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My left arms stitching is a lil wonky, I wouldn't even had really cared if the right arm wasn't so perfect.
Well after a night of futzin' with Spidey, he looks a bit better... i can't say i love this figure like some many do, but i certainly don't hate it...

My main issue now is that i have noticed there is a weird stitch on the open end of the sleeve causing the sleeve not to completely cover the wristpeg and making a gap between suit and hand it also makes him look like he has a weird wide wrist... this is making me nuts actually...

I do fear if i send him in for a replacement, he will end up with something else wrong with him or these issues will be worse.

I hate now being able to look at things before i buy them... i hate it!

I wish i was in one of those populated areas where the LCS would get them in or at least be able to order them.

Got mine today but I think I am going to try get a replacement. Anyone else have incredibly poor stitching on the left arm and side of the figure? Right side is stitched up good and tight but this is what the left arm looks like.

Left arm stitching

Right arm stitching

Mine actually looks pretty similar to this. Probably not uncommon.

Yeah, my figure has the inner part of the left arm stitching like that.

Just want to confirm that my Spidey also has the shoddy left arm stitching. I hadn't even noticed though, and it isn't obvious, so I could really care less.

Mine too. Didn't even think to be bothered by it.

Mine is similar. Since the suit is sewn on to the figure and some exterior stitching has to be done to do that I bet they'll all look like that.

Here are my initial thoughts about this figure:

-I have not had the feeling that it is unduly fragile. It seems very posable, and nothing has broken on mine.

-I love the boots. LOVE them! The tilting ankle makes this figure work.

-The figure IS futzable. I was able to work the left under-sleeve up into shoulder position without having to roll up the outer sleeve.

-The thunder thighs don't really bother me that much.

Here are a few pics:





Now to get to my complaints:

In the above pics you can see that he has a bump on his chin. This is from the stitching. The stitching on the top of his head doesn't stand out too much, but the chin bump is seriously noticeable.


Any suggestions for how to get rid of that?

My other complaint (and this applies to all of these guys) is the droopy drawers. I really wish the pants fit more snug in the crotch area. In standing poses (like above) it's not terribly noticeable, but in deeper poses (which would be my pose of choice) it looks really weird to me:



My other complaint (and this applies to all of these guys) is the droopy drawers. I really wish the pants fit more snug in the crotch area. In standing poses (like above) it's not terribly noticeable, but in deeper poses (which would be my pose of choice) it looks really weird to me:

I kind of wondered if taking the boots off it might let you completely pull the suit up a bit more to his crotch, but i fear if we do that it might make him look "junkless" since there is no padding there, which seems silly considering the make up of the figure.

I think if he didnt have the somewhat "droopy drawers" the suit would tear alot easier. I was kind of upset at that too at first but realized how easy it made it for him to get in some great action poses.
I got mine yesterday from SS but I'm on vacation. UPS just left it at the front door! Luckily I have a friend who lives close by to go pick it up for me at 9:30 last night. He said he won't open it. Or will he.....
Here are my initial thoughts about this figure:

-I have not had the feeling that it is unduly fragile. It seems very posable, and nothing has broken on mine.

-I love the boots. LOVE them! The tilting ankle makes this figure work.

-The figure IS futzable. I was able to work the left under-sleeve up into shoulder position without having to roll up the outer sleeve.

-The thunder thighs don't really bother me that much.


Unduly fragile? First time I read that expression used to describe him. I know I said he was delicate, mean to handle him with care and not just paw him. Reports of broken webbing, snagged cloth and broken wrist pins aside. These figures, all Hot Toy figure need to be handle gingerly. But Spiderman is posable, just think greater care needs to be given with him to make the enjoyment last. Nothing more heartbreaking then to have something go wrong with one of your high end figures.
Even with the wonky seams and stitching, it looks awesome once you stand back to admire it. I'm digging mine.
Unduly fragile? First time I read that expression used to describe him. I know I said he was delicate, mean to handle him with care and not just paw him. Reports of broken webbing, snagged cloth and broken wrist pins aside. These figures, all Hot Toy figure need to be handle gingerly. But Spiderman is posable, just think greater care needs to be given with him to make the enjoyment last. Nothing more heartbreaking then to have something go wrong with one of your high end figures.

Would he be ok with my 3 year old.