Hot Toys - MMS: IM2- WAR MACHINE (Special/MILK Version)

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I said I wouldn't...but I just got nearly 5K for my ugly AVP why not. :yess::yess::yess:
I'm pretty sure there are a few collectors are out there who purchased this figure not because they truly liked it, but because they didn't want to ruin their "completist streak" with IM related mark suits.
I'm sure that happened. I would be willing to lean more towards there are more people like me that like it and want to get all the armor versions.
I love IM but i'll only get the ones i like. I don't like the look of the Stealth one so i won't get that. I love everything about this WM, well i would have liked it a bit cheaper but this is the price so i'll have to pay it if i wan't it. :lol
Looking at this again.....and going back and forth, I've cancelled it. End of the day this will cost over $300+. It's just not worth that much considering I only paid $200 for the original WM. After Cap, I can't see myself buying anymore HTs. For me, they priced themselves out of the market.
Looking at this again.....and going back and forth, I've cancelled it. End of the day this will cost over $300+. It's just not worth that much considering I only paid $200 for the original WM. After Cap, I can't see myself buying anymore HTs. For me, they priced themselves out of the market.

5-7 years ago, if anyone were to ask you guys if you would pay $300 for an action figure, many of you would've laughed then.

Today, when I anticipate this industry selling $500-$750 for figures by 5-7 years from now, many of you might laugh now. :lol I laugh because it WILL happen.
5-7 years ago, if anyone were to ask you guys if you would pay $300 for an action figure, many of you would've laughed then.

Today, when I anticipate this industry selling $500-$750 for figures by 5-7 years from now, many of you might laugh now. :lol I laugh because it WILL happen.

I don't mind paying more for an awesome figure, but a a basic repaint with less accessories?? Nope. :cuckoo: Would have bought it for the original WM price, but a man has to draw the line somewhere. I'm happy for those who can afford it though, enjoy :)
I don't mind paying more for an awesome figure, but a a basic repaint with less accessories?? Nope. :cuckoo: Would have bought it for the original WM price, but a man has to draw the line somewhere. I'm happy for those who can afford it though, enjoy :)

It should at least come with an extra Cheadle head, and maybe some switch out battle damage armor of some type (like the Mark VI). Then that would somewhat justify the price.
Pre-ordered with my local HT distributor. At $230 (exclude shipping), this is expensive but I like the War Machine design and I just have to get this although I have the original War Machine.

Now, I have to decide which pre-order items on my list to cancel to compensate for the cost of getting this...
5-7 years ago, if anyone were to ask you guys if you would pay $300 for an action figure, many of you would've laughed then.

Today, when I anticipate this industry selling $500-$750 for figures by 5-7 years from now, many of you might laugh now. :lol I laugh because it WILL happen.

Collecting Hot Toys is definitely a far cry from the days of the early 2000's when all I collected were the smaller McFarlane's, Transformers, and Star Wars stuff. But the way I see it now, I don't have to spend $10-50 here and there to buy various figures that are just gonna clog my shelves and would rather put that money into owning more quality pieces, even it it means I'll be owning "less" toys.

Prices will continue to inflate and if you're gonna be worried about what the Mk XII may cost in 7 years, you might as well just stop collecting these now to save you the frustration:lol
I personally love this fig. I do agree with the fact that it should have come with a Cheadle (sp?) head.
Pre-ordered with my local HT distributor. At $230 (exclude shipping), this is expensive but I like the War Machine design and I just have to get this although I have the original War Machine.

Now, I have to decide which pre-order items on my list to cancel to compensate for the cost of getting this...

Same here for some other items, having to prioritize by cancelling lesser collectibes.




