JazzInc - Iron Scavenger Sixth Scale Figure

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I hope Joost will come here and give us the scoop once he has a better idea about the project and what he believes he will be able to accomplish. I don't follow FB and would hate to miss an opportunity at getting onboard this project.

The listing on his website has been updated with what looks like work-in-progress drawings. Looking good so far. I'm assuming additional details like the cylinders and hand controls that "operate" the wings are yet to be designed. Based on these it looks like the wingspan will be 1 meter (39.37 inches) rather than over 4 feet, which I think may have been estimated with the larger (Mk 2) version in mind.

I hope Joost will come here and give us the scoop once he has a better idea about the project and what he believes he will be able to accomplish. I don't follow FB and would hate to miss an opportunity at getting onboard this project.

first of all, it is so cool to be working on the project that is a point of such passionate discussion like I have participated in for years. And, I want to do this differently than other companies, so I want to keep the dialogue open as much as possible, but one of the replies was correct, I just don’t want to overpromise when I have no final prototype in hand yet.

so, here’s where we are at: I will have a high-quality 1/6 scale body that is fully pose-able, so pose-ability of the body would only be limited by what we can do with the exoskeleton. As for the wings, right now, our goals are to have a little bit of articulation where the wings meet the body, at the halfway point and to have the Rotors pose-able. The way things are looking now, the pose-able rotors will be the easiest. Having those feathers pose-able is nearly impossible. The only limiting factors here are weight and cost. If you look at the prototype that hot toys made, they had to support the body and the wings with a weird three handed flight stand. So, the way we were looking at it, to get around that, you would need a very sturdy centerpiece, the backpack and the first half of the wings. If you could make that rigid, then you could attach the flightstand to that, and that would then carry the weight of the body and the wing extremities with rotors. However, that would limit pose-ability. So, it will be a balancing act of structure and rigidity versus pose-ability.

If we were to make hundreds of these, we could look at injection molding which would allow us to make light, plastic, Hollow structures. In this case weight is our enemy. However, since we only have a few dozen on the list and everything single one will be made to order, we don't have that option. Another thing to realise is the battle between features and cost. Pose-ability means more parts and strong joints which means more molds and more complex assembly so more cost.

However, trust us, based on our previous work that we will push the envelope as far as possible because we need only enough margin for service cost and to keep going for a next project, so your money will be very well spent on the actual figure. Plus, the basic articulation I am describing is what I really want. I think wings that at least move near the rotors and moving rotors, you can do a lot of very cool and menacing poses. So, we will try our very best. As for the light up eyes, that is also a feature I want.

But, as I have explained in the interviews I did, everything comes down to volume, so if everybody waits until the last minute to commit, we will have engineered the figure on a much tighter budget with much fewer features than if we know we can count on more people. I know it's more of a catch 22, but that's the reality of it. Anyway, I want this figure on my shelf and as good as I can make it, so that and our previous work will have to speak for itself. You will also be able to expect real tailored clothing and most likely light up features in the helmet.

I hope that clears things up. I would really want to be open as I always am, about my thoughts and our challenges. We will make this work, it's just a matter of how and that has never stopped us. The more people we have on board, the more we can do for you it's a simple as that
Thanks for the great insight, Jazz. I've full faith in what you'll produce based on your history. I've yet to see a dissatisfied customer.

I am curious in one regard; you're certainly good to go with the wings and harness, that's in line with the previous offerings you've developed. This'll be the first time you'll be producing fabric outfits in mass, are you planning to outsource that or do it in house?
Thanks for the great insight, Jazz. I've full faith in what you'll produce based on your history. I've yet to see a dissatisfied customer.

I am curious in one regard; you're certainly good to go with the wings and harness, that's in line with the previous offerings you've developed. This'll be the first time you'll be producing fabric outfits in mass, are you planning to outsource that or do it in house?

Thanks man! We are partnering with Black Ops Toys with regards to body, clothing and shoes because their quality is top notch. So we got this covered in the best way possible
I hope Joost will come here and give us the scoop once he has a better idea about the project and what he believes he will be able to accomplish. I don't follow FB and would hate to miss an opportunity at getting onboard this project.

Wow, Wor-Gar says "Jump!" and Joost says "How high?". :rotfl I guess seniority has its perks - ha!

From Joost's response I'm guessing not everyone who "committed" to this project (prior to it being listed) has actually placed orders. Here's hoping people pony up soon so he's not forced to cut some features due to cost constraints. If he does have to sacrifice some pose-ability, I'd vote for sacrificing movement in the upper torso area of the exoskeleton first - i.e., have the shoulders & elbows stay rigid while they "operate the controls". I'd prefer being able to move the legs, at the minimum having exoskeleton joints at the hips. IMO that combined with the wing articulation he's shooting for would allow for some cool posing options.

So, did his response nudge you any closer to ordering?
Wow, Wor-Gar says "Jump!" and Joost says "How high?". :rotfl I guess seniority has its perks - ha!

From Joost's response I'm guessing not everyone who "committed" to this project (prior to it being listed) has actually placed orders. Here's hoping people pony up soon so he's not forced to cut some features due to cost constraints. If he does have to sacrifice some pose-ability, I'd vote for sacrificing movement in the upper torso area of the exoskeleton first - i.e., have the shoulders & elbows stay rigid while they "operate the controls". I'd prefer being able to move the legs, at the minimum having exoskeleton joints at the hips. IMO that combined with the wing articulation he's shooting for would allow for some cool posing options.

So, did his response nudge you any closer to ordering?

I don’t want Wor-Gar to get a big head, so to you I also say: how high? ��

And you are correct, both here but very much also on the Facebook groups, a lot of people didn’t put their money where their mouth’s are when they said they were interested and wanted to order. That hurts all of us in terms of features, but no matter what, I am making what I can with the amount of orders I have.
I don?t want Wor-Gar to get a big head, so to you I also say: how high? ��

And you are correct, both here but very much also on the Facebook groups, a lot of people didn?t put their money where their mouth?s are when they said they were interested and wanted to order. That hurts all of us in terms of features, but no matter what, I am making what I can with the amount of orders I have.

Work with me here, Joost - I'm trying to get you another order, this one from one of the wisest, most respected freaks here! :rotfl Sorry, I could barely type that last line, what with the convulsions of laughter. :lol
I don't know guys. I just can't make myself preorder. Its just not Hot Toys. Makes me feel like buying knockoff Air Jordans. I can't pull the trigger.
I don't know guys. I just can't make myself preorder. Its just not Hot Toys. Makes me feel like buying knockoff Air Jordans. I can't pull the trigger.

Joost is no KO. His quality is top notch. I have yet to see anyone match his quality at their price point. I do understand what you are saying. I only buy "official" too, but face it Hot Toys will never make Vulture, hence why Joost is taking the lead on this. Check his site out watch the reviews, setups on his items they are fabulous.

I have 100% faith in Jazz Inc. to knock this out of the park. I already placed my deposit and eagerly await this guy. I do appreciate Joost replying here and YT in a super speedy fashion. That is virutally unknown in any other company.

Again your choice and $. But don't be deterred bc Hot Toys isn't making this.
I don't know guys. I just can't make myself preorder. Its just not Hot Toys. Makes me feel like buying knockoff Air Jordans. I can't pull the trigger.

Thing is it's not a knock-off. Hot Toys aren't making theirs.

Just think of yourself in a years time without it, you'll only be kicking yourself.
I preordered. From the examples I've seen from his Co. I'm pretty confident itll come out great. The fact that it's not Hot Toys doesnt bother me at all as long as the quality is there.
Vulture still remains one of my favorite MCU villains, so I'm definitely in on this. I'll take any quality 1/6 Vulture I can get at this point.
I preordered. From the examples I've seen from his Co. I'm pretty confident itll come out great. The fact that it's not Hot Toys doesnt bother me at all as long as the quality is there.


Wow, Wor-Gar says "Jump!" and Joost says "How high?". :rotfl

I don?t want Wor-Gar to get a big head, so to you I also say: how high? ��

Work with me here, Joost - I'm trying to get you another order

You guys are totally working me. :lol

I'm so close on this. I want this so bad. I literally just got hit with Maul and Dooku together but.... all I see is this massive Vulture hanging from the ceiling over my entire collection, spying with beady green eyes, deciding what weapons to snatch away from my figures...

first of all, it is so cool to be working on the project that is a point of such passionate discussion like I have participated in for years. And, I want to do this differently than other companies, so I want to keep the dialogue open as much as possible, but one of the replies was correct, I just don?t want to overpromise when I have no final prototype in hand yet.

so, here?s where we are at: I will have a high-quality 1/6 scale body that is fully pose-able, so pose-ability of the body would only be limited by what we can do with the exoskeleton. As for the wings, right now, our goals are to have a little bit of articulation where the wings meet the body, at the halfway point and to have the Rotors pose-able. The way things are looking now, the pose-able rotors will be the easiest. Having those feathers pose-able is nearly impossible. The only limiting factors here are weight and cost. If you look at the prototype that hot toys made, they had to support the body and the wings with a weird three handed flight stand. So, the way we were looking at it, to get around that, you would need a very sturdy centerpiece, the backpack and the first half of the wings. If you could make that rigid, then you could attach the flightstand to that, and that would then carry the weight of the body and the wing extremities with rotors. However, that would limit pose-ability. So, it will be a balancing act of structure and rigidity versus pose-ability.

If we were to make hundreds of these, we could look at injection molding which would allow us to make light, plastic, Hollow structures. In this case weight is our enemy. However, since we only have a few dozen on the list and everything single one will be made to order, we don't have that option. Another thing to realise is the battle between features and cost. Pose-ability means more parts and strong joints which means more molds and more complex assembly so more cost.

However, trust us, based on our previous work that we will push the envelope as far as possible because we need only enough margin for service cost and to keep going for a next project, so your money will be very well spent on the actual figure. Plus, the basic articulation I am describing is what I really want. I think wings that at least move near the rotors and moving rotors, you can do a lot of very cool and menacing poses. So, we will try our very best. As for the light up eyes, that is also a feature I want.

But, as I have explained in the interviews I did, everything comes down to volume, so if everybody waits until the last minute to commit, we will have engineered the figure on a much tighter budget with much fewer features than if we know we can count on more people. I know it's more of a catch 22, but that's the reality of it. Anyway, I want this figure on my shelf and as good as I can make it, so that and our previous work will have to speak for itself. You will also be able to expect real tailored clothing and most likely light up features in the helmet.

I hope that clears things up. I would really want to be open as I always am, about my thoughts and our challenges. We will make this work, it's just a matter of how and that has never stopped us. The more people we have on board, the more we can do for you it's a simple as that

This all sounds great! Very happy to hear it. Hits all my wants. Just one last question, Joost, in regards to the intended wing-hinge poseability...

Will the wings be able to move like the photos below? It's all I really want (and I bet you do too):

hinged wings example 10-3-19.jpg

BTW, Joost, if you need any additional ref on the above, I have like every picture ever taken of this thing at every show, including the backside.
You guys are totally working me. :lol

I'm so close on this. I want this so bad. I literally just got hit with Maul and Dooku together but.... all I see is this massive Vulture hanging from the ceiling over my entire collection, spying with beady green eyes, deciding what weapons to snatch away from my figures...

This all sounds great! Very happy to hear it. Hits all my wants. Just one last question, Joost, in regards to the intended wing-hinge poseability...

Will the wings be able to move like the photos below? It's all I really want (and I bet you do too):

View attachment 467695

BTW, Joost, if you need any additional ref on the above, I have like every picture ever taken of this thing at every show, including the backside.


You guys are totally working me. :lol

I'm so close on this. I want this so bad. I literally just got hit with Maul and Dooku together but.... all I see is this massive Vulture hanging from the ceiling over my entire collection, spying with beady green eyes, deciding what weapons to snatch away from my figures...

This all sounds great! Very happy to hear it. Hits all my wants. Just one last question, Joost, in regards to the intended wing-hinge poseability...

Will the wings be able to move like the photos below? It's all I really want (and I bet you do too):

View attachment 467695

BTW, Joost, if you need any additional ref on the above, I have like every picture ever taken of this thing at every show, including the backside.

Those are definitely the poses I am going for. Personally, the top picture is exactly how I want to pose it in my display, but we will know when we have the final prototype. Just know that we definitely want exactly the same thing. And yes, please send all the reference photos you have to info @JazzincDesigns.com
I'm on the fence too. Joost mentioned that the figure likely won't be detachable from the exoskeleton. I guess I'm okay with that. It's just hard to commit for such a high price tag when we haven't seen the prototype yet. I just want the best figure possible.
Those are definitely the poses I am going for. Personally, the top picture is exactly how I want to pose it in my display, but we will know when we have the final prototype. Just know that we definitely want exactly the same thing. And yes, please send all the reference photos you have to info @JazzincDesigns.com

I"m hoping for the bottom pose and I think the top pose is like that due to lack of space in the display. Either way I can't lose, but please the bottom pose =)

Do you think this figure will be able to stand unassisted? I hoping if he can't that with the stand he's not taller than 13" (33cm). Also, I asked during the interview with 6th Scale Scavengers about possible box art with this figure. Is that still something that is possible or a maybe depending on schedules and hitting that target release date of September 2020?