Hot Toys - MMS 191 - Iron Man 3 - Tony Stark Specs & Pics

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I agree, I thought it would be less than the Joker 2.0 something between $249 to $259.

This is still to good to pass up, so i will PO this in the near future

If you have the NRD, I would order it now. I have seen many of the Iron-man items go out of stock really fast. I think the movie mark 6 was sold out the next day but there was only 3,000 of them.

But really if your top price is $260 and SSC price is $280 even BBTS is $270 I really don't see the problem. I have seen people on the Gantry form now buying them from eBay at a much higher price. It's less then the cost of going to Starbucks for 3 days.
$279 and SS isn't even offering free shipping.... really SS? You are charging $50 to import these?

Well in the US it's only $10. I paid $22 for my Iron Monger and Tumbler. As a rule most items cost me about $14/18.00 and I only live about two hours away from them.

Besides the import fee's are set by where you live not by SSC. So unless you buy it from a local dealer (where they still would have to pay some kind of fee's) your still going to pay them.
I don't care as much about the shipping as I do the $50 to import these from HK...that's craziness....especially when you get one that has QC issues and all SS does is offer you a measly SS credit.
I'm hoping the price is because of all the accessories and the stage and that its almost akin to a DX figure. Hopefully figures with the normal amount of stuff is going to stay around the prices they have been. I'm definitely passing on this.
Man, I really want him! What to do, what to do..... Thor 2 is coming up..... but I really want Tony and I like this version. And if we ever got a Pepper, *magic!*
This figure is fantastic! But I've got my $ budgeted for other higher priority things....this is great for hardcore IM fans though!

I am thinking maybe I wont be ordering from SSC. I like to order from them, so this makes me sad. But they are giving me zero incentive.
Even at 258 from AE, I just don't think its worth it. Maybe I'll just pick up Dummy and the table when its released. Kinda depends how important the scene is to the film, if its just a couple of minutes or a major part of the story.

I remember seeing the first concept art showed him wearing this outfit and getting apprehended by some guys. so maybe its in more than one scene.
Well, it really depends on you. Do you think this is worth it? It's going to cost me $310.99 to get it from SSC. Are you able to order it from them? Then again why are you ordering it from HK?

Well, I never tried to order them from SSC honestly, but I heard that fees once the figure arrives are really expensive, that's why I'm distrustful about buying with them.
Very expensive, but I think I might get it. I was going to spend a good chunk making a custom version anyway by getting a new Truetype body and stuff, so having an authentic body with the arc reactor is great. It won't hurt my wallet too much because I was planning to skip the Avengers figures (except for Black Widow and maybe Cap), since they'll all likely be getting new figures from their sequels and the Avengers sequel.
As much as I like the figure, Hot Toys have gotten to the point where I'm priced out. $280 for this figure is flat out ridiculous. I can't make excuses anymore for the company.
I'm kind of wanting to know what else will show between now and the beginning of 2014 before I commit to much. I'm hoping for another Star Wars release and some Thor characters that have yet to be made, like Heimdall and Sif. Also looking forward to the Mandarin and what else IM3 has to offer once they get a somewhat plain Tony Stark out of the way. Also hoping against hope for something else from Tron.
I think 2013 will be much easier on my budget than my 2012 quest to get all of the Avengers.
Well, I never tried to order them from SSC honestly, but I heard that fees once the figure arrives are really expensive, that's why I'm distrustful about buying with them.

Well the Fee's are really set by where you live not by SSC. If you where to order from AE/BBTS your going to get the same kind of fee's. Plus reading the boards. BBTS seems to mark things at it's full retail price not the price you paid for it.

If the fee's are really that much of a problem get to know someone in the US that you trust. They can have it ship to them and then they can ship it to you at a lower value. I still fine it odd (and glad) that everything I get from overseas does not have any can of fee's to it. Seems to be when it goes from the US.