Hot Toys - Iron Man 2:Mark IV Limited Edition spec

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Just because they shape them painting part of the head doesn't mean the whole thing is.

As for the Iron Man "scratch" marks being random that's complete bs. They all have the same exact scratches in the same places. At least the IV VI.
I did something to my Iron Man Mark III I have been wanting to try for awhile. The super thin torso has always bugged the ____ out of me. I can deal with the more heroic proportions of him being taller, broader shouldered, and longer limbed than he should be. The wasp waist though I didn't like. I even think they fixed it somewhat on the Mark II. It might just be the paint colors skewing my perspective but I swear the waist on the Mark II is thicker.

This is what it looked like before:


And after, there is no photoshopping going on here. This is what my Mark III looks like now.

:lecture That does look ten times better and I like what you did with the shoulders too. They look closer to the trunk.

I think the frontal view of the Mk.III is its worse angle because of the shoulder gaps, thin waist, and gaudy hip joints. :monkey2
Nothing done to the shoulders other than posing. I think now that I've modded it, it looks better from the front than the side since the Mark III is also too narrow from front to back and I can't fix that because part of the problem is the chest.
Oh I totally thought I did. I must have done that on another forum.

Basically what I did was cut and shape a variety of pieces of polystyrene and push them up under the piece of rubber that covers the abdomen essentially making it wider. I put some pieces on either side and a sanded and shaped piece in the front that's the same shape as that center abdomen panel. You can get to underneath the abdomen without any disassembly by just turning the torso or pushing the body backwards and pulling down the trunks part. The trunks are surprisingly flexible.

It's actually really easy.
Oh I totally thought I did. I must have done that on another forum.

Basically what I did was cut and shape a variety of pieces of polystyrene and push them up under the piece of rubber that covers the abdomen essentially making it wider. I put some pieces on either side and a sanded and shaped piece in the front that's the same shape as that center abdomen panel. You can get to underneath the abdomen without any disassembly by just turning the torso or pushing the body backwards and pulling down the trunks part. The trunks are surprisingly flexible.

It's actually really easy.

Wonder why/how you figured that out...;)
Nope just jammed them in. The abdomen is pretty flexible. You just need to be careful to not scratch the outside of it or push too hard and push something through the rubber.
gave it a go. it needs to be adjusted but i like it. im going to thin it at the waist but it works. im thinking about repainting because the colors horrible.

Awesome, glad to see someone else has been able to do it. The colors on mine are still holding strong. The abdomen is still roughly the same color as the rest and the trunks are a bit darker in color. Not sure if they where always a bit darker or if they've gotten darker. On mine, the pieces I used get thinner towards the waist and are thicker towards the chest.
I was just messing around with some matboard to see how it works. I may come back in and rework with something a little more permanent. I really like the results though. Thanks for the great mod ideas. If I can get the thighs bigger I might just be happy with this figure. ;)
I think the thighs aren't too far off. The Mark III thighs in the movie are pretty thin, not quite as thin but fairly close. Just a little more meat on the inside of the legs would fix that I think.