Great commentary, especially on Ground Zeroes and the state of the canon for the past twelve years. MGS 4 was an ugly child of sorts, but regardless, it tied up all loose ends and actually gave Kojima a golden opportunity to leave the series and work on some other games.
I still hope for some good things to come out of TPP (eg. retconing Big Boss's heroic status from MGS 4, and returning him to the villain that he was supposed to be). But, there's definitely a decline in the quality of writing, and aberrant lack of breaking fourth walls that haven't been present since MGS 2. The whole revenge spiel is grossly overplayed in MGS V, since Big Boss already has enough premise to become a monster at this point in time; from being screwed over so many times by the government, being betrayed by Zero, and having his cells used for gene experimentations in Les Enfants Terribles - all of which, took place before the events of Peace Walker.
It's absurdities like these that really prevent MGS from being taken as serious gaming literature. I know that a lot of people like to rip on the convolution of MGS 2. But, in comparison, MGS 4 and every game that followed from it, added considerably more convolution to the series canon.
Which was why Rising worked so well. It broke free of the continuity constraints and is now the Ghost Babel of MGS games. Ghost Babel was kinda sorta canon but at the same time it was also a "what if?" sequel to Metal Gear 2.
Like I said before though, I just don't dwell into canon as much post-MGS3. Kojima should be commended trying to literally deconstruct the canon of the series in MGS2 to give way for a bigger message but now he's doing a 180 by trying way too hard to adhere to an already shaky series mythology as it is.
George Weidman of SuperBunnyHop is definitely a talent to keep an eye on. I can't imagine trying to come up with intelligible sentences in a Revengeance playtrough, let alone an honest analysis of the state of the series.![]()
Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't MGR been cast in and out of canon once or twice? As far as I know the last news was that MGR was in canon, was it not?
Still don't see why the tone and themes are so non-MGS, they're not, the themes and tone are perfectly coherent with a franchise like MGS and it's history, if you think about it, topics like child soldiers, torture and rape have been presented in a very simplistic manner, these are not new to the franchise, I'm glad they're taking a blunt and rough approach to these topics.
There's nothing wrong with having one darker game in the franchise, long running lores often deal with different tonalities in different story arcs, either comics, movies or games.
Also, for all we know project Ogre was MGSV from the beginning.
I feel that implying; this is more "MGS" than that, or that is less "MGS" than these, it's like saying Daniel Craig is any less of a 007 for being blond and more violent.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't MGR been cast in and out of canon once or twice? As far as I know the last news was that MGR was in canon, was it not?
Still don't see why the tone and themes are so non-MGS, they're not, the themes and tone are perfectly coherent with a franchise like MGS and it's history, if you think about it, topics like child soldiers, torture and rape have been presented in a very simplistic manner, these are not new to the franchise, I'm glad they're taking a blunt and rough approach to these topics.
There's nothing wrong with having one darker game in the franchise, long running lores often deal with different tonalities in different story arcs, either comics, movies or games.
Also, for all we know project Ogre was MGSV from the beginning.
I feel that implying; this is more "MGS" than that, or that is less "MGS" than these, it's like saying Daniel Craig is any less of a 007 for being blond and more violent.
We don't know that for a fact, I have more reasons to believe PO was just a lid on MGSV, either that or something unrelated to MGSV.
Daniel Craig is awesome.
But, we do, Gaspar-kun. Is a fact. Y u doubt?
"There are a lot of real world issues I want to address, but the reason I kept making the MGS saga and its sequels is that it allowed me to explore my ideas", said Kojima.
But now I'm starting a new series, focusing on new set of issues. It'll probably be different to what MGS addressed. Of course, I'm turning 50 now, so if I'm going to approach new topics, it might be something more on a human level, like the concept of love, or rearing a family, things of that nature".
Dis sound like MGS V? Huhhhh???
Also, notice "love and rearing a family". Everything that he said in 2012 pointed to a new IP. I think it's typical that Konami eventually made him incorporate Project Ogre into MGS V.
I would never take anything this guy says for a facthe is Kojima after all
"I'm sick & tired of people keep asking me like 'is that project Ogre?' here in Seattle everyday. Project Ogre is what the project that Ogre appears. Ogre does not appear in MGS Ground Zeroes trailer."
I think Project Ogre was always MGSV, typical Kojima
(I love Craig too)
Kinda late... but I hope you all had a nice 4th of July
What are you babbling about Gaspar? I LOVE Craig as Bond!
As for Project Ogre was MGS from the beginning, sorry but that's not true. In fact, Kojima was "tired of people asking him about Project Ogre being MGS, it's NOT MGS!".
Yeah, some bad ass kids were blowing illegal fireworks outside my apartment. And then the cops showed up and made some arrests.
What are you babbling about Gaspar? I LOVE Craig as Bond!
As for Project Ogre was MGS from the beginning, sorry but that's not true. In fact, Kojima was quoted as saying:
Actually, he only "denied" GZ to be PO, not TPP.
And I love Craig, don't worryI was merely pointing out how blunt and rough Craig was compared to previous 007, but he's just as Bond as any.
Fatman copycats?![]()
The Entire Plot for MGS 5 the Phantom Pain Leaked!