Hot Toys - The Dark Knight - 1/6th BATMAN (New Costume)

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Hi everyone (first post :)) so does anyone know about the cowl yet? Has it been confirmed or denied that they will use the rescultped one seen a few pages back, with the straight jaw opening? I prefer that one, honestly. Although I think I'll be getting one either way. I already popped my Hot Toys cherry with the Batman and Joker DK versions :banana
Hi everyone (first post :)) so does anyone know about the cowl yet? Has it been confirmed or denied that they will use the rescultped one seen a few pages back, with the straight jaw opening? I prefer that one, honestly. Although I think I'll be getting one either way. I already popped my Hot Toys cherry with the Batman and Joker DK versions :banana

Hi and welcome to the Board my friend:)

If anyone knows,it will be posted here,i dont see any reason why someone should keep such news for themselves,too much hype these days.
Yea, but that was the point of the new armor, though. to allow him to be more agile, and Bale was noticeably thinner in TDK too...while the point of the plates peeling off has veered me from Medicom's; I appreciate how true to the suit and how accurate to Bale's physique it is.

I understand the point of the suit, but I'm not a huge fan of it's movie accurrate look, which is why the HT proto appealed a lot to me, took the concept and made a badass figure out of it that wasn't identical to the original. At the moment, it still looks pretty badass so I'm keeping my order, but I'd rather see these figure makers take the design and make it better than the film suit.
I understand the point of the suit, but I'm not a huge fan of it's movie accurrate look, which is why the HT proto appealed a lot to me, took the concept and made a badass figure out of it that wasn't identical to the original. At the moment, it still looks pretty badass so I'm keeping my order, but I'd rather see these figure makers take the design and make it better than the film suit.

i second that Maulfan, imo hot toys tdk is better than medicom besides i'd rather have a bad@$$ looking figure than a "movie" accurate one and medicoms tend to be on the shorter side i mean dont get me wrong medicom has awesome quality but are on a slightly shorter scale which is okay for a boba fett( i dont think he was a tall dude )or a stormtrooper, anyway enough of me babbling on and on..............both tdk figures look great it just comes down to personal taste.
I understand the point of the suit, but I'm not a huge fan of it's movie accurrate look, which is why the HT proto appealed a lot to me, took the concept and made a badass figure out of it that wasn't identical to the original. At the moment, it still looks pretty badass so I'm keeping my order, but I'd rather see these figure makers take the design and make it better than the film suit.

Well then why even bother making the figure based on the movie? I don't think many people would want a Batman from the Dark Knight that wasn't film accurate. I don't care how cool the figure looks it defeats the whole purpose. It's the same arguement people are using to justify the HT Joker sculpt. "It's a great representation of the character." That's a load, it's not a great representation of the character unless it looks like the character and is as close to accurate as you can make it. I wouldn't care if this was just a random Batman line based on artistic design, but it's not.
Well then why even bother making the figure based on the movie? I don't think many people would want a Batman from the Dark Knight that wasn't film accurate. I don't care how cool the figure looks it defeats the whole purpose. It's the same arguement people are using to justify the HT Joker sculpt. "It's a great representation of the character." That's a load, it's not a great representation of the character unless it looks like the character and is as close to accurate as you can make it. I wouldn't care if this was just a random Batman line based on artistic design, but it's not.

Tell me which is the better Joker sculpt please.
Well then why even bother making the figure based on the movie? I don't think many people would want a Batman from the Dark Knight that wasn't film accurate. I don't care how cool the figure looks it defeats the whole purpose. It's the same arguement people are using to justify the HT Joker sculpt. "It's a great representation of the character." That's a load, it's not a great representation of the character unless it looks like the character and is as close to accurate as you can make it. I wouldn't care if this was just a random Batman line based on artistic design, but it's not.

² couldn't agree more

it isn't the purpose of hot toys to improve or to personalize the figure in the first place, am I right? Wasn't the whole objective of these figures to scale down the character to 1/6? so doesn't that imply to make it as accurate as possible?

go for accuracy, not artistics!
There's plenty to pick from over on the customs boards.

Yes, I know too many :)
That is why I am loosing the overview.

Do you by any chance know more about the completely new sculpted one with the smile (no artist name was mentioned in that thread)

Still very happy you shared the A Bergholtz Bale with us :)
Yes, I know too many :)
That is why I am loosing the overview.

Do you by any chance know more about the completely new sculpted one with the smile (no artist name was mentioned in that thread)

Still very happy you shared the A Bergholtz Bale with us :)

If you're referring to the sculpt xenoviper posted it's from artist Feng studios.

Chris Howe's sculpt over there is also shaping up well.

And of course everyone knows about Les' masterpiece.
A little off topic, but I just bought the movie masters Batman at Walmart to help tide me over till the HT release...its a pretty cool fig for its size, and I think it may help me appreciate and want TDK version even more!
Well then why even bother making the figure based on the movie? I don't think many people would want a Batman from the Dark Knight that wasn't film accurate. I don't care how cool the figure looks it defeats the whole purpose. It's the same arguement people are using to justify the HT Joker sculpt. "It's a great representation of the character." That's a load, it's not a great representation of the character unless it looks like the character and is as close to accurate as you can make it. I wouldn't care if this was just a random Batman line based on artistic design, but it's not.

I get your point, what I'm getting at is like a Takara scenario. Takara Batman Begins sucks in terms of film representation, he's too slender, the cowl shape isn't quite right. That said, I think it's a fantastic looking figure and uses the design of the Begins suit as its basis, and then stylizes the overall look. That's what HT's proto did in my eyes, they took the elements of the TDK suit and made a figure that didn't 100% adhere to the build and proportions and such of Bale from the movie. It was the TDK suit, but it wasn't mini-Bale from the movie. Most of the time, I'd want mini-Bale, but where I find the TDK suit less than desirable at times, seeing HT take the design and "make it better" in my eyes is what lured me to their figure. If I wanted film accurracy I'd probably go Medicom on this figure, but I want the most badass looking figure based off the TDK suit, which is what Hot Toys gave me and still is if they don't make too many more changes or at least ones that kill my ability to see it that way.
new pics!

different cowl (look at the nose):




and the one, which has posted here:


your logic doesm't make sense... in cases of other medicom figures people burn it at the stake if it's a bit stylized.
Goddamnit. I want this figure NOW! and People.....Venny loves his Medi, he IS the MediCom Kid. Arguing about Medi with him is shouting at a wall....or arguing with The Josh. :lol
your logic doesm't make sense... in cases of other medicom figures people burn it at the stake if it's a bit stylized.

I get on the case about Medicom being stylistic because it usually made the figure I'm bothered by it with not look how I'd like and the stylistic qualities are the cause, or it even takes the realism out of a figure. Most of the time I do prefer it to be as close to the source as possible, except for this suit, I'm not a big fan of the film suit, but I do feel the design can be turned into a sharp figure depending on what you do. HT's build in the prototype was more the bulky, massive look of the Begins suit with the TDK suit's patterning.
So is the whole suit rubber again?
I wonder if it wouldn't be much better and not that costly to make this suit in some spandex type fabric and attach the armour pieces to it.
This figure is going to kick ass BIG TIME! Possibly the figure of the year IMO.

To the Medicom lovers, you've obviously decided to purchase the Medicom version, you like Medicom and to you they are swell so why post here??? :confused:

Isn't there a Medicom thread with like 4 posts somewhere?
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