Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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Yeah, that was so weird, I wasn't expecting it at all :lol. I really couldn't stand Peace Walker because of all the whacky stuff in it.
Yeah, that was so weird, I wasn't expecting it at all :lol. I really couldn't stand Peace Walker because of all the whacky stuff in it.

Same here, I like it the least of all the games in the series, but some of that weird stuff was kind of funny.
This might be a bit off topic, but when I first played PW and found Kojima in the back of a truck I was laughing for about an hour straight. Was anyone else here shocked about that?
What. What mission is this!?

also my favorite thing about PW is honestly only the fact that Big Boss finally accepts his codename...and those PAKs. Seriously they're pretty good.
This might be a bit off topic, but when I first played PW and found Kojima in the back of a truck I was laughing for about an hour straight. Was anyone else here shocked about that?

I was like waaaaat? for 2 straight minutes :lol but I was happy to have him in mother base as a top tier engineer.

Some new details in this video that has me extremely excited for GZ now.


Some new details in this video that has me extremely excited for GZ now.

Thanks! :clap man.. thats sounds great actually :drool I'm looking forward to what Troy has to say :lol











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Wow, the game is easily the best looking game to date.

Loved the little subtleties in the gameplay that add to the stealth. Can't wait to figure out when I play what else I can do to get to the two targets.
I originally wanted that feature to be present in PW :lol . its great to see we can finally walk around our base this time.
You can even walk around your friends Outer Heaven. Looks like we will be able to customize are bases. These last 2 videos Yong put out has me extremely excited for MGSV.
Yong's videos have me even more excited. I hope MGSV does not disappoint. I want great gameplay, which it sounds like we are getting, and an amazing story.
Those videos are indeed reassuring, 2 hours JUST for the main mission without counting the side missions, which I hope they add a least another 2 hours seems ok, although $30 bucks is still expensive for just that, Konami needs to drop the price.
Just watched the video, and I am excited! Henry are those different covers of the game or a different edition we can buy or something?

New Sutherland interview.

When I asked Sutherland about his experience working on Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, he replied, “Oh man, that's been a gig and a half! I've been working on that for over a year.”

“You know, I've got, like, 50 metal dots on my face, 50 cameras recording my every facial movement,” Sutherland said of the process of making the game. “The process and the technology and what I have to go through just to do a line, and what the engineers and technicians have to do, it's unbelievable. But then when I saw it… There was a guy who was applying the dots and was just in charge of that part, and he was making his own game; he's some technical wizard, and this game is supposed to be really cool. But they were showing us some stuff that they had just finished in Japan, and they were showing it back to us. It was this one little clip that’s final, final, final, and it's me on a horse. I'm riding the horse, and then I go from a run to a lope to a walk, and then standing still. I don't know a lot about games, so I'm watching it, and the guy who's watching it with me goes, ‘Oh my God. Your ears moved.’ Then he was looking at the throat, and he said, ‘You can see the pulse.’ I mean, it was so real, and all I kept thinking was, ‘This is how they're going to make movies soon.’ They're halfway there now, you know, but they're going to make films like this. This is not far off. “

Sutherland said, of Snake, “The character is one of the few things that they say is, "Lower!” He then affected just such a raspy voice, looking at me as he asked, in Snake style, "What are you gonna do?" Sutherland added, with a laugh, “I’m talking, and I start sounding like Tom Waits. But I've really enjoyed it, and they're really good people.”

by Eric Goldman