Hot Toys 1/6th scale BATMAN (Original Suit) Photo thread

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Mine is still supposed to be here tomorrow... wonder if FedEx will leave it or if I'm not home (which I most likely won't be) if I'll have to pick it up or get it redelivered?
Wow, Sean got his fast, considering it just left Friday!

Another reason I go Toys2 when I'm impatient for a figure, they usually get in stock there faster and ship to me fastest of anyone I buy regularly from.

More thoughts on the figure. The Bale head, I've now seen it for myself, in hand. If you look at it dead on and made a triangle around his eyes and nose, that area is perfect, really looks like Bale. However, the jawline and something about the mouth just loses it for me.

The mark of a good sculpt and paint job on a potrait is that I can hear dialogue from the movie/show whatever, and picture scenes that it reminds me of. Andy's Bale head does that for me, this one doesn't. It's wonderfully painted and made, top notch, but I'd say 85% on the likeness. Like I've said before, miles above Takara, but a few steps behind Andy's. One thing absent in the sculpt that Andy nailed is the nose stucture. The bridge of Bale's nose is pretty rough in shape, and the HT nose seems a bit softer than it should be.

Ordinarily, I probably wouldn't say much on an extra head like this as it's a neat extra and not a key to the figure, but where many folks are making Waynes and other Bale customs with the extra heads, figured I'd give my thoughts on it.
Just thought I'd jump in with a few more words.

The neck isn't actually too tall, it's phsyically right. However, depending on your viewing angle, because of the dramatic contrast between the cape and the cowl material and the style of the cowl, it can look too tall, but if you squint so it all blurs into a solid shape, you can see it's really nicely done.

Wofford, we can talk if you really want to do something.

Someone, I think icruise, pulled both Joker and Batman heads and posted comp pics of the neck lengths and the Joker's neck was actually longer...

The BM Cowl runs below the neckline so I think it gives the illusion the neck is longer when it isn't in reality. :D
I like my extra Bale head. I'm glad HT decided to give it to us, even though he cowl-less in only one scene in BB :rock

Looking forward to your pics, Sean. I always make little wallpapers for my iPhone out of them :)
Someone, I think icruise, pulled both Joker and Batman heads and posted comp pics of the neck lengths and the Joker's neck was actually longer...

The BM Cowl runs below the neckline so I think it gives the illusion the neck is longer when it isn't in reality. :D

I find it looks longest because depnding on lighting and viewing angle, you just see the cowl, almost like it's framed by the cape instead of the two being part of each other, so you don't see the cape as his shoulders. I'll try to get a photo backlit so he's just a shadow outline so folks can see the whole body shape.
I like my extra Bale head. I'm glad HT decided to give it to us, even though he cowl-less in only one scene in BB :rock

Which is great in and of itself; I get really annoyed with the Spider-Man movies, Tobey Maguire seems to unmasked as Spidey about 80% of the time! :rolleyes:
Yes, bottom line, it is just fine.

:D Fine indeed my Friend...

Can't wait to see your initial shots if you time to do some tonight...

Have you gotten yours yet Pjam?

No Bro, they were shipped last Friday as I was one of the first orders placed. UPS tracking say Delivery Monday. UPS Agent says delivery Friday is posted in their system, both yesterday and the day before. If it comes Monday I have their "streams crossed" so I will demand a shipping credit and use that towards my Tumbler.
The Bale head also seem a bit undersized. BuT I gotta say the Likness is much better in hand then all the pics ive seen of it so far. However I will never display on the Batman costumed body as It seems the head is very small.
:D Fine indeed my Friend...

Can't wait to see your initial shots if you time to do some tonight...

There'll be some, I'm going to have some of him interacting with Les' Joker so I'll snap a few off while I've got him out.
How about the HT Joker, alone and with Bats?

I'll work them in together. That's another reason I'm edgy for the HT TDK suit figure, it's fine, but Begins suit with Joker doesn't look right because they never interacted while he was still using that suit.
Here is the Bale head on another Hot Toys Body and on a Medicom body for comp.


Is the suit strong ?

It wont tear easy will it ive been thinking about getting one of these.

I'll work them in together. That's another reason I'm edgy for the HT TDK suit figure, it's fine, but Begins suit with Joker doesn't look right because they never interacted while he was still using that suit.

Well, I guess I just wanted to see some HT Joker shots too...
Is the suit strong ?

It wont tear easy will it ive been thinking about getting one of these.


I think that it's strong enough if handled carefully, it'll be fine, but it will require some finesse when handling it.
I think that it's strong enough if handled carefully, it'll be fine, but it will require some finesse when handling it.

Thanks for the reply.

im careful with my figures I just dont want it to get cought in a joint or something.He really is a great looking batman figure.
