Hot Toys - The Dark Knight - 1/6th BATMAN (New Costume)

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I take it you haven't seen the more updated proto? The legs are fixed.

I saw it and to me, it just looks like the lighting is adding details. The overall color of Batman's lower half isn't consistent with the upper. It's almost like they used two different figures and glued the halves together.
I saw it and to me, it just looks like the lighting is adding details. The overall color of Batman's lower half isn't consistent with the upper. It's almost like they used two different figures and glued the halves together.

I disagree. To me it looks like it has been tweaked really well. The legs are more defined and the neck/head look better. To be fair, the actual suit is two tone on the upper half and consistently dark black on the legs, so I'd say this is pretty darn accurate.

I can't wait!
I disagree. To me it looks like it has been tweaked really well. The legs are more defined and the neck/head look better. To be fair, the actual suit is two tone on the upper half and consistently dark black on the legs, so I'd say this is pretty darn accurate.

I can't wait!

That's my point. I recall stating that I wasn't sure if it was or wasn't screen accurate. But even if it is, with the multiple color tones of the upper body and the solid color of the lower, it just looks "off" to me. And by off, I don't mean inaccurate, I mean visually unappealing when compared to the original.
That's my point. I recall stating that I wasn't sure if it was or wasn't screen accurate. But even if it is, with the multiple color tones of the upper body and the solid color of the lower, it just looks "off" to me. And by off, I don't mean inaccurate, I mean visually unappealing when compared to the original.

Ah, I see. I agree with you on that.
I, on the other hand, wish they take their time. Don't mind delay a few months if they can really improve the figure and make things spot on. Save me a lot of money considering getting another version. Better get this one right the first time, than having another ver.2 a year later that looks much better what you already paid for.

I agree 500%

I have not deceided yet, hot toys or medicom. Will wait untill I see the definitve versions of both wich one to buy. And none have yet a definitive version it seems.
Well TDK cape was shorter than the BEGINS one this time around.

The TDK suit always had a shorter cape than the one in BB. when the first image was released the cape not draping around batman was one of the first major changes i noticed.

strange, maybe there are different versions, long caped and short caped
wow, thats a great pic of the costume. ive never seen that before. now i do wonder about the cape, because i know it looked smaller in the other pics ive seen and i dont remember it ever draping around like that in the movie either.
here are some more





medicom still comes closer than hot toys imo
but I'll be waiting for finished products on photo
I'm thinking some of the promo images were early test shootings and then the cape was revised. The first image in Riko's post is likely the Begins cape just attached to the new suit, and in the development process they came ot make it just touch the ground like some of the other images Riko posted.
One enjoyable plus of this suit in the movie, it actually felt like Batman was armored, the movement and everything didn't bunch it up or make it look like a big inflated rubber suit around him, it looked legit and like it served a purpose, which made the action sequences that much better, he really looked like a dark Knight of Gotham. I wonder if the Batpod was designed to sort of act like a modern Knight's horse for Batman to ride around on.
One enjoyable plus of this suit in the movie, it actually felt like Batman was armored, the movement and everything didn't bunch it up or make it look like a big inflated rubber suit around him, it looked legit and like it served a purpose, which made the action sequences that much better, he really looked like a dark Knight of Gotham. I wonder if the Batpod was designed to sort of act like a modern Knight's horse for Batman to ride around on.

Definetely. Great post. I think thematically it was supposed to be like that with the bat-pod kind of being Batman's mythical horse. BTW, did you guys know that they seriously contimplated a) not having the bat-signal on the chest for TDK suit and b) not have an extended cape. Originally they were going to make him more "bat like" and he just would have wore that triangular back back you see at the begining of the Hong Kong sequence, and the cape wouldn't be visible at all until he shot them out of the backpack while gliding. And you were never supposed to see the cape while he was riding the bike, because they thought it might not be practical, but they had an even shorter version of the cape that he used to ride. Nolan said he liked the image so much of Batman speeding around with the cape flapping in the wind he kept the cape. Said he looked more intimidating, like a wraith.
Nolan said he liked the image so much of Batman speeding around with the cape flapping in the wind he kept the cape. Said he looked more intimidating, like a wraith.

I agree with Nolan, it'd look like an X-Games event without the cape on the pod, and for those getting the HT pod, works out great they wired the TDK suit figure's cape, I commented when the first pod images came out that it would look somewhate lackluster if you couldn't simulated the cape flapping in the breeze. For me, what made the pod sequences badass is not the bike itself, but the overall image of Batman flying in high speed, cape flapping behind him, very good cinematography done with that vehicle.
Yeah, definetely. That last shot is just awe inspiring. Plus, filming on the dark, dingy, rust tint, gritty Lower Whacker made him look even better on the bike.
LOL! :lol

I will always like the larger looking Begins suit. The New one makes him look smaller, which by accounts Bale acually was for DK. More trim. He was for sure less bulky than in BB. That original suit just gives him more visible mass. Makes him way more intimidating to me. Even in DK, he looks massive in that suit, When he bends that barrel down, it's like THERE's F'N BATMAN!
Hard to beat to me.
But the new suit has grown on me a lot.
Yeah, definetely. That last shot is just awe inspiring. Plus, filming on the dark, dingy, rust tint, gritty Lower Whacker made him look even better on the bike.

Yup, my favorite images are when the tunnels and ramps make this long streak of orange glow he's riding along, adds a feeling of surrealism to the shot and creates a heavenly glow to enhance the vision of the hero.
Love the scene in Deadend where Batman stands after his cape is perfectly laid out on the cement when he jumps off a building. It just rises with him. Awesome scene.
LOL! :lol

I will always like the larger looking Begins suit. The New one makes him look smaller, which by accounts Bale acually was for DK.

Actually, I was reading Sci-Fi magazine's article on the movie talking about the suit, and it said that when they went to cast Bale's body for the new suit, even though he was in a different body shape than Begins, his overall mass was just about the same. I think the difference is the design on the TDK suit allows it to be really snug on his body where I think, based on the way the suit would cave in for some poses, the Begins suit had some looseness around Bale's body, which would make sense since it looks almost like one solid suit, unlike some of the older suits where it was rubber pieces on a body suit.
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