Best Chewie period. I don't think anyone has nailed the ANH look half as well as Matrix has.
Thanks,i used a damp cotton dud around the eyes to make them a little more visible and a dry brushing of acrylic paints to lighten the face. Black gioss for the nose and a light dry brushing of black to the forehead. My favorite look for chewie are those first scenes in the cantina and on the falcon which is what i was trying to achieve.
Yes dampen around the eyes and sides of the nose til you have the look you want. I also mixed a wee drop of hair gel with water to help flatten and give the mustache a better shape.
does anyone have any tips for loosening the beard to reduce the 'coconut' effect of the muzzle? Mine seems pretty well stuck down, do I just dampen the hair or could that cause problems? Thanks.
I had been putting off getting him for ages but, once I did, wow. Such an impressive piece with a little work.