Yeah that occurred to me the other day when we were talking about it 

Just what the hell has been happening to this series
I'm currently replaying MGS 2, and I appreciate the nuanced ways, how the game reminds that it never takes itself seriously - from the comic book style story-telling, the humorous codec conversations, Raiden slipping on pigeon poop, or Snake catching a cold, etc. It was unabashedly "Metal Gear" in every conceivable way, and regardless of what I felt about the schizophrenic ending, MGS 2 just felt right. It's so unlike Kojima's new, Breaking Bad MGS.
And by the way, the guy who wrote the top comment in that article has won the Internet:
Divide? Man of Steel was divisive, Man of Steel was Galileo and the popeMGSV just sprung a few strong negative opinions (like yours and Pliss) where there used to be almost none, albeit valid ones, other than that, I see that most people on facebook and youtube are largely supportive and hyped, save for the Sutherland affair which till this day I still see "bring back Hayter" comments.
And that's the pope right there
Just kidding Ryan![]()
you know your DC better than most!
Nah, you do.
That being said, it's unfortunate that particular movie is a trigger for me, so now you know the magic word to drive me insane.
Did you see the Nostalgia Critic vs Angry Joe review? Seriously everyone, WATCH IT.
I've watched chunks of it, not the whole thing, and I actually try to stay away from MoS reviews, bad or good, the MoS thread worn me down for good
But I'll watch this one, just to have closure![]()
God bless you Henry, you're a beautiful soul.
I can't hit the button fast enough. I think it's my arthritis. I think that's great that you haven't seen the other ending, since that means you always took the heroic route. I always try to be the hero in every game I play, and feel bad every time I make the bad choice in those moral based games. I know it's just fantasy, but I can't do it, unless I don't play for story, and listen to podcasts while I play.
It's a review for both people who liked or hated the movie, so by default it's the best review of it there is. And it's so hilarious, it will make your day!![]()
I'm watching it right now, you're right it's hilarious
Btw, do you sound like a screaming goat whenever someone mentions MoS?
I just watched that review on Wednesday and I thought it was hilarious! I really liked Man of Steel, but I had my problems with it. I just started watching a bunch of the Nostalgia critic's videos, and he's awesome!
I reckon I do, until I get hit by that "Nolan-Ray"![]()