Hot Toys - MMS143 - Spider-Man 3 official specs and pics

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so i only bring these up because from some of the the high-res fantastic pics in this thread mine doesn't match.

So here are the differences/problems i see...




i fixed the face being offset by popping off an eye, but my main concern is the waist webbing being wide.

from the feel of the figure i think the fat wide area is mostly because of the waist of the figure itself and not the costume, but i can't see how it widens anyone elses web pattern from the pics so far?

One of the Spiderman figures i received had a small area where the material looked fuzzed. If you take a small needle to the area you can push them back into the fabric. I would also suggest not handling the figure if you have dry/cracked fingers because they will snag the suit.
What's the stitching under the chin down the neck look like for you guys?

Mine seems "off"...

Has weird lump on his left shoulder and the entire sit is twisted to the left.

And his mask was of course off center, first time out of the box i have ever had an issue with a HT product.

Literally out of the box. i hate this figure and it makes me sad. :(

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With the level of detail & preciseness on this costume i think a few problems are to be expected, but with mine its the wide waist in my pics above that are making me consider asking for a replacement from SSC
With the level of detail & preciseness on this costume i think a few problems are to be expected, but with mine its the wide waist in my pics above that are making me consider asking for a replacement from SSC

I just noticed the spider on the back isn't centered and off to the left.


I also, can't get this lump to go away, i have tried everything i can think of:


Whatever is in the shoulder is hard, it's like having a small pebble in a sock... i can push it down into the socket but i just keeps popping up...

I am sending this figure back for a replacement asap, i honestly think there shouldn't be any issues at 150+ a pop.

What's the stitching under the chin down the neck look like for you guys?

Mine seems "off"...

Has weird lump on his left shoulder and the entire sit is twisted to the left.

And his mask was of course off center, first time out of the box i have ever had an issue with a HT product.

Literally out of the box. i hate this figure and it makes me sad. :(


Mine was exactly like yours. Yours will just need more futzing. Dont be afraid to try to adjust the fabric. For the stitch under the chin, just pull it underneath and smoothen it out with your fingers. It should almost disappear.
For the shoulders, there's a layer of clothing underneath that's there so that the Joints wont be obvious. I thought mine was broken also cause one shoulder looked smooth, then one was funky. But right out of the box, on the one with the funky shoulder, there was a lot of excess black undershirt on that arm. So I figured, by pushing that undershirt up more, it would cover the shoulders and smooth it out. Sure enough, after futzing with it, it looked just like the other shoulder. That's the reason why this figure looks bad ass, HT pretty much copied the same concept of the original Spiderman suit. Tobey wore a muscle suit underneath the regular suit, That's why he looked muscular. Hot Toys used an undershirt underneath so that it would smoothen the muscles of the truetype so it wont look toylike.

I just noticed the spider on the back isn't centered and off to the left.


If i hadn't noticed the back i probably would have dealt with the rest since i could futz those to look ok but i can't fix the spider on the back at all so I am sending this figure back for a replacement asap, i honestly think there shouldn't be any issues at 150+ a pop.


I think as I suggested above, just futz the outfit. Mine was crooked at the front, so I just futz it more to one side to even it out.
I just noticed the spider on the back isn't centered and off to the left.


Mine was exactly like yours. Yours will just need more futzing. Dont be afraid to try to adjust the fabric. For the stitch under the chin, just pull it underneath and smoothen it out with your fingers. It should almost disappear.

I think as I suggested above, just futz the outfit. Mine was crooked at the front, so I just futz it more to one side to even it out.

You can see the material in the back pushing to the left, just needs to be pushed back to the right.
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I just noticed the spider on the back isn't centered and off to the left.


I also, can't get this lump to go away, i have tried everything i can think of:


Whatever is in the shoulder is hard, it's like having a small pebble in a sock... i can push it down into the socket but i just keeps popping up...

I am sending this figure back for a replacement asap, i honestly think there shouldn't be any issues at 150+ a pop.


The reason that shoulder has a bulk is that because that's the undershirt underneath, just out of place. Its either too close to the neck or its pull too much towards the hands. Mine's exactly like that. On mine, the black undershirt was pull too much and its touching the hands. So I massaged that undershirt to go up more towards the shoulder and it smoothed out the shoulder so now its just like the other shoulder.

For the picture of the big spider at the back that's not centered, I'm almost certain if you just push that spider to the other side to center it, you'll be able to fix it.

People, FUTZ with it first. Its not broken.
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