Hot Toys - The Dark Knight - 1/6th BATMAN (New Costume)

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I feel like the only one who thought this figure looked nice from the prototype, pads don't bother me, none of it, it looked like a great figure, and not being totally like the film suit is a selling point for me.
Yeah, at SDCC the head was reworked... looked a lot better... as did the pads... I think they shrunk them down a tad.

It needed it, the older pics looked bad.

Did they go back to the old cowl with those fixed shoulders?

I think it's safe to say at this point, until an actual in hand production figure is shot, there's no telling exactly what we're going to get, seems like they may have a few protos or whatever floating around with pieces here and there, there may not be a proto on display with all the right pieces anywhere.
I feel like the only one who thought this figure looked nice from the prototype, pads don't bother me, none of it, it looked like a great figure, and not being totally like the film suit is a selling point for me.

I loved the figure from the getgo. My comment was only the hypothetical if for some reason it was viewed as inferior to MediCom I'd still want this one. I actually want this one more than the standard BB.
I think the tighter upper body armor, while closer in accurracy, makes him look more slender and wimpy, I liked the beheamoth the prototype made him look like. So far, still happy with the overall look of this figure, but I'm actually less happy with some of hte mods.
I think the tighter upper body armor, while closer in accurracy, makes him look more slender and wimpy, I liked the beheamoth the prototype made him look like. So far, still happy with the overall look of this figure, but I'm actually less happy with some of hte mods.

Yea, but that was the point of the new armor, though. to allow him to be more agile, and Bale was noticeably thinner in TDK too...while the point of the plates peeling off has veered me from Medicom's; I appreciate how true to the suit and how accurate to Bale's physique it is.
I feel like the only one who thought this figure looked nice from the prototype, pads don't bother me, none of it, it looked like a great figure, and not being totally like the film suit is a selling point for me.

Looked good before, looks even better now ;) Got it pre-ordered

Joe said that it has been delayed till October.

Tumbler and Batpod delayed until 2009.

Delayed? Happy and bummed out at that same time. On one hand, it gives my wallet a chance to recuperate (Joker expected this week!) and on the other, I'll have to wait longer!

Yup, ordered the new suit, Batpod and Tumbler too! Ouch.
pjam do you have the medicom TDK batman in hand with you? I didn't think so, you should not assume that it's not going to be inscale with 12" figure. Sure you have solid evidence that it's going to be short but till we have it in hand I wouldn't jump to conclusions.
pjam do you have the medicom TDK batman in hand with you? I didn't think so, you should not assume that it's not going to be inscale with 12" figure. Sure you have solid evidence that it's going to be short but till we have it in hand I wouldn't jump to conclusions.

Read my last post on this... time to move on.

If it's true 12" scale then there is no issue... their last BB Figure was NOT. And scale has been a problem for this Company for years...

If it is corrected on this figure, then it's about time.
Looked good before, looks even better now ;) Got it pre-ordered

Delayed? Happy and bummed out at that same time. On one hand, it gives my wallet a chance to recuperate (Joker expected this week!) and on the other, I'll have to wait longer!

Yup, ordered the new suit, Batpod and Tumbler too! Ouch.

I'm totally Bummed... I ordered and paId for the Pod, Tumbler & TDK suit in a combined order with ABC Express... So now I have to wait even longer for the TDK figure because of the Car & Bike... GRRR!

haha sorry grange but if it is delayed till october, expect it two months after that! ^^^^ING ABC EXPRESS..
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