Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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Whatever man, I apologize for any unwillingly hurt feelings.

The movie section has changed me.

No problem man, my feelings were not hurt in the process

It's just a pointless conversation now and will only degrade if carried on. You disagree with me, and I disagree with you. We just don't see eye to eye.

I just didn't like your tone, my points are all valid to me and not baseless in the slightest. I've based my opinion on the series from playing the exact games you played, and taking time out to learn about the series from the same official info you did. Therefore it cannot be any less valid than yours.

Carrying on any further would be pointless. I made my point and you made yours. Both valid to a certain type of mind set. Nothing more I can say that won't be repeating myself

Other than I hope I can overlook all the things I don't think we're wise decisions and that the game is at least better than MGS4

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No problem man, my feeling were not hurt in the process

It's just a pointless conversation now and will only degrade if carried on. You disagree with me, and I disagree with you. We just don't see eye to eye.

I just didn't like your tone, my points are all valid to me and not baseless in the slightest. I've based my opinion on the series from playing the exact games you played, and taking time out to learn about the series from the same official info you did. Therefore it cannot be any less valid than yours.

Carrying on any further would be pointless. I made my point and you made yours. Nothing more I can say that won't be repeating myself

Other than I hope I can overlook all the things I don't think we're wise decisions and that the game is at least better than MGS4

I'll have to say, Frank, as much as I disliked MGS 4, it did provide a full conclusion to the MGS story arch. It's still left to be seen how MGS V manages to carry out the discourse of the storyline. I think like you mentioned before, Kojima's in a very tricky situation, where he's fiddling around with previous timelines that could horribly mess things up if he's not careful.
Seriously guys, well done.

Don't let Paz go away!

I'll have to say, Frank, as much as I disliked MGS 4, it did provide a full conclusion to the MGS story arch. It's still left to be seen how MGS V manages to carry out the discourse of the storyline. I think like you mentioned before, Kojima's in a very tricky situation, where he's fiddling around with previous timelines that could horribly mess things up if he's not careful.

I'd honestly have more appreciation for this game if I knew Kojima was thinking about the story (in relation to the overall timeline) as well as everything else. I feel now, because the story has so many holes that it's almost taken a weight off of Kojimas shoulders as to now he's at the point of as long as it sort of fits, it's ok.

The inclusion of other, past characters like Psycho Mantis were not needed in this game. Not saying that might not be wrote in well, but he probably won't be and seems like a cheap fan pleaser. He seems to cut a lot of corners and then chuck in cheap novelty thrills to keep the fans docile overall.

If I knew he was consciously trying to get to the end goal (MG) I'd feel a lot better about this. He could even use this game to retcon some of his rectons so the facts line up to the timeline.

Then do the MG remakes to end the series the best way possible and everyone benefits. Konami makes bank on like 3 more games, Kojima finally sees an end to MGS and the MG remakes are the best MG games ever made. Period.

Kojima will have a reason, other than making himself/Konami money and making the fans happy. He'll finally be able to finish the series and it'll surely inspire him to make something truly great again, for everyone. Go out with a bang.
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I'd honestly have more appreciation for this game if I knew Kojima was thinking about the story (in relation to the overall timeline) as well as everything else. I feel now, because the story has so many holes that it's almost taken a weight off of Kojimas shoulders as to now he's at the point of as long as it sort of fits, it's ok.

The inclusion of other, past characters like Psycho Mantis were not needed in this game. Not saying that might not be wrote in well, but he probably won't be and seems like a cheap fan pleaser. He seems to cut a lot of corners and then chuck in cheap novelty thrills to keep the fans docile overall.

If I knew he was consciously trying to get to the end goal (MG) I'd feel a lot better about this. He could even use this game to retcon some of his rectons so the facts line up to the timeline.

Then do the MG remakes to end the series the best way possible and everyone benefits. Konami makes bank on like 3 more games, Kojima finally sees an end to MGS and the MG remakes are the best MG games ever made. Period.

Kojima will have a reason, other than making himself/Konami money and making the fans happy. He'll finally be able to finish the series and it'll surely inspire him to make something truly great again, for everyone. Go out with a bang.

I'm not really sure what Kojima's end goal is with MGS V. For the most part, the series was coherent with the first three games. But, then things took an odd turn with unnecessary revelations from MGS 4 and annoying retcons that followed from Peace Walker. I mean, I have to wonder, was all of this deliberate? It might be possible that Kojima had purposely screwed up his own series and placed deliberate plot holes - in essence of a realization that he'd never be able to leave MGS and would have remain indefinitely as it's producer/director.

I can hope that MGS would take a turn for the better with the remakes (if they are even coming). But, like I viewed my concerns before, we might see the stories of MG 1 and 2 through the point-of-view of Big Boss, who has now turned into the main character of this entire thing :lol :slap.

Or maybe I just need to stop hoping, and accept for myself that everything has turned to ****.
You know what, I think it changed me as well :lol

I think things are more calm there now, compared to here.

i see a trend here, does anyone else? maybe this is going on in that thread too and everyone cant stand you there either. i dont have any problems with gaspar but he seems to flame things a bit here too so i see the possibility of you guys hovering over a few threads where you tag team annoy people into submission or wanting to fight with you more. i dont see how you feel like were the inciters here. im not picking a fight, im over yesterdays atrocity. i just fail to understand how the same thing is going on in another thread and maybe more than just one and you guys think its us. im thinking logically here, not out of "feelings" as some would assume. when you say (i believe gasper) this is the first resolved fight in a peaceful way, it angers me because its usually you or pturtle that keeps justifying and who keeps on going to the point that we want to throw stuff instead of being the better man. ive seen many "regulars" do a good job of backing off while non-sequitur are thrown (namely solidus and recently frank). youre passive aggressive comments are proof that youll never be able to shut your mouth no matter how subtle the comment is. (pturtle or gasper) cant you just not have a catty attitude? cant you just go on about your business? what is the point of comparing how horrible the movie section is to this thread? when i talk **** its about the game and you do it with people. you take everything personally instead of laying back and letting me throw jabs at the game, kiefer, or kojima. who cares if you dont like it? if you dont like something then do not discuss it. if you catch so much opposition that you feel you get a bad rap why keep coming back? (or going to those other aforementioned places) its because you like the fight. you cant wait for the time where you can try to prove a point, so you nitpick and circumvent to the point where people want to destroy you. just my 2 cents, and here comes 10 pages of back covering........................GOOD MORNING TO ALL!!!....................sorry guys i was up all night working on the bentley and awoke to the new stuff, my apologies.