Hot Toys MMS 145 - Iron Man 2 - Mark V 1/6 limited edition collectible specs + pics

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funny thing here is that OMG said the torso articulation is much better then the mark iv and vi but you're saying the opposite. I don't know, maybe your not using his articulation to the fullest extent?
In my case when I opened up the mk iv, at first, I thought the torso could only crouch very minimally. The next thing I know I stressed it a little more and he crouched more giving a better range in the torso articulation...
found this by accident in another forum:

funny thing here is that OMG said the torso articulation is much better then the mark iv and vi but you're saying the opposite. I don't know, maybe your not using his articulation to the fullest extent?

My guess would be, it's different not better or worse. I don't have mine yet though.

The ranking the suits…

Design wise I'd rank them, from best to worst:
Mark III, Mark V, Mark VI, Mark I, Mark II, Mark IV

- Mark III first because it will always be my favorite, Mark V next because it's a brilliant design solution to a seeming impossible problem, and the II and IV lag behind since they're just earlier versions of the III and VI respectively.

Actual figure wise, and I'm guessing here on the V based on pics:
Mark I, Mark VI, Mark V, Mark IV, Mark II, Mark III

- Now this does not include the new Mark II. The Mark I first because, well look at it. It's just impressive for complexity and being a dude inside a suit. The Mark VI because it's the best of the modern HT Iron Man toy design, V next for similar reasons and being different from the IV which is next. II before the III because for some reason the proportions always look better on the II even though they're the same mold. The II and III at the back simply because they're pretty outdated and the weird proportions drive me nuts. Can't wait for the new ones.
Tomorrow is the day I've been waiting for since my first day collecting! :panic:

Mark V will be miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine! :rock :panic: