1/6 MMS152 - Superman: Superman Collectible Figure

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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure


This comparison highlights what has actually been my biggest issue with the figure from the start. It's not even the sculpt, it's the neck being too thin. I think it throws off the solid likeness (including the original).
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Agreed the neck really throws it but I guess a necessary compromise for articulation as has been pointed out
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Wish there was a way to make the neck be wide enough to meet the jawline. Oh well. I imagine that's just something we have to give up to be able to pivot the head around. Good thing CR is one of the few I've seen with such a wide neck/jaw. I photoshopped the neck wider for my own grins, and it rounds out the good sculpt well.

They could have done Reeve's thick neck but it would probably mean losing the ball joint in favor of a swivel joint. Would you sacrifice the up and down pivot for simply turning the head left and right? If it meant a more accurate neck?
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Agreed the neck really throws it but I guess a necessary compromise for articulation as has been pointed out

I dunno, I think the neck can be made wider without sacrificing too much articulation. Look at the T-800 and Indy DX necks, they are both more or less in line with their jaw bone symmetry.

Anyhow, still stoked on this figure, just a minor gripe.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

No, but after 500 pages, the tread was finally moving in a positive direction. No need to urge the tittybabies into a cancellation frenzy over poor pics of a hairline. Wouldn't you agree? :huh

That's where we differ NAM, it doesn't bother me when other freaks decide to dissect a proto pic or a new pic. I decide myself whether I want it or not, I generally don't get affected by others responses.
That's why I have such a eclectic collection, I guess!

This figure was awesome, and now it's different awesome. I have two ordered, the SS ex and a second china release. Can't wait for either.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

That's where we differ NAM, it doesn't bother me when other freaks decide to dissect a proto pic or a new pic. I decide myself whether I want it or not, I generally don't get affected by others responses.
That's why I have such a eclectic collection, I guess!

This figure was awesome, and now it's different awesome. I have two ordered, the SS ex and a second china release. Can't wait for either.

I hardly get offended by single opinion posts, it's the continual, trolling bombardment of a piece with miniscule OCD critiques like cod pieces, fraction curvature of the "S," saying a cape isn't screen accurate in length and using flying pics to emphasize a detail when they're clearly incorrect, calling sculpts crosseyed when they're not just to annoy other members, etc. At any rate, not sure if it was your intent or not, but this is sidetracking the thread into redundancy. The new sculpt looks ____ing fantastic and at this point, any freaks with cancellation issues based on "inaccuracies" probably need medication. :lol
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Screen accuracy is a silly notion with Superman when you consider Reeve had several specialty capes (Flying, walking, sitting) and wore different colored costumes dependent on if he was in front of a blue screen. He also had shirts that were tailored longer in the sleeves for flying scenes so they wouldn't ride clear up his forearms when he stretched his arms out.

Because of all this the costume changes in tiny ways from scene to scene.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Screen accuracy is a silly notion with Superman when you consider Reeve had several specialty capes (Flying, walking, sitting) and wore different colored costumes dependent on if he was in front of a blue screen. He also had shirts that were tailored longer in the sleeves for flying scenes so they wouldn't ride clear up his forearms when he stretched his arms out.

Because of all this the costume changes in tiny ways from scene to scene.

No, NO, it makes too much sense!

Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Screen accuracy is a silly notion with Superman when you consider Reeve had several specialty capes (Flying, walking, sitting) and wore different colored costumes dependent on if he was in front of a blue screen. He also had shirts that were tailored longer in the sleeves for flying scenes so they wouldn't ride clear up his forearms when he stretched his arms out.

Because of all this the costume changes in tiny ways from scene to scene.

Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I hardly get offended by single opinion posts, it's the continual, trolling bombardment of a piece with miniscule OCD critiques like cod pieces, fraction curvature of the "S," saying a cape isn't screen accurate in length and using flying pics to emphasize a detail when they're clearly incorrect, calling sculpts crosseyed when they're not just to annoy other members, etc. At any rate, not sure if it was your intent or not, but this is sidetracking the thread into redundancy. The new sculpt looks ____ing fantastic and at this point, any freaks with cancellation issues based on "inaccuracies" probably need medication. :lol

I agree that 'OCD critiques' can get annoying when 'continual', and can seem trolling, and anyone who wants to cancel what we're seeing now is just plain wrong in the head - but isn't that the point? I like people to point out minute errors and details once, I like knowing them about figures I'm interested in, so I have to accept that they are going to be OCD about it, and therefore unusually focussed on getting their point across, repeating it mercilessly, and not realising they're starting to get on people's nerves. When they do that, we're best off not responding, they're not going to keep talking to themselves (I hope!).
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I agree that 'OCD critiques' can get annoying when 'continual', and can seem trolling, and anyone who wants to cancel what we're seeing now is just plain wrong in the head - but isn't that the point? I like people to point out minute errors and details once, I like knowing them about figures I'm interested in, so I have to accept that they are going to be OCD about it, and therefore unusually focussed on getting their point across, repeating it mercilessly, and not realising they're starting to get on people's nerves. When they do that, we're best off not responding, they're not going to keep talking to themselves (I hope!).

Can you find me a post in this thread where someone stated a complaint just once? :lol

And you're more than wrong about ignoring them. Time and again, this board takes that stance and in the end, all it does is leave other members frustrated and the trolls feeling not only entitled to continue doing so, but in some cases, ballsy enough to backtalk mods publicly, or continually instigate a flamewar by tailgating Mod warnings with emoticons because they haven't had to deal with the proper consequences for their actions.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Found another picture that looks like it could have been one used to develop the sculpt:


And of course the one everyone is looking at:


Arnie did pretty good.

Arnie did a good enough job with the redo. Granted Reeve's face got a little fatter over the span of all the films from age, however this is a really young looking Reeve in the sculpt. Although it still seems thinner than any picture I can find, it is a much better rendition than the original prototype. Arnie is still the king of Bruce Lee sculpts and he should be praised for his close enough Chris Reeve likeness. The only thing which is off to me now is the hairline. It is lower down than it should be, but that is not a deal breaker as it is not as noticeable as a problem with the nose, eyes, or mouth.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Can you find me a post in this thread where someone stated a complaint just once? :lol

And you're more than wrong about ignoring them. Time and again, this board takes that stance and in the end, all it does is leave other members frustrated and the trolls feeling not only entitled to continue doing so, but in some cases, ballsy enough to backtalk mods publicly, or continually instigate a flamewar by tailgating Mod warnings with emoticons because they haven't had to deal with the proper consequences for their actions.

Okay, I'm not going to argue with you!

As I said, I'm sure a lot of the people who seem OCD about details genuinely are OCD and so reason doesn't really come into it. They bring a higher attention to detail to the board than most of us can manage, which is great - but because they're OCD they do it again and again and again and again.....

Love the youthfulness of the sculpt, hope this is what we're getting.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

While the basis of my campaign was always tweaking the suit I nevertheless also hosted the infamous photoshop pic on my blog in the hope somebody might take notice.
In fact it was hideously abused in the end and used as the basis for all kinds of trolling and I was embarrassed about it. The guy who did the manip is a huge fan and historically his talent had been a great help comparing various sculpts to the real thing.
Its kind of academic now as having seen this new sculpt everything is put to bed. Even in those pics the new sculpt is such a stronger likeness and 100% Reeve. Even though I liked the prototype it always seemed more like an 'influenced by' rather than a fully-realised '78 Reeve.
I think when we get better/in hand pics this will become an instant classic. Inaccurate logo or not I don't care anymore as capturing the essence of the character is far more important and that's what HT have finally managed to do.
Barry Elms on the HT Facebook page, however, really hates it and wants the proto back. And some people agree with him. It never ends...
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

They could have done Reeve's thick neck but it would probably mean losing the ball joint in favor of a swivel joint. Would you sacrifice the up and down pivot for simply turning the head left and right? If it meant a more accurate neck?

I probably would, because I intend to pose him standing in the detolf and leave lim be, so the accuracy is worth it to me. But, I'm cool with the majority not wanting to give the ball joint up. There's a good reason for going with the thinner neck, so I can't really complain. It's more of a preference choice, and I think HT recognizes most of their customers would opt for the ball joint.

This why I didn't bother posting my photoshop either. I know it would be redundant given this isn't an error but a trade off for a feature, and while I would have done so to show how the wider neck enhances the better sculpt, I suspect it might be used to start a campaign for a wider neck (which would be pointless). You never know.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Exactly, 'you can't make all of the people happy'.


Agreed HTs should have an 'EMO' line of toys for the tittie-baby set.

Yes, I realize some feedback is necessary, and has helped HT tweek certain HS etc. but the incessant whining it getting too much.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Ever since I was a kid I could never make out the "S" on Superman's chest (in comics, on film etc). I mean, yeah, I know it's an "S" but I just can't see it. I'm not color blind either. Instead of seeing an "S" I see 5 different shapes. 2 nerf football shapes, 2 triangles and a messed up rectangle. It must have something to do with the positive and negative space of the logo for me because even to this day I can't "see" the "S".

Just thought I'd throw that out there.
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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Ever since I was a kid I could never make out the "S" on Superman's chest (in comics, on film etc). I mean, yeah, I know it's an "S" but I just can't see it. I'm not color blind either. Instead of seeing an "S" I see 5 different shapes. 2 nerf football shapes, 2 triangles and a messed up rectangle. It must have something to do with the positive and negative space of the logo for me because even to this day I can't "see" the "S".

Just thought I'd throw that out there.

That's not an unusual phenomenon although the Batman symbol is more renowned for it- to many it looks like a mouth of rounded teeth!
In fact I think the version of the symbol on the Superman Movie costume was purposefully more stylised and rendered without outline to further enhance it's purpose as a family crest. The notion of the 'S' is supposed to be a 'human' interpretation of the shape prompting Lois' name for him...