Hot Toys - Iron Man 2: Black Widow

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Hey Biest, just wondering what and how you made BW's hair look that good. Mine has gotten so frizzy :\
Hey Biest, just wondering what and how you made BW's hair look that good. Mine has gotten so frizzy :\

I simply washed her hair with warm but NOT Hot Water and a Special wig Shampoo and conditioner. Then i have brushed it and styled with "got2be Kleber"- Gel and let it dry by Air. It's Important that you don't work with heat! So don't use a hairdryer!
I simply washed her hair with warm but NOT Hot Water and a Special wig Shampoo and conditioner. Then i have brushed it and styled with "got2be Kleber"- Gel and let it dry by Air. It's Important that you don't work with heat! So don't use a hairdryer!

Thanks, any tips on styling?
Just watched the movie again after picking it up yesterday on Blu ray. Noticed that the color of Hot toys hair seems way off. In IM2 it seemed more brown/darker? Is it just me? Does the actual figures hair look darker/brown in person?
Just watched the movie again after picking it up yesterday on Blu ray. Noticed that the color of Hot toys hair seems way off. In IM2 it seemed more brown/darker? Is it just me? Does the actual figures hair look darker/brown in person?

The Hair Looks like in the pictures. It's true that BW's hair is darker in the Movie.
Just watched the movie again after picking it up yesterday on Blu ray. Noticed that the color of Hot toys hair seems way off. In IM2 it seemed more brown/darker? Is it just me? Does the actual figures hair look darker/brown in person?

ZOMG :panic: deal breaker!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm still undecided on this one. On one hand, it would make a nice addition to my Hot Toys Avengers setup. On the other hand, the hair looks like it would be a pain to fix.
Is it?
I think if you put a lot of gel in her hair the color will become a bit darker. plus it will be "hard" and styled, look more like the promos..
I think if you put a lot of gel in her hair the color will become a bit darker. plus it will be "hard" and styled, look more like the promos..

because it is syntetic hair, the hair gets not much darker and not hard! I used a gel that makes hair very hard! But when the gel drys it is not the same on the puppet hair like on human hair
A question to everyone that has a retail Black Widow.
I am buying the parts to make her up. Currently I am thinking of adding her head to a smaller body (no idea the type, its the same as Machiko). Would the skin type look OK and would the body fill out the body suit enough ?.

If anything my worry is for the chest not to match the skin tone as I plan to go for a more exposed chest like others have done. Could anyone put Scarlett's head on a Machiko body for me to see if possible please ?. I know its a little cheeky to ask, I'm sorry. I just don't want to spend £35 on the head alone only to find out I need to get a £40+ body to match.
A question to everyone that has a retail Black Widow.
I am buying the parts to make her up. Currently I am thinking of adding her head to a smaller body (no idea the type, its the same as Machiko). Would the skin type look OK and would the body fill out the body suit enough ?.

If anything my worry is for the chest not to match the skin tone as I plan to go for a more exposed chest like others have done. Could anyone put Scarlett's head on a Machiko body for me to see if possible please ?. I know its a little cheeky to ask, I'm sorry. I just don't want to spend £35 on the head alone only to find out I need to get a £40+ body to match.
Machiko's skin colour is kind of dark.... for BW.. other wise you can fit BW head on any TTF body...

The following bodies have a matching skin colour (or close enough) Standard TTF: Silken Floss, Abigail Whistler. Small bust TTF: Chacha Asai, Sarah Connor..... Even TTF-11: Caucasian have darker Skin, but it's close enough if you're not too particular...
Is Machiko far of ?. I say Machiko mainly for figure and chest size but it came with a female head (blonde). From what I can tell from my searches shes a true type female caucasian.
I have BW hands on the way so thats no bother, but I would like to have a little cleavage showing as it looks more
All your pictures have shown how good it looks. Can I get/do anything to help without spending big on a full new body ?. Keeping in mind I am no pro at anything.

Edit - This is the body I was planing on using. My fear for the actual BW body was the same as most, low boobage. Wanted a more "authentic" and natural look to her.
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BW on TTF-11 (Caucasian blonde exterior rubber torso)... but Sarah Connor's internals.

You see the slightly difference in skin shade here...
Thank you very much. Not bad at all really. Think its copeable. May just need to pad out the chest a little to fill the outfit. No as some would call imperfection skin tones but still looks fitting.

Will do fine in a glass case until I have stopped buying and can focus on the details like a proper body.

Thank you very much again.

Will now try to get her head and boots at a reasonable price. Any other places than eBay ?.
Thank you very much. Not bad at all really. Think its copeable. May just need to pad out the chest a little to fill the outfit. No as some would call imperfection skin tones but still looks fitting.

Will do fine in a glass case until I have stopped buying and can focus on the details like a proper body.

Thank you very much again.

Will now try to get her head and boots at a reasonable price. Any other places than eBay ?.

I LOL'd so hard at that.

You really are new to this.

you Never, EVER stop buying. some of us sell blood to afford this hobby... it.. gets into you.

bad sarcasm and silly jokes aside, welcome to the funny farm.
Well I was sold enough on bandito's pictures that I have orders a head. Just the boots to go and then I can attempt to find a cheap MK IV Iron Man pre order in the UK.

lerath - Yeah, I can see this as being another monthly bill needed to be budgeted for. Already decimated my small savings to get a Lara Croft with TTF body spare,Batman and a Joker in the past month. Also have a fully paid order for Berserker predator and hope to get MK IV (or VI if needed) this year to.

Also on the look out for Midnight Wesker. I have no idea where the money is going to come from but I just cant stop thinking about filling my newly acquired glass cabinets (also something that had to go on a credit card).

I think I should of kept to myself and not signed up to all these great 1/6 sites. Guess I can be thankful I have no serious overdraft or credit limit.
Looking at the material of the jumpsuit and reading about its stiffness has me a little concerned. Could I take a hair dryer to it in a attempt to tighten to the body and loosen at joints ?. Unsure about material property's as I do not have in hand yet.

If not can someone suggest a suitable way to pad the chest a little (using a TTF body) but still allow the zip down to near her belly button ?.
Why on earth did you swap out bodies to begin with?
Her body was taken from a laser imaging scan and is proportionately correct; that IS why I chuckle every time I read about people adjusting her bust size etc.
Good Luck to you.