saved in your account. Am i wright?
Yeah, just log in when it directs you, and check out. Very easy. Like I said last night, I highly suggest you guys have haven't ever done a PPO (or at least a SDCC PPO) should check out the ones happening all month. Go through all of the motions and get a feel for it. You don't have to actually order, but do everything needed except the 'submit order' button. And if you do accidently order something, just go cancel it after the PPO has ended. No big deal.
This will be my highest volume of Sideshow SDCC pre-orders. I'm going to try to get Guardian Predator, Sarah Connor, and the Mouser.

The most I've ever pre-ordered was one in years past. I wonder if they'll ship them all together? My guess is probably.