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Thanks man. Do you agree after taking pics of this that its hard to get the right lighting to capture the true look of the suit?

Absolutely. The settings I have been using to capture other figures was just not working on this guy. I made an adjustment though, and I hope my next set are closer to reality.
Absolutely. The settings I have been using to capture other figures was just not working on this guy. I made an adjustment though, and I hope my next set are closer to reality.

Yeah same here. Once my stands come in for some good air poses I'm gonna really try to capture it and do it justice....but we'll see what actually happens lol
It was more of a jab at BBTS, but they state Only Substandard Available. If it's substandard then charge it as substandard. They charge you if you want it to be pristine.

Substandard at BBTS is the same thing other stores ship you without thinking twice. It's just that they hold the "Collector Grade" stuff to a higher standard.

Everything I've ever bought from the was SuB Standard and I've never received anything worse than a dinged box, if that.
I'm with the AE bunch, just got my notice!

____e that seemed to take forever! Guess I'm just really excited to get this figure finally.
Substandard at BBTS is the same thing other stores ship you without thinking twice. It's just that they hold the "Collector Grade" stuff to a higher standard.

Everything I've ever bought from the was SuB Standard and I've never received anything worse than a dinged box, if that.

Yes, Collector, Standard, Substandard all relates to the packaging. If it doesn't matter why charge. If Collector is more money, Standard is retail, then Substandard should be less. Don't want this to be a big 'ole debate, just something that irks me nothing more.
Well, then I reckon you don't have to buy from them. But as Yo says, their "substandard" has always been perfectly fine in my experience, and would have been graded as "standard" if I were the one doing it.
Just got him a few hours ago! Check out my full photo-review here!

Here are a few pics!



Now, I'm off to see Captain America (finally)!