Hot Toys MMS 145 - Iron Man 2 - Mark V 1/6 limited edition collectible specs + pics

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Bollocks. Mine isn't even scheduled to arrive until the 18th.
Amazon Prime's two day shipping has me spoiled. I shouldn't expect speedy delivery....but I do.
I guess I'm kind of an arse that way.

But hell, I'll just be glad to have it. It's silly to complain about such things when you look at the *real* problems in the world. We're all fortunate that we're in a twist about a plastic doll, when there are brazillians of people out there who have REAL problems.

Sorry for the lecture. That's mostly for myself. I gotta write things out to remind myself to keep things in perspective.

Now....where's my TOYS?!!!!
har har
It's silly to complain about such things when you look at the *real* problems in the world. We're all fortunate that we're in a twist about a plastic doll, when there are brazillians of people out there who have REAL problems.

If you ever have a crisis of conscience and want to throw all your toys away because you feel guilty for having them when there are starving kids in Africa etc. I'll gladly take them off your hands! :mummy

Can't wait to get this! My dealer will have it in next week.
I just ordered this figure with the cash I got from my birthday.
I have a question though, when I went to check out it said I had to agree to a deposit,but the ordering page had no details about the deposit. Did I just get scammed? LOL!
Also how soon does SSC ship these since they're in stock.
I tried looking for shipping quotes but there weren't any other options.
If you ever have a crisis of conscience and want to throw all your toys away because you feel guilty for having them when there are starving kids in Africa etc. I'll gladly take them off your hands! :mummy

Can't wait to get this! My dealer will have it in next week.

Actually, I have this problem. Each time I enjoy the things I own, I often feel guilty. I give to charity every time I can, but it doesn't seem to help. I'll tell ya, when I see those kids in Africa dying from starvation or malnutrition, or those women in Afghanistan and Iran being treated like dirt, it puts things in perspective real fast. I try to never forget it, so maybe that's why I often feel guilty even though I can't change things by myself.
Just got this. This is my first IM figure and it is awesome. I am liking this better than my batman DX02 and TF Batman!
The lack of a Tony sculpt is holding me on buying it. Hope I dont regret it.
I would've had Iron Patriot over the Gun Metal version.

I wonder if that infringes into their license. While a Gray Iron Man isn't film accurate by any means, taking a design that is established in the comics and trying to overlay it onto the film pieces might not be within their abilities. Marvel is very strict with their licenses and I'm sure now that the Mouse is involved it'll be more so.

I remember a while back SSC reps said the reason why we haven't seen Ultimate PFs or Marvel Zombie pieces is because Marvel themselves considers them different licenses that would have to be negotiated so SSC can play with whatever is considered 616 but outside of that they'd have to pay up. If that is still the case I would imagine that an Iron Patriot even with a Mark IV base would still cause issue with HT since they seem to only have film licenses. Just like if they decided to try for a Silver Centurion or Extremis suit directly if they'd get ____ because they aren't exactly color variants but attempts to mimic comic looks with the film basis.
Just got mine not too long ago...though one of the fingers came off from the hand...small defect

Overall a greta and solid piece and this is one of the most flexible head Ironman has...his head can virtually look everywhere, =D




I've been thinking about completing an Avengers team, but I just can't get enthused about the Thor figure. There's nothing WRONG with it, it just doesn't do anything for me. And I liked the movie quite a bit.
Maybe they will do another version for the Avengers flick. I'm hoping for another Black Widow too, since I missed the boat on that one and I amn't paying the vig for a new/used one. I feel like enough of a doof with my large plastic DUDES. Getting what will look like a weird Barbie doll is almost (almost) a bridge too far.....almost.
I've been thinking about completing an Avengers team, but I just can't get enthused about the Thor figure. There's nothing WRONG with it, it just doesn't do anything for me. And I liked the movie quite a bit.
Maybe they will do another version for the Avengers flick. I'm hoping for another Black Widow too, since I missed the boat on that one and I amn't paying the vig for a new/used one. I feel like enough of a doof with my large plastic DUDES. Getting what will look like a weird Barbie doll is almost (almost) a bridge too far.....almost.

It's funny, I really don't know why so many people don't like the Thor figure, I love it, it's probably the one I pose and fiddle with most of all. I was really surprised that not everyone likes it, it's great.
It's funny, I really don't know why so many people don't like the Thor figure, I love it, it's probably the one I pose and fiddle with most of all. I was really surprised that not everyone likes it, it's great.

It is a great figure, just that everyone is hopping for the Avengers movie version to be even better. :lol
Yeah that's it. It looks great and I'm sure the quality is top notch. It just doesn't scream BUY ME when I look at it. I think it has to do with the filmmakers costume design.