Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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itd be funny if the thread got locked just before the game comes just the day before. sigh, one can dream......cant they? if this game was worth all the hype that is thrown at it id like it. im sad to say its not. when i do play it youll see a subtle comment on how i felt and itll be over. then this thread can die peacefully like bin laden did.
This thread getting locked before the game's release would be funny and probably an omen.
i see a trend here, does anyone else? maybe this is going on in that thread too and everyone cant stand you there either. i dont have any problems with gaspar but he seems to flame things a bit here too so i see the possibility of you guys hovering over a few threads where you tag team annoy people into submission or wanting to fight with you more. i dont see how you feel like were the inciters here. im not picking a fight, im over yesterdays atrocity. i just fail to understand how the same thing is going on in another thread and maybe more than just one and you guys think its us. im thinking logically here, not out of "feelings" as some would assume. when you say (i believe gasper) this is the first resolved fight in a peaceful way, it angers me because its usually you or pturtle that keeps justifying and who keeps on going to the point that we want to throw stuff instead of being the better man. ive seen many "regulars" do a good job of backing off while non-sequitur are thrown (namely solidus and recently frank). youre passive aggressive comments are proof that youll never be able to shut your mouth no matter how subtle the comment is. (pturtle or gasper) cant you just not have a catty attitude? cant you just go on about your business? what is the point of comparing how horrible the movie section is to this thread? when i talk **** its about the game and you do it with people. you take everything personally instead of laying back and letting me throw jabs at the game, kiefer, or kojima. who cares if you dont like it? if you dont like something then do not discuss it. if you catch so much opposition that you feel you get a bad rap why keep coming back? (or going to those other aforementioned places) its because you like the fight. you cant wait for the time where you can try to prove a point, so you nitpick and circumvent to the point where people want to destroy you. just my 2 cents, and here comes 10 pages of back covering........................GOOD MORNING TO ALL!!!....................sorry guys i was up all night working on the bentley and awoke to the new stuff, my apologies.

You got to be kidding me. I'm not speaking for Gaspar, but did you even read the conversation with me and Frank. I was disagreeing with him on certain things politely, I told him I understood where he was coming from, why are you coming back in here starting something else up? Isn't that what made you madd at Snake Eater yesterday? There was literally no reason to address me, I went in the other thread because you guys like to go in there and talk crap about everyone else on this forum when you have a little disagreement. Go look in the movie section, me and Gaspar probably do the least arguing there.

For the past 3 days all you've contributed to this thread is arguments. Gaspar and Frank had a disagreement about the game, and they handled it unlike you and me can with eachother. Why try to stir something up? Are you that madd because I hate the PAK figures that you have posed in your momma's attic. Are you angry because you have a receding hairline or something? I was here talking about the game, not arguing with anyone.

Stop talking to me, or about me in here or any other thread, that's it, there wouldn't be any arguments if you did that. I love the double standard here as well about reporting, didn't you say in that thread (the one you guys thought nobody was watching) yesterday that you were going to report me but you didn't because you were talking crap as well? The gentleman's club would still be up if you weren't talking so much crap about every member here, including the administrator. By the way I never reported anyone in my life on this forum, but I do know who did report you guys, and I'm happy that thread got deleted.

If you want to just have more war of words send me a pm, otherwise talk about the game man and stop derailing the thread.

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Oh boy...

You can't lecture someone else to "stop derailing the thread" if you're doing it yourself. Either let things go, and forfeit the last word. Or if you really need to argue, take it to PMs. I think everyone's had enough of this nonsense. This thread isn't a shouting match.
And let's pretend I started this argument of course

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Does it even matter?

If you want to discuss MGS, then by all mean do so. But, if you want to continue this nonsensical tirade, then either leave the thread or take it to PM's. Is that so hard to ask? :dunno
Oh boy...

You can't lecture someone else to "stop derailing the thread" if you're doing it yourself. Either let things go, and forfeit the last word. Or if you really need to argue, take it to PMs. I think everyone's had enough of this nonsense. This thread isn't a shouting match.

I’m responding to someone who keeps antagonizing me for no reason. I was talking MGSV all day today, I posted a link so members here can buy the game at 25 bucks, I am in no way derailing this thread.
You were both taking pot-shots at each other, but don't act all innocent. You insulted Jason in some pretty ugly ways, too - just like you did on the last page and in several pages back.

If you guys need to discuss this crap any further, or if you feel the need to air your dirty laundry, then do it somewhere else.

Don't even bother replying to me. This discussion is over.
You were both taking pot-shots at each other, but don't act all innocent. You insulted Jason in some pretty ugly ways, too - just like you did on the last page and in several pages back.

If you guys need to discuss this crap any further, or if you feel the need to air your dirty laundry, then do it somewhere else.

Don't even bother replying to me. This discussion is over.

I was retaliating for what he said, not playing innocent, but I’m not just going to let anyone insult me. I agree this should be taken to pm, but I have nothing else to say to him. If he wants to say anything then I can just hope he pm’s me. Alright, now this discussion is over, lets get back to talking Metal Gear Solid V fellas.

Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain director Hideo Kojima continues to provide information on his open world stealth game with a little more than a week before its big release for current and next gen consoles. Kojima recently tweeted about the real-time nature of the game and that whether you’re switching weapons or pausing, the game won’t stop alongside you in previous Metal Gear games.
Of course, he also wants to change the perception that the series is all about complicated controls. “Metal Gear Solid is often mistakenly considered too complicated in its controls. Simply more buttons are available in order to change camera or give the player more actions to chose from.
“I tried to configure the controls for instinctive gameplay as much as possible. Ground Zeroes performs smoothly and conveniently like a representative of the new generation. It’s hard to go back and play the old Metal Gear Solid games after you get used to Ground Zeroes.
“Back in the nineties, changing from the main screen to a secondary screen to switch weapons was the mainstream. This was distracting to players as they needed to switch between different screens back and forth. So I invented the weapon switch that can be done with one hand by clicking over the game screen in the first Metal Gear Solid. I also made background icons transparent.
“In Metal Gear Solid I had to chose a special button configuration to change weapons quickly (select a button as you hold another pressed). No other game had done the same before, so it kinda made everyone anxious. Well, you should be careful in Ground Zeroes because the game keeps going while you’re switching your weapon.”
Kojima also clarified some the nature of pausing in the game. “In Ground Zeroes even while you check the map or the walkman, the game isn’t paused and the world around you keeps going on like the real world. Of course there’s a pause button. I could even pause during my demonstrations. Players can go to the bathroom or take a break. However Snake in Ground Zeroes can’t take break, so you can’t play the game while paused.”
Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes will be out on March 18th for North America and March 20th for Europe on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3 and PS4.

You got to be kidding me. I'm not speaking for Gaspar, but did you even read the conversation with me and Frank. I was disagreeing with him on certain things politely, I told him I understood where he was coming from, why are you coming back in here starting something else up? Isn't that what made you madd at Snake Eater yesterday? There was literally no reason to address me, I went in the other thread because you guys like to go in there and talk crap about everyone else on this forum when you have a little disagreement. Go look in the movie section, me and Gaspar probably do the least arguing there.

For the past 3 days all you've contributed to this thread is arguments. Gaspar and Frank had a disagreement about the game, and they handled it unlike you and me can with eachother. Why try to stir something up? Are you that madd because I hate the PAK figures that you have posed in your momma's attic. Are you angry because you have a receding hairline or something? I was here talking about the game, not arguing with anyone.

Stop talking to me, or about me in here or any other thread, that's it, there wouldn't be any arguments if you did that. I love the double standard here as well about reporting, didn't you say in that thread (the one you guys thought nobody was watching) yesterday that you were going to report me but you didn't because you were talking crap as well? The gentleman's club would still be up if you weren't talking so much crap about every member here, including the administrator. By the way I never reported anyone in my life on this forum, but I do know who did report you guys, and I'm happy that thread got deleted.

If you want to just have more war of words send me a pm, otherwise talk about the game man and stop derailing the thread.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That's fine, because I plan to make it a mission to report his thread too. I wish you would just leave already.
That's fine, because I plan to make it a mission to report his thread too. I wish you would just leave already.

Thats fine, this thread needs reporting, I personally feel I am too grown to tattletale, I just hope you report everyone fairly. I’m here to stay though, and your more than welcome to comment on some of the news I just posted about the game.

Lets get to talking about the game guys.
you know what? i cant wait for this game to come out. its my most anticipated release of this year. its coming out right around my birthday. what perfect timing. im going to buy it in every region i can. ill even buy the demo disc. itll go good with my demos of mgs1, 2, 3, 4, pw/psp, and my hd collections, 20th anniversary collections, legacy collections, and copies of metal gear acid 1&2. im 100% serious this time. i dont want to fight anymore, i just want to share in the love of mgsv with like minded people who really dont care what other fans say at all. i just want to be civil about this and not create anymore damage in anyone elses lives. im truly sorry for what i have done and with proper training i know i can learn to like kiefer sutherland. i should never have lashed out at hideo kojima, saying his decisions were poor and he emasculated solid snakes father "completely naked with kazuhira miller snake". it was a shame and a travesty to the thread and im sorry. ill never ever doubt kojima again and no matter how much yoji shinkawa wants to wear a dress i can accept that too. everyone is an individual with individual needs and i shouldnt knock them for that. id like to apologize to everyone here for my actions and i hope to rebuild the trust and acceptance that i once had here. if you all could find it in your hearts to forgive me im sure i can change and i will become the blooming flower you knew me to be instead of the wilted petal less stem that ive become. and with this i will fade away like beach sand into the rolling tide..............farewell all, i hope all is well...................
reporting for what? why you deserve? reporting is for people who cant put their differences aside and have no other alternative. if i felt like that idve reported myself.