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I was charged but haven't gotten any shipping notice yet either. We'll probably get our notice tomorrow.
my wailist , converted today yeah!!!!!!! I got on right after it was sold out on the ssc website.
BBTS ships their HT a month after? Why so late?

No not that late its roughly a week after side show but what has been happening is that side show has been getting its orders in batches. So they use the first batch to fill their own orders and then once the second batch comes in they send it out the various retailers this has been roughly taking 3 weeks hence the delay.
Not sure why BBTS get their stock in so much later than just about everyone else. I don't mind the wait, it lets me cancel a PO if the in-hand reviews and pics make it out to be crap. Hasn't happened yet, but it's a good 'insurance policy' to have with figures like Indy for example, which may or may not get revisions.

Yeh, if you don't like the wait, can't stand seeing everyone else's awesome pics and reading about how cool their new Spidey is... then BBTS is not for you :wink1:

I prefer to see in hand pics as well. It gives me more time to decide whether the items is worth the purchase. So I might cancel the SS order and stay with BBTS.

The only thing is their refund policy. Store credit only? Really?
No not that late its roughly a week after side show but what has been happening is that side show has been getting its orders in batches. So they use the first batch to fill their own orders and then once the second batch comes in they send it out the various retailers this has been roughly taking 3 weeks hence the delay.

What items has this happened with BBTS lately?
My last charge for flex pay just went through but no shipping notice yet. Still waiting patiently.
Hope u guys get ur Spidey figure soon and just a humble pic of my Spidey figure in the background, =D
