Hot Toys-MMS 133-Ghost Rider Limited Edition Collectible Figurine with Bike Set

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Recieved my shipping notice and it will be here june 6!! I'll be in MIAMI that week so ill have to wait until the 13th to open mine:gah:
Short answer, Sideshow screwed the Flex Payers by making us wait longer :lol

Hey man! I'm alright. How about yourself?

The flex pays didn't ship till now for some reason. I guessing because this was when the last payment went through but usually they seem to ship as at the same time as the nons. Strange.

Ahhhhh. I was really surprised to read that as I'm usually one of the latter to get my figures from AE compared to you Sideshow guys.

Before reading the UPS notice I figured it was going to be next week due to the holiday. When it said he would arrive THIS Thursday...:yess:

Now...where to put him.....
I was a little surprised it didn't ship last week myself. Not the biggest deal but I hate waiting. :lol

I know. I'm trying to figure out where I'll be putting him because I'm basically out of room. :lol
Just listed one in the marketplace. I was looking forward to this guy for a long time and wouldn't you know as soon as he arrived I have to sell him, just too many other things I want. :lol But I love the pictures so far! :yess:




Yup, it sure does!



Anyone else notice that when the bike is turned "off" there is still a tiny amount of light coming from the leds?
It is only noticable if you turn off all the lights in the room.

very strange..

Strange, I just noticed this as well. Last night when I turned on the bike then turned it off, there was no light coming at all. This morning when I woke up I noticed the lights were on like half power despite the switch being in the "off" position. Now the bike will not turn off all the way.
Both of my orders shipped today and should be here tomorrow.

I talked to AE yesterday, and they told me their were two shipments. The first was last week, the second yesterday and today.
Strange, I just noticed this as well. Last night when I turned on the bike then turned it off, there was no light coming at all. This morning when I woke up I noticed the lights were on like half power despite the switch being in the "off" position. Now the bike will not turn off all the way.

After a bit more fidgeting with the button I got the lights to go off completely. I had to do it in the dark.

Pretty kewl figure!! Looks even better in hands. The bike is nice. Skull batteries are a bit weak, will get some fresh ones.
HT should partner with Duracell or Energizer for their batteries and stop using the cheap chinese ones. They are making millions of dollars now, stop it with the cheap stuff.
Damn this figure looks amazing! The work on this one is just sick. I wish I liked Ghost Rider and could make a good excuse to buy one :p.