Super Freak
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics
Yeah, the rifle needs fixing...haha
Yeah, the rifle needs fixing...haha
Does anyone know if/when the second batch is out? Goodshipped is still claiming the second batch is out but is there any other word?
Looks like a cool pose to me.
Does anyone know if/when the second batch is out? Goodshipped is still claiming the second batch is out but is there any other word?
Yeah, the rifle needs fixing...haha
a cool pose? hes not holding it correctly
He guaranteed me he's only shipping second batch. I'm trusting him. Preordered last week with thos condition.
The thing that I fear is that he is only selling the ones with no problems of wave one thinking they are batch 2 and they may have problems to come later on such as the peeling.
I guess the only way to be absolute secure is to buy from the batch that will be available overseas. May is the date.
Yeah!! I have my Batman DX. I must say that its in perfect condition. Ruber, heads and the sonar vision are OK.
Pics dont make justice to this amazing figure. I have 2 more ordered for the second batch to pose them with all the faces ...
Here are some pics
DCfan, ActionHQ is a HK dealer and they never get the first runs. I'm still waiting on mine through them.
My DX Joker and Michael Jackson got through customs fine to the UK.
Fortunately mine doesn't show any peeling till now. Sonar head has minor warp, I think only right ear is smaller, but I'm happy with it.
I have tried to pose him and found rubber suit a little more restrictive than v1, I guess it's because it's more tight, but most of the joints on mine are strong enough. I have manipulated him like v1, I mean touching the soft rubber, I prefer it shows defects now than months later.
I think flash is the best way to find peeling problems. Please tell me if your expert eyes notice anything.
With this guy I'm done with the DK collection, now I'm waiting for avatar figures.
BTW my DK v1 has some peeling in his butt, It's not that noticable but I would like to know if there's some way to fix it, I mean what kind of paint can I use?
Well guys, I got confirmation from Hot Toys, they will be sending me a replacement sonar head to me as soon as possible. Looks like Hot Toys has very good customer service via email, what with all the bad talk about them.
Thanks for that - are they an ebay seller or do they have their own website?
Padrinno, Tio ...!!tú estás loco!! !!!3 BATMAN DX!!! Digo yo, no sería mejor tener solo una figura y cambiarle la cara cuando te canses de ver siempre la misma..I have 2 more ordered for the second batch to pose them with all the faces ...