1/6 Hot Toys - MMS 262 - Star Wars Episode IV - 1/6th scale Chewbacca Collectible Figure

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I think it's better to just keep it in pristine unopened condition.

Yeah about that... I just opened a Star Wars toy that had been sitting MIB for 40 years. To my horror the plastic had severe staining and discoloration. The black plastic pieces leaked an ink-like residue that permanently stained the white plastic. Just saying that sometimes it's better to open it and let it breathe.
Yeah about that... I just opened a Star Wars toy that had been sitting MIB for 40 years. To my horror the plastic had severe staining and discoloration. The black plastic pieces leaked an ink-like residue that permanently stained the white plastic. Just saying that sometimes it's better to open it and let it breathe.

I don't plan on keeping it.
Chewie getting hassled by the Fuzz.

"Yes officer, I have an open-carry permit."

"Just checking. You can go about your business. Please!"



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Wow, that Chewie looks amazing! Very nice work there :)
I think it's better to just keep it in pristine unopened condition.

Ya, to each their own. I figure it's about the turnover in your collection. If you're planning to sell him at some point later on, then certainly all the better for keeping it mint and wrapped up. If it's for your enjoyment, absolutely open him up! I'd check him at the very least, make sure nothing is broken or missing, or damaged...
I don't plan on keeping it.

If you're returning it, then no problem, but if you're selling it, you definitely need to open it. I'll give you a little worst-case scenario:

Buyer: "Hey, when I opened the box there was this Hasbro Chewbacca inside! Are you trying to rip me off?"

And now you're screwed. :)
If you're returning it, then no problem, but if you're selling it, you definitely need to open it. I'll give you a little worst-case scenario:

Buyer: "Hey, when I opened the box there was this Hasbro Chewbacca inside! Are you trying to rip me off?"

And now you're screwed. :)

Yeah, I was thinking that cause since we live in a dishonest world a person buying it can come up with that story. I see these kinds of auctions on EBay with a sealed shipper box and who's to say once that buyer gets it, he won't say it was an empty package.
You have to CYA on eBay more so than most other places. I take detailed photos of everything I post for sale, then more while packing and one final one of the package. Even still there's reason to be cautious.
You have to CYA on eBay more so than most other places. I take detailed photos of everything I post for sale, then more while packing and one final one of the package. Even still there's reason to be cautious.

Pixel is right. I just filed a claim for "item not as described." Guy claimed item was near mint in his listing but my idea of what "near mint" was and his idea differ greatly. You gotta CYA otherwise ebay sides with the buyer in about 99% of cases.
I refuse to use ebay to sell anything ever again.

The few times I did, they were "lot" listings of cards and games and figures. Back in 2007 or 2008, the reason for which my disdain occurred, a dumb ***** of a **** was filing chargebacks against people she had been buying goods from, claiming that all along it was a stolen credit card, from her own son, no less. I was, unfortunately, one of the victims. Even though the billing addresses matched the shipping address and what have you.

So, I was out $110 dollars (which was nothing to scoff at before the housing market crisis) and a couple of mint McFarlane AvP figures. Needless to say, ebay can go **** itself. The ONLY time I ever do business there is when my OCD kicks in and there's just no other place to go.

Phew, rant over. But yeah... that's where I had to get Han. -_-
You're not safe from a chargeback anywhere, eBay or otherwise. Once the credit issuer stands (firmly) behind their customer, the merchant/seller is done.
So, let me get this straight... a cheap ass mom can call up her bank or cc company and simply state, "my son stole my card and used it without my permission to buy a bunch of expensive toys and collectibles" and then just get away scot-free with all the goods and essentially a refund of credit?

Not only would that not have happened if I were in her shoes, but I would probably go to jail for fraud. Something was never right about the whole thing and ebay folded very quickly, after they claimed to be fighting the company that filed the chargeback.

Protecting your buyers is a common sense business practice. However, if you don't protect your merchants, they will go elsewhere. And if there are no merchants... there are no buyers. Ebay is not invincible and one day they will fall, if they continue the poor service they are complacent to give fellow merchants. No doubt this revelation came to the attention of some higher ups, which created the ensuing pressure from investors to split the companies last year. More and more people use Amazon now, even though they are only a shy better in certain respects.

And now I'm rambling. In a thread. About a giant walking dog.

And here he is, refutzed, inside his plastic prison:

So, let me get this straight... a cheap ass mom can call up her bank or cc company and simply state, "my son stole my card and used it without my permission to buy a bunch of expensive toys and collectibles" and then just get away scot-free with all the goods and essentially a refund of credit?

Yes. That has always been the case. Long before eBay, long before anyone knew what the internet was. It's up to the credit card company to verify the claim with information from their customers (borrower and merchant).

Something was never right about the whole thing and ebay folded very quickly, after they claimed to be fighting the company that filed the chargeback.

eBay has no choice. They can't do anything to stop a chargeback except to provide evidence as to why one may not have merit or may be fraud. At the end of the day however, the credit card company's decision stands. So when you're looking at fraud, it doesn't really matter if the transaction was made via eBay or your own store. The most significant difference is the presence of additional middlemen - eBay and PayPal in this instance. If you had your own merchant account, you'd be dealing with your merchant account issuer directly.
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That sounds wholly corrupt. If billing and shipping addresses match a purchase... then it's fraud. She was reported to every authority on top of that.
That sounds wholly corrupt. If billing and shipping addresses match a purchase... then it's fraud.

It is, but it doesn't matter. The credit card company, being the ones who lend the money, have all the control. Imagine this scenario...

I scam someone's credit card details and along with it their personal details such as address. I go on an online shopping spree and make sure to make orders that will ship in/within a predictable timetable and delivered to the billing address. Now I watch that address and wait for the delivery trucks - maybe I pretend to be doing gardening or working on my car in the driveway. Maybe I just wait to see which packages are left at the door. Pick up goods, then leave.

That's fraud against both the seller and the credit card holder. It happens, which is why the credit card company can't simply take the delivery address as proof that the credit card holder is committing fraud themselves.

Everyone in business is pissed off by loss, but it's a recognized fact of doing business. As a merchant or potential merchant you can make a choice to accept these fact and deal with them or you can stop doing business. Theft/fraud aren't going away.
Just wanted to share a quick shot I just took of Chewie now that I have him all combed out. This is straight out of the box, no pastels or fur lightening of any kind. Just working with the lighting a tiny bit. See what you think!
