Hot Toys-MMS 133-Ghost Rider Limited Edition Collectible Figurine with Bike Set

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Whiny cry babies. Are you buying the figure or the box. The box is only meant to get your figure there in one piece. If it does that, mission accomplished. Who cares if there are a few dings? That is only to be expected.

If that was true, why would they take the time to put graphics on the box? I'm buying the whole package Buttmunch, and I care if there are a few dings. That's part of the reason I order from Alter Ego in the first place, so my figure will be double-boxed at no charge. Maybe you don't understand that concept.:dunno
If that was true, why would they take the time to put graphics on the box? I'm buying the whole package Buttmunch, and I care if there are a few dings. That's part of the reason I order from Alter Ego in the first place, so my figure will be double-boxed at no charge. Maybe you don't understand that concept.:dunno

Do you display your boxes with your figures? The graphic work these companies do on the boxes are sweet as hell but the figures are the main thing. I would never rip a company apart if a figure came perfect but the boxed dinged. I personally store the boxes and rarely look at them after I get them. The figures I look at everyday.
If that was true, why would they take the time to put graphics on the box? I'm buying the whole package Buttmunch, and I care if there are a few dings. That's part of the reason I order from Alter Ego in the first place, so my figure will be double-boxed at no charge. Maybe you don't understand that concept.:dunno

Oh, there is indeed a charge for you for the double boxing. Your shipping would be cheaper without it. So even if there isn't a fee for them to pack it like that, you are indeed paying extra.

They put graphics on the box because these are actually sold in some stores. They even put graphics on kid's toys even though those go straight into the trash after the toy is opened! For some reason people think things need to look pretty on the shelf in order to sell them. :dunno

I'm not saying I don't appreciate all of the hard work that goes into making these boxes. I too keep all of my boxes. The Sideshow packaging folks were thrilled to hear that when I told them that. They have a great group of people working on their boxes and they were excited to hear their work didn't go unappreciated. But even they said the main purpose of the packaging is to get your item to you in one piece. That is the first and most important thing. Only after that has been taken care of do they make it look good. Its only to be expected the boxes will get some nicks and dings along the way, its designed to take them actually. Its better for the box to take the impact of the UPS guy's throw than the figure. Sure double boxing may help preserve the condition of the box, but paper and cardboard can only be treated so well in a delivery truck/boat/plane.

Would I like all of my boxes to arrive in perfect shape? Sure. But do I expect it? No. Its unreasonable to. The material they are made out of just isn't indestructible.
Like I said earlier double-boxed across the country $15, doubled-boxed 300-400 miles up California $25. If I'm paying extra through AE, how much extra am I paying through Sideshow? And if I paid AE and expected a certain service, why is Sideshow shipping it in the first place?

The problem is that the brown shipper offers very little protection. Their is no give in between it and the actual box, and the only thing in between them is a thin tissue paper. Any ding to the brown shipper transfers directly to the box. I have only been collecting for almost a year, but I'm pretty sure the condition of the packaging is always a concern in the collecting world.
The Ghost Rider box, even if double boxed, you will most likely get one with dings or whatnot. The material for the box is really soft and most of them are already dinged from the factory before they even go into the shipping box.
Hmmmm I ordered two GRs and the full amount for two was charged on my card- so I'm expecting TWO!
Whiny cry babies. Are you buying the figure or the box. The box is only meant to get your figure there in one piece. If it does that, mission accomplished. Who cares if there are a few dings? That is only to be expected.

:exactly: I just want the figure. One box, two box, who cares. just as long as its not damaged and ready to be displayed.
It was mentioned by someone earlier that they had ordered two and only charged for one due to AE deciding to limit each multiple order until they accessed the fulfillment from SS.

His comment is not as crazy as you are taking it:wink1::rolleyes2 knew what i was saying...sheeesh!
Finally finally got round to opening my VI, Scarecrow, Bruce Lee Dx & this bad boy & wow this is the one which just blu me away, it's amazing. There's been some great pictures of this in this thread but not until you see it in hand you realise how good this actually is. If you haven't got this & your thinking of getting this, get it & get it now because I'm guessing in the not so distant future this will up for an insane amount of $$$ on evilBay. Could be my new favourite piece in my collection, I love it that much :)
If all the boxes come in the shipper, which is likely, you'll no doubt have the impressions of the staples, used on the shipper, causing dents in your box. Mine did, so I expect it to be a general problem.
Mine just arrived! At last!
And to my surprise the box is lighter than the DX04 and not much bigger. There is no way on earth this could cost $210 shipping. Shipping to mars maybe. Yes, Eric/Toys2 I'm looking at you!

Anyway, moving on..Woohoo!
Will post pics later.