Hot Toys - MMS143 - Spider-Man 3 official specs and pics

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If there is a way to strip this TT someone will do it and part it out. The thing is it'll cost almost damn near as much as buying the figure out right once you factor in shipping 9/10 times.
its a good figure. i didnt expect it to be completely accurate, but it seems that there are plenty of things not accurate with the colors, suit patterns, web design, and most importantly, the spider logo. I'm not expecting them to overhaul the whole thing, but i hope they at least fix the spider logo. i will wait and see with this one. Good price on it though.........

HT does read fan input... but whining here and in their Facebook page doesn't make these things happen... but hey, whoa!!! Double rainbow!!!

If I could, I would line up the same whiners and moaners who go from thread to thread like a bunch of locusts, and personally round house their heads Chuck Norris style. No joke. Proper irritating :)
nah. i think it's your kind who are always irritating. "whiners" are at least talking about the toys. whiners who whine about the whiners are always a waste of bandwidth. not everyone has to share your taste and eyesight. you want everyone to see things the same way you do? go live in north korea.
I'd like darker webbing just because it's closer to the comic look but comparing the details of this figure to Spider-Man 3 pics seems like a waste. I mean, does anyone love SM3 so much that they need a 100% accurate version down to the smallest detail? It's Spidey, that's all that matters to me.
nah. i think it's your kind who are always irritating. "whiners" are at least talking about the toys. whiners who whine about the whiners are always a waste of bandwidth. not everyone has to share your taste and eyesight. you want everyone to see things the same way you do? go live in north korea.

Yeah, some people take this toy thing a bit too seriously.
I like the figure and I don't care about Tobey's head. I guess HT had to choose between fabric attached mask or plastic removable head and I think they choosed the better option IMO. I believe they will release in the future a street clothes Peter Parker as Medicom did for all those who want a Tobey Maguire head so badly.

What I don't like at all is those ugly hard plastic boots. Spidey NEEDS ankle articulation. I would love to pose Spidey this way:

It's impossible to do it with plastic boots. Please HT fix this and go for fabric boots as you did with the mask!!!!

Medicom's Spiderman 3 figure wasn't a bad figure when released, even now I like it pretty much. Only thing I hate about this figure is plastic boots and now, years later HT makes the same mistake. :slap

Fabric boots please!! I'm not asking for magic, it can be done as you can see with this customs:

They'll be a custom Tobey head I'm sure. People around here did it for the Medi, I don't see this being any different. I like Spider-Man but personally unlike Iron Man don't need variations of the same figure masked and unmasked so I'm happy with what we are getting to a degree, enough to definitely buy it. Looking forward to the black suited version.
Yep... and people said they would be happy if it was even half as good as that custom... and it is (+ more accurate)...
Call it wishful thinking, but I can really see HT fixing the boot/ankle articulation problem before release. I doubt the hands will get any love, but truth be told they don't bother me nearly as much as the boots. It wouldn't take much for them to develop some articulated "boot feet" to go under the costume IMO.
They'll be a custom Tobey head I'm sure. People around here did it for the Medi, I don't see this being any different. I like Spider-Man but personally unlike Iron Man don't need variations of the same figure masked and unmasked so I'm happy with what we are getting to a degree, enough to definitely buy it. Looking forward to the black suited version.

Feng did a beautiful Parker head.

You guys need to refocus your rose colored specs. HT changes nothing based on board complaints, nevermind the complaints on a US board that is dedicated to Sideshow products. Any changes that occur usually are already in process through their R&D department. Maybe from major Asian boards I could see thinking they spur change but if Sideshow doesn't listen to us on the closest thing to an official board that they have to change items, products and policy why would Hot Toys? Do they check the boards? Probably but just to get initial reactions most likely to help with deciding on whether to continue the line from various sources and even that is stretching it.

This is what you'll get, a few tweaks here and there but if you aren't happy with this then you won't be happy with the production piece.

Right no company just changes something cause its said on a board. They take it into consideration but they won't change it just cause its said on a board. Now, I would be sometimes they see something that they may have missed and go oh we should really look at if this is possible. Most things they've already caught or is being changed cause of that or Licensor request.

Sideshow, yeah, they usually don't give a ____. Firefly head may have been an exception, but I recall their saying that the potential issues of mass producing a head with that paint job was part of why they held off on it.

*puts on SS apologist hat :lol :p

Man, you don't ____ about Sideshow then. :lol Outside of SS HT may be the only company that does care a bit about customer input. Love when folks talk out their ass.

As far as the figure maybe darken the red but the rest looks damn good to me. Maybe we see this for order on Thursday.
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Man, you don't ____ about Sideshow then. :lol Outside of SS HT may be the only company that does care a bit about customer input. Love when folks talk out their ass.
I guess that's. . .why you are doing it yourself here? :monkey1

I'm not saying that Sideshow is wrong for actually releasing the products they show when "official" pics are first announced. Or that Hot Toys is right for making modifications. Just observing how they do business, respectively.

Just how are you going to get the suit off the body to buy it in the first place?

Well first you get a pair of scissors, and the guy with the fattest fingers, a rubber mallet, and oh yeah, an ebay company that likes to part these out and throw $ at it and no problem.

Cummon, people on this forum buy parts all the time and bash their own, what wrong with that:dunno

and to others why does that make us "cheap bastards?" :dunno
For the boots if they just made them out of rubber instead of hard plastic then it could have the articulation. Just like the kind that the dark knight had. That is something I see them doing