Hot Toys MMS 145 - Iron Man 2 - Mark V 1/6 limited edition collectible specs + pics

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I think I have a seen a pic of the mark v posed in the punching the ground position... But can't find it anywhere..




Yeah, this thing's not posable at all.

Zero articulation. :rolleyes2
Once you're pwned, it's best to just move on, son.

Just move on . . . :gun

(keep hacking up your fig if you feel like it, though)



Wow. Okay. Facts are irrelevant. Anatomy means nothing. I said DEEP poses, not this little waist twist.
Indiana -- let it go . . .

who quotes cliched bromides?

Seriously, guy. I'm not trying to start trouble. That's my opinion of the figure. I have given solid reasons and comparisons to support my claims. I have the figure, you don't. I posed and photographed the older figures, you didn't. I know what I'm talking about. If you think the pictures posted of the 'ground punch' Iron Man Mark V look great, more power to you. Anyone who knows anything about the way the human body works would see that those pics look unnatural. Period.

If you're fine with the poseability of the Mark V, I commend you. I am not. The figure, overall, is awesome. I'm just posting my opinion/position on it. Like I said, I love this incarnation of the Iron Man suit very much. But to post snarky comments is just rude. Especially when you're posting someone else's pics of it.

Please post your review of the figure, if and when you get it.
Oh Saline, only seventeen
swollen up with pride.
Oh Saline, under desert's skies
She's a bromide.
She makes green fire
In a tunnel of thorns
and she's got yellow eyes.
Oh, I'm quite tired of this lunatic
Why must we suffer 'cuz the mayor's sick?
He say: "All abandon from this sinking ship."
and he's off on another trip
I'm very sorry for causing dissent. Truly. First with Boba Fett, now this. I just thought that the insight might be useful or informative to someone.
Friday sounds about right. CSC gets their HT product direct from Sideshow. If I don't get off work too late, I will try to stop by at CSC tomorrow after work and ask Richard for a confirmation date.

Went to Corner Store after work tonight and Richard had mine waiting for me. Pretty stoked I didn't have to wait until Friday. Bout to open this bad boy up! :yess:
Dissent? Start trouble?

On an internet toy site?


You're taking yourself and your "reviews" waay too seriously.

1.) You said the Mk.5 couldn't crouch punch.

2.) Pics were posted showing it in a crouch punch.

3.) Q.E.D.

It's a shame about the loss of the cut/swivel joint on the thigh, but the abdominal range of movement is actually greater than HT's previous IM armors. C'est la vie.
Dissent? Start trouble?

On an internet toy site?


You're taking yourself and your "reviews" waay too seriously.

1.) You said the Mk.5 couldn't crouch punch.

2.) Pics were posted showing it in a crouch punch.

3.) Q.E.D.

It's a shame about the loss of the cut/swivel joint on the thigh, but the abdominal range of movement is actually greater than HT's previous IM armors. C'est la vie.

You're right. I treat this internet toy site as I would treat any club, real or virtual, meaning respect and professionalism. My bad.

Please post pics to back this up if/when you recieve the figure. That is all.
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