1/6 Hot Toys - MMS 262 - Star Wars Episode IV - 1/6th scale Chewbacca Collectible Figure

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Unfortunately I still have no clue what to do about the damn eyes.

You need to hire the lighting technician responsible for keeping the spots on Morticia Adams

I got my Chewy on Friday. I haven't really spent much time trying to fuzz it yet but I think it looks pretty dang good anyway (of course its not perfect but its the best we got and I don't really want to wait 2 years for another one) and he will fit in nicely in the Jabba setup.

Darth Maddens 2015 Spooktacular Answer The Question Contest 2/10:
What do Sheldon Cooper and a Black Hole have in common?
(This is for a contest in the spooktacular thread. Pease do not post the answer here.)
Nice Job davejames with the pastels. Looks a lot better. As for the lack of shine, perhaps a light coat of a satin acrylic varnish to bring some of the sheen back
I bet this becomes the most expensive Hot Toys Star Wars figure in a 12 - 18 months.

$450 - 500 within a year (from now) for the single. $650 - 700 for the exclusive 2 pack.

Remember he'll be in the new movies and who knows if they'll re-release him with all the hassle to manufacture him. And with all the other characters they've gotta cover.
Don't see that happening. They likely made a million of these so secondary market should be well saturated. And not possible they won't re-release sometime. First run would have to be the most troublesome. Now that they've got the formula, a second iteration should be easier.
^ Yeah that would be the one good thing about a TFA Chewie. He's clearly a lot lighter in color than we've ever seen him before (I guess from age?), that HT won't have a choice but to lighten him up.

Although knowing our luck, they'll go too far and make him fully blonde this time, and we'll actually have to go in and darken him. :D
Really sorry if people aren't happy with their Chewies. :( I think one thing that might help is futzing him into more of a messier ROTJ look like I have, since it was established pretty early on in here that that was the simplest and easiest look to achieve with him.

As for mine, I decided to be brave and give the chalk pastel a try, and I think it actually worked pretty well! I'm not exactly sure what color that is that I pulled out of an old box, but it matches with the lighter hair almost perfectly, with the only difference being that it doesn't have the same sheen as the real hair. I tried to just dab it on lightly with either my finger or the chalk, pulling some of thicker strands out so I could highlight those. And using a small stiff brush to help blend it in if it got too chunky. I found as long as you take it slow, it's pretty easy to control (and brush out if need be). And there's no need to spray any fixative either, since the pastel holds pretty well on it's own. The areas I tried to highlight the most were the bridge of the nose, around the brow, and the chin. With a little bit of dusting on the front of the face as well.

I don't want to guarantee any results or anything (and please don't sue me if it doesn't work ;)), but I definitely recommend trying the chalk pastel first before airbrushing or drybrushing (since I imagine that would probably make the hair even stiffer than it already is). I would also try to loosen or soften a lot of the hair on the face first, and not lay the pastel down on any of that nasty glued down stuff.

View attachment 217698

And here it is on my shelf, under the same lighting as before, and with a final before and after shot (where you can definitely see the difference now in the chin):

View attachment 217699
View attachment 217700
View attachment 217701

Unfortunately I still have no clue what to do about the damn eyes. Although I guess the one good thing about them being so dark is you can't notice how small and cross-eyed they are (and my Chewie also seems to look really sleepy for some strange reason as well). Lol
That is incredible work man. That is so good. He definitely looks just like the ROTJ Chewie.
Nicely done!
That is incredible work man. That is so good. He definitely looks just like the ROTJ Chewie.
Nicely done!

Thanks, appreciate it.

One other thing I just did was paint the nose a bit darker and shinier. After looking at some Chewie pics, the current nose just seemed a bit too light and gray to me.
Took the cue given by davejames on using pastels... but unfortunately I have no pastels, but I do have my wife's make-up all over the bathroom. Easy to find the right delicate color. :lol

I didn't go crazy, just a subtle brushing across the brow, the cheeks and chin. Not certain it even shows in these wide shots but the facial area is noticeably lighter in hand.

Below are ALL with make-up... NOT before-and-after... and suddenly you can see the eyes!

Chew COMP 1.jpg

Thanks davejames for the excellent idea! :duff
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Hot Toys - MMS 262 - Star Wars Episode IV - 1/6th scale Chewbacca Collectible...

So not only do we have to brush our dolls' hair, we have to put make up on them too? Yes, thanks, davejames for taking this hobby to that next level. :lol
So, has anyone received a Chewie with a bandolier pouch the correct length (i.e. down his thy)? And is there really a V2 head on later production runs? If so, what is the difference? :)
Re: Hot Toys - MMS 262 - Star Wars Episode IV - 1/6th scale Chewbacca Collectible...

So not only do we have to brush our dolls' hair, we have to put make up on them too? Yes, thanks, davejames for taking this hobby to that next level. :lol

Haha, you're so welcome. :lol And awesome job with the makeup Wor-Gar!
So, has anyone received a Chewie with a bandolier pouch the correct length (i.e. down his thy)? And is there really a V2 head on later production runs? If so, what is the difference? :)

No they're all the same too-short length unfortunately. But it's pretty easy to add a little extension in the back and it does seem to improve the look quite a bit I think. And it's not like we'll be seeing these from the back that often anyway.

And I haven't really seen any difference between these figures and the earlier ones people were getting.