I love everything about that version of the character. All about Bond Villain-style Vader
Darth Vader is better than any Bond villain that has appeared in 24 Bond films.
I love everything about that version of the character. All about Bond Villain-style Vader
Darth Vader is better than any Bond villain that has appeared in 24 Bond films.
Heres a pic of mine (posted before in another thread).
No mods were done at all, just a little futzing and adjusting of his belt & codpeice. Hope this helps! Its a beautiful figure straight out of the box imo
Looks great, thank you.
I notice everyone takes photos below eye level. Is that to help with the helmet misplacement? The futzing makes all the difference. I think I'm going to pull the trigger this week.
I think with Vader it's more what we're used to seeing in the movies, but with this helmet in particular I think above is it's worst angle. Face mask starts to have a bit of the look of the prototype that had everyone running for the hills.
I think with Vader it's more what we're used to seeing in the movies, but with this helmet in particular I think above is it's worst angle. Face mask starts to have a bit of the look of the prototype that had everyone running for the hills.
Great photos. Glad to see photos taking center stage again. Any coupons this month?