Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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I think Naughty Dog is more than capable of handling MG. If anything, they can perhaps humanize Metal Gear again and bring some order to the chaotic story. Like Gaspar noted, Kojima is too melodramatic and in fact, that is a trait of Japanese developers that they put in their games. For being a "Western" style game, Metal Gear is too caught in its "Eastern" roots. There's drama in EVERYTHING when it doesn't have to be.

I look at Kojima as I do George Lucas. Kojima has enveloped Metal Gear into this "Star Wars"-like universe and created this entire mythology that is now being DAMAGED by its creator because he wants to tie everything together at once, going backwards and forwards and then back again and then forward again. He's not quite on Lucas-level yet, but he's getting there.

What Metal Gear needs now is a SIMPLE story. It needs a fresh start and it needs taking all those years of games and condensing it into a new and fresh history. "Ultimatize" it if you will like Marvel had done with their "Ultimate" series of comics (I'll fill you in if you don't know what I'm talking about), but this has got to end somewhere.

I'm excited for MGSV for the gameplay and it looks AWESOME. And I WANT to care about the story and I hope it's trim and done well, but knowing Kojima it will likely be more mess, and I'm prepared for that.

Well, the one thing to consider, is that Kojima's a Japanese man who's writing a war story on American soldiers. Just based on that alone, it becomes extremely tricky to relate to characters from a different cultural background. But, despite that, he was very well grounded in in his direction for MGS 1, which had a very "Westernized" feel in its storyline - and even though there was a giant mech and a cyborg ninja, it was a storyline that Americans and others in the West could relate to, because it reminded us of the action movies that we saw in cinemas. It's a stark contrast to what's been happening in recent years with MGS, as the plots have exceeded levels of ridiculousness with gratuitous amounts of sci-fi tech that shouldn't have existed in the 70s. In other words, MGS has gotten too "Japanese" for its own good.

It's pretty obvious that he has lost his way with this series and I don't think you're wrong to refer to him as the George Lucas of gaming. Honestly, I'd wish if MGS would just end, and have Platinum develop more futuristic games for MG Rising.

I think the remakes could work as a fresh start.

Not if the remakes are shown through Big Boss's perspective, with Snake as the main antagonist :lol. I wouldn't be surprised if it goes in that direction.
MGS and Star Wars are light years appar, literally :lol I can't imagine two franchises more different, particularly in the way they are HANDLED. A ton of people made Star Wars stuff, games, books and George didn't write every single thing related to Star Wars out there.

MGS is till Kojima's baby, thats why you can easily recognize it, when yo usee something related to Star Wars is hard to know if George was behind unless someone confirms it, plus... his style changed over time. Kojima changed yes... PW is not like MGS1 but his style is still there, can't say the same for Star Wars
You have a good point there.

Don't mind me, I'm just playing the devil's advocate cause I'm curious how an MGS would be if it's not made by Kojima. :lol
You have a good point there.

Don't mind me, I'm just playing the devil's advocate cause I'm curious how an MGS would be if it's not made by Kojima. :lol

Don't get me wrong! :lol it would be intresting to see what happens if a studio like Naughty Dog makes a MGS, MGR is really different but its a fun game, I don't like it as much as the old MGSs but its not a bad game at all.

Not if the remakes are shown through Big Boss's perspective, with Snake as the main antagonist :lol. I wouldn't be surprised if it goes in that direction.

I can imagine movie writers doing that, but in a game? that would be like betraying the whole MGS saga :horror :lol
Don't give MGS to Naughty Dog, they already have their sublime Uncharted series to work on, not to mention their old propertied yet to be resurrected because they were too busy with Uncharted last gen.

I agree with what Solidus said and if I were to add something, I wanna see the series left dormant for some years or until they can find a successor. In the meantime, just let Platinum do their thing with Rising. Keep in mind the development schedule of MGR was so punishing, it's amazing the product turned out the way it did. Imagine MGR2 (which is now on pre-production) on PS4 with Platinum finally having time to create the masterpiece they wanted. :drool
I like BB a lot, but I wouldn't want that, no señor :lol

Pshhh... you wouldn't even notice the difference. Aren't Snake and Big Boss the same guy?

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I recommend some members here read the new game informer. By the time you’re finished reading it I think you can understand some of the plight of being a Japanese developer making a game appealing to everyone. Kojima said thats one of the toughest things about making a game, and I think he’s been pretty successful at making MGS appealing to both us and japan.
Don't give MGS to Naughty Dog, they already have their sublime Uncharted series to work on, not to mention their old propertied yet to be resurrected because they were too busy with Uncharted last gen.

I agree with what Solidus said and if I were to add something, I wanna see the series left dormant for some years or until they can find a successor. In the meantime, just let Platinum do their thing with Rising. Keep in mind the development schedule of MGR was so punishing, it's amazing the product turned out the way it did. Imagine MGR2 (which is now on pre-production) on PS4 with Platinum finally having time to create the masterpiece they wanted. :drool

I'm sure they'll be able to make a significantly better game than MG Rising, now that they have more time on their hands for development. It's practically a miracle that Platinum had managed to pick up the shattered pieces of MGR from KojiPro, and turn it into such a sublime action game in a short amount of time :lol. Even Kojima was surprised by how well it turned out.

Well, MGS3 made them look like the same guy in the eyes of many people.

Hopefully they'll make BB a real ******* this time around so that'll differentiate them good enough.

What about the theories of Snake using a time machine to stop the cold war :rotfl

Using slaves to dig diamonds, recruiting orphans for war... thats the Big Boss I want :devil
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I'm not talking about the movies only, which are complex enough, maybe not as complex as MGS but still complex.

Add to that, the countless stories, prequels and sequels that come in form of other mediums such as TV, comics and videogames that were considered part of the canon, Star Wars easily tops MGS in terms of complexity, to the point that a team of Disney creatives had to be assembled just to decide what is going to be part of the new canon and what is not.

It can almost be compared to the family tree of 100 years of solitude :lol

Well, Star Wars has practically an entire universe at its disposal. And as much as it's a pain to see, there's always room for spin-offs to keep the series going perpetually. In contrast to MGS, where there's a definite beginning and end to a singular storyline, and it seems as if the series has been stretched beyond its limit of coherence with all of these Big Boss prequels.

Just like you, I just want the MG 1 and 2 remakes. Hopefully (and I do hope), that Kojima can finally put MGS to an end by then.
MG remake will just be another game about how, once again Solid Snake stopped the second coming of Christ Big Boss' plans for world peace
MG remake will just be another game about how, once again Solid Snake stopped the second coming of Christ Big Boss' plans for world peace

No kidding. Snake was already established as the the villain of this series, and there's no doubt in my mind that Big Boss will continue being the misunderstood hero in MGS V. If we're wrong about that, then it'll just show that Kojima fails to be consistent with his own plot lines.