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I got mine. mine is really dark :mad: don't know what to do with it


BTW, I just spent 2 hours trying to futz out a better Chewie and came up with nothing. In fact, the more you mess with the hair on the face, the more frizzy it gets....

Other than freeing the chin hair and fluffing the sides and mild styling, I'd say leave the damn thing alone. It is what it is.

How bad is it out of the box though? Didn't davejames post pics straight from the box or did he futz his Chewie up? Aside from those derpy/hungover/goofy eyes from his pics, his Chewie has looked the best so far...
Matrix still has the best Chewie, and paramore's is very nice too. I'm sure it's 25% luck of the draw and 75% skill of the futzer with these.
I'm really not trying to mislead people into thinking the face is lighter than it is (I just happen to light things a bit brighter than most I think).

Thanks for the follow up pics. Your very first pics with the filter/bad sensor had me second guessing myself!
I got mine. mine is really dark :mad: don't know what to do with it

I'm wondering if its worth the very expensive experiment to completely remove the fur from the head? Seems loose in many places on mine around the cheeks and eyes. If I could get the fur off the face, eliminating the restrictions, I might be able to work lighter fur into the dark fur, then re-glue the fur back on the head.

Of course this sounds simple. :lol

BTW, I just spent 2 hours trying to futz out a better Chewie and came up with nothing. In fact, the more you mess with the hair on the face, the more frizzy it gets....

Other than freeing the chin hair and fluffing the sides and mild styling, I'd say leave the damn thing alone. It is what it is.

Well... I've gone from concerned to downright fearful.:lol

Seems loose in many places on mine around the cheeks and eyes.


Huh. Fearful to terrified.
How bad is it out of the box though? Didn't davejames post pics straight from the box or did he futz his Chewie up? Aside from those derpy/hungover/goofy eyes from his pics, his Chewie has looked the best so far...

If you're expecting davejames Chewbacca out of the box, you will be severely disappointed.

Give up denial. You've seen plenty of pictures now, you have a very good idea what you're gonna get. Don't wish; accept.

I consider myself a fairly good futzer... Two hours got me this...

Final 1.jpgFinal 4.jpg

FLASH.......................... no flash....
Really don't love the mouth. I don't think Chewy's mouth ever had that look. This same head with a closed mouth would have looked better.
Davejames is an understated master - that guy just goes on like nothing and then BAM, posts something to blow you away, whether it be a fully custom Darth Vader sculpt (from scratch) or a "simple" Chewie futz while sitting in his car.

Sorry, but the photos of Chewie from the early Hong Kong shipments were absolutely "meh" and most of them underexposed and badly color shifted so you just couldn't see anything at all (look, here;s Chewie in a pitch black room). You guys taking all the new photos are showing this guy at his best.
If you're expecting davejames Chewbacca out of the box, you will be severely disappointed.
Give up denial. You've seen plenty of pictures now, you have a very good idea what you're gonna get. Don't wish; accept.
I consider myself a fairly good futzer... Two hours got me this...
FLASH.......................... no flash....

It honestly looks like two completely different figures to me.

Did you take a picture of it straight out of the box?

I hope I can get it to the point where it looks pretty good. I like the right Chewie in your pic, looks fine to me. I would be happy with it.
I think this figure is absolutely superb. I've hardly futzed mine at all and I think it looks fantastic for ANH Chewie. (Even though I've photographed him in front of my ESB poster. LOL).



I'm going to try to lightly dry brush my Chewie's face. As that early photoshop showed, he needs to be lighter in the face to bring out the detail.

Mine gets here this week.
Really sorry if people aren't happy with their Chewies. :( I think one thing that might help is futzing him into more of a messier ROTJ look like I have, since it was established pretty early on in here that that was the simplest and easiest look to achieve with him.

As for mine, I decided to be brave and give the chalk pastel a try, and I think it actually worked pretty well! I'm not exactly sure what color that is that I pulled out of an old box, but it matches with the lighter hair almost perfectly, with the only difference being that it doesn't have the same sheen as the real hair. I tried to just dab it on lightly with either my finger or the chalk, pulling some of thicker strands out so I could highlight those. And using a small stiff brush to help blend it in if it got too chunky. I found as long as you take it slow, it's pretty easy to control (and brush out if need be). And there's no need to spray any fixative either, since the pastel holds pretty well on it's own. The areas I tried to highlight the most were the bridge of the nose, around the brow, and the chin. With a little bit of dusting on the front of the face as well.

I don't want to guarantee any results or anything (and please don't sue me if it doesn't work ;)), but I definitely recommend trying the chalk pastel first before airbrushing or drybrushing (since I imagine that would probably make the hair even stiffer than it already is). I would also try to loosen or soften a lot of the hair on the face first, and not lay the pastel down on any of that nasty glued down stuff.


And here it is on my shelf, under the same lighting as before, and with a final before and after shot (where you can definitely see the difference now in the chin):

IMG_0955 (498x800).jpg
IMG_0949 (561x800).jpg

Unfortunately I still have no clue what to do about the damn eyes. Although I guess the one good thing about them being so dark is you can't notice how small and cross-eyed they are (and my Chewie also seems to look really sleepy for some strange reason as well). Lol