Hot Toys - Iron Man 2:Mark IV Limited Edition spec

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Thanks You Furley Ghost,,You are a true member..Hats off,,Drinks Up to you.....

No problem! Like I said, I felt the same way as you. The Mark IV was techically the first HT I bought. It was a very long wait, and I acquired over 20 other figs before actually receiving the Mark IV. When I finally got to open it, I was so dissappointed because I thought it was messed up.

edit: I totally forgot I actually did have to get a replacement because mine was missing the cover to one of the knees. I actually didn't even notice it was missing untill I had already found out that the scratches were supposed to be there.
Come on guys inlighting me,,If they are not made to look like scratches,And they are not nicks or scrapes,,What are they,Because every picture I have seen of this figure does not look as bad as the one I have..Not one of them has a paint chip a 1/8in x 1/16in long on his knee cap.

Pics would help, it's possible you're talking about something else? Are the scratches silver? If they're silver then they're painted on and meant to be there. You can see what they should look like in these pics:


If you're looking to find out what happen to Iron Man after World's Most Wanted, pick up Stark Disassembled (Invincible Iron Man 20-24) and Stark Resilient (Invincible Iron Man 25-33).

Thanks! I was previewing the stark dissasembled but it look kinda boring, and star resilient isnt on the ipad yet=\
Come on guys inlighting me,,If they are not made to look like scratches,And they are not nicks or scrapes,,What are they,Because every picture I have seen of this figure does not look as bad as the one I have..Not one of them has a paint chip a 1/8in x 1/16in long on his knee cap.

If any of the scratches show pink rather then silver then it may be a real scratch...but i doubt there are any real scratches on your figure:).
Ya all of them are silver except the one on the right knee it is gold..It is a paint chip because it is really ugly,And looks out of place and it looks like a chip.I wish I had a better camera to take a close up but I just gave it to my son before he went into the Coast Guard 4 months ago.All I have is my old Sony 1.2MP Mavica 3 1/2 floppy=Dont laugh.
Ya all of them are silver except the one on the right knee it is gold..It is a paint chip because it is really ugly,And looks out of place and it looks like a chip.I wish I had a better camera to take a close up but I just gave it to my son before he went into the Coast Guard 4 months ago.All I have is my old Sony 1.2MP Mavica 3 1/2 floppy=Dont laugh.

Sounds like you need to contact Hot Toys for a replacement part to me.
Thanks! I was previewing the stark dissasembled but it look kinda boring, and star resilient isnt on the ipad yet=\

Yeah, Stark Disassembled isn't very action packed and focuses on how they bring back Tony Stark physically, mentally, and spiritually. Stark Resillient focuses on Tony rebuilding his business and his armor and has a good bit of action towards the end.

If you're looking for a bunch of action maybe you should look up everything before World's Most Wanted like: Extremis, Execute Program, Civil War, Director of Shield, Haunted, With Iron Hands, and The Five Nightmares.
So I've been trying to sell my bro's MK IV Iron Man and the 2 interested parties had to back out. I just got off the phone with him and he offered to sell it to me for $160. Now I'm super tempted but HT has the new Jill Valentine figure coming out soon (my most wanted figure atm) plus I want to get the new Mortal Kombat game and if I buy this, I won't have enough for the game and may not have enough for the Jill figure. Do you guys think it's worth getting? I'd be helping a bro out plus I do like the figure but then I may not be able to get my most wanted figure when it comes out.
So I've been trying to sell my bro's MK IV Iron Man and the 2 interested parties had to back out. I just got off the phone with him and he offered to sell it to me for $160. Now I'm super tempted but HT has the new Jill Valentine figure coming out soon (my most wanted figure atm) plus I want to get the new Mortal Kombat game and if I buy this, I won't have enough for the game and may not have enough for the Jill figure. Do you guys think it's worth getting? I'd be helping a bro out plus I do like the figure but then I may not be able to get my most wanted figure when it comes out.

Maybe buy it for $160, preorder JV and when she's ready to be charged see where your finances are at? I can't imagine you not being able to shift Mk IV super fast for anything close to $160.
Maybe buy it for $160, preorder JV and when she's ready to be charged see where your finances are at? I can't imagine you not being able to shift Mk IV super fast for anything close to $160.

I was thinking that, problem is I don't have Paypal and people understandably don't wan't to send MO's so that makes it a tad harder to sell if I need to.
Mate wouldn't you much prefer visiting a different part of the world, expand those horizons to say, Australia?
I watched a show last week that showed the '10 Most Venomous Creatures' in the world and I think 6 of them were in Australia. Damn! :lol

Those box jelly fish are a real nasty breed.