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Well, there's a decent chance he ends up in the "For Sale" thread once Reeve Superman comes in and takes his spot. So, maybe one day :D

Funny, I just traded my 2 in 1 set for.... alot as well.

You would give a $130+ adult collectible figure to a 3 year old???... Why??? :dunno

i doubt he'd give it to the child, but children have a way of getting ahold of things that you'd rather they not.

hence why i'm looking into detolf locks.


After some closer exam, i noticed there is a visible stitch vertical line on the inside of one of his arm and on the back of his head right in the middle going down towards the neck.

Just wondering if anyone else have the same, or it's a defect on my figure only.

Can you guys check yours Thanks
After some closer exam, i noticed there is a visible stitch vertical line on the inside of one of his arm and on the back of his head right in the middle going down towards the neck.

Just wondering if anyone else have the same, or it's a defect on my figure only.

Can you guys check yours Thanks

They had to stitch the figure in this suit someway. I think it was done by hand and different people worked on this.
They had to stitch the figure in this suit someway. I think it was done by hand and different people worked on this.

does that mean you have the same? it's just kind odd especially for the arm. One arm the stitch line is almost invisible while the other arm the stitch line is very visible.

It's not the end of the world, but still a bit disappointed as I held HT's products to a very high standard.
does that mean you have the same? it's just kind odd especially for the arm. One arm the stitch line is almost invisible while the other arm the stitch line is very visible.

It's not the end of the world, but still a bit disappointed as I held HT's products to a very high standard.

Just took a good look, and yeah, you can tell the left arm is hand sewn. I figured they had to hand sew it shut somewhere. Just not very noticeable on mine. Had to really look, but you can tell it's hand sewn.
I got mine earlier today and am absolutely wowed by this figure. And I don't say that about too many figures. It's so much more impressive in hand than any photo could show. And there are some impressive pics here.

I inspected mine pretty closely, and luckily it doesn't have any issues that some of you have; bad seams, broken webbing, etc. I thought I would have to pop off one of his eyes off to straighten the mask, but I was able to do it just by futzing with it. And there is some overall futzing that has to be done to straighten parts of the suit, but it's no big deal. And the box is one of the nicest HT has done. Again, so much better in hand.

If anyone is still on the fence I recommend they get off before it's too late.
I love this figure and the minor sewing issues i can deal with. I was able to compare two of these figures in hand and each had their own minor flaws. Either with the mask or the arms. With this figure i don't think you will get perfect. Also as mentioned if you are wanting this i would grab it soon!
Got him, love him!
I'm surprised at how little the articulation is hindered by the suit. This is the figure I always wanted the Medicom to be. :rock

Yes it can, in the right hands. Hence the phrase, gingerly. I myself got him in a great pose and when I get bored of it may change it. But don't feel the need to to try and see how many ways I can pose him now. With so many great photos of other collectors I can see it without the risk.

By the way with the pose I have him in now there's no 'droopy pants' :clap
I copied an aerial one from here on the forum, but don't want to look for it. I'll take a photo later, you'll recognize it I'm sure.

I look forward to seeing that. :)
Mines going back for a replacement. Just don't think i should have to deal with broken webbing for the price. (when nobody else is having the issue.)

Ah, the wait continues. Least i got as tease.