Hot Toys MMS 145 - Iron Man 2 - Mark V 1/6 limited edition collectible specs + pics

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My Mark V with Whiplash...sorry for the crappy pics.
Just got mine from Alter Ego, love it! Now I want to display it with Whiplash, anyone know hich link to how to bleach the Whiplash outfit? Thanks
Quick question on the bleaching of Whiplash:
Do you need to remove the clothing or can the bleach solution be applied with like....a Q-tip or something?
I may have borked my Mark V's right arm. When you remove the hands, are the....armor bits on the back of the hands supposed to stay attacked to the hand? Or the arm?

Because it looks for all the world like that flappy bit of armor is *attached* to the back of the hands. But that can't be right....can it? Dang I'm tired....

Wrong thread.... but the hand guard should stay attached on the forearm and not the fist/hand. Yours as many have, paint not properly dried stucked them together...
Got mine, love it. Although I must admit the ThreeA Grunt I got the same day is bogarting more of my attention.

I get what people wanted with the silver paintjob but I don't understand why anyone expected anything different from what we got. It matched the silver parts on all the other IM2 figures exactly and looks like the promo pics.
Finally arrived today, its a freaking sweet IM piece. It also seems a bit more stable and sturdy than the Mark IV and VI, which is nice. Not that I'm going to tossing them off the balcony or anything, but its nice having a solid IM figure for a change.

I did have some trouble with one of the wrist guards popping off when taking off the god-forsaken plastic wrap, but likely it wasn't broken and just snapped into place.

Still, good to finally get this figure, considering its been on PO for about a year or so. Funny, just when I think I'm burnt out on Iron Man, I'll get the new one and fall right back into 'Iron Fan' mode. For all I care, Hot Toys can continue milking this line with as many figures as they want, and I'll still be interested. Hell, at this point I'd gladly buy a Pepper Potts figure.
I think coupled with Tron2 the Iron Man films have had some of the best if not the best conceptual film design done in decades so I'll never get tired of the Iron Man stuff.
Wrong thread.... but the hand guard should stay attached on the forearm and not the fist/hand. Yours as many have, paint not properly dried stucked them together...

I was wondering the same thing, I kept thinking and looking at it, until I tried to pop it off, it did. Bad thing though is the guard then came completely off from the end of the forearm, I hooked it back , put the flex finger hand (left hand) on, but now the guard just flops back and forth. It's really loose and I'm afraid it's going to fall off when I handle the figure.
I don't understand why HT dosen't just package these figures with the articulated hands installed. There really isn't much reason for the other hands.
has someone tried this look before? I think it looks kinda neat. At least for a few days..
Just got mine in from Toys2. I think i'll leave it non battle damaged. Only concern is there's some slight discoloration on the back of the shoulders. not sure if that's normal or not. Not sure if I should mention it or not