As much as it seems Konami are dicks. I find its pretty telling that in the game we got that was " ready for shipment " we have a mission devoted to Quiet in her prison cell with her bra unstrapped. Quiet half naked playing in the rain. Quiet in the shower. Quiet fighting with the crew, Quiet rescuing the cracker animal from the chlorine room, quiet getting molested by guards but yet we get no Skull face battle, Sahelanthropus and Eli have vanished never to be seen again.
I was watching Stefani Joosten playing the game earlier where she was visually kinda creeped out about what her character was doing and told about the time she was told she needed to have her feet scanned and was like " ... ok ! ".
The real Phantom Pain in this game was anything not related to Quiet. Aka the story, and any character development for anybody but her. The entire game feels like it was an excuse by Kojima to hang around Stefani Joosten.