MMS164 - Iron Man: Iron Monger Limited Edition Collectible Figure

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Hot Toys has no rules.

There is no logic.

Hot Toys are not rare.

If you want rare collectible you must collect something other than Hot Toys.

But if you want the best action figures you must continue to collect Hot Toys.

End Rant.
why would Stark use something someone else made to make the Hulk Buster armour, he'd do it from scratch.

Monger is gaaaaaawn
Yeah, have to agree with this. As impressive in stature as Monger is, Tony punk'd him pretty easily and Hulk would demolish that design in no time (just thinking it's only made from steel/iron, plus all those pistons would seem like weak spots).

That said, as a figure, it's epic and a Hulk/Monger display would be really, really cool (also thinking about maybe a Hulk vs Man of Steel Superman display would look cool). Still on the fence a little with Monger but thinking about taking the plunge. He does make for a one-of-a-kind backdrop with IM and War Machine. It's possible to see HT re-releasing it in the future but I'm not sure what they could improve and I'd hate to count on it and lose out if it doesn't happen.
Just because it blew up doesn't mean it won't show up again. The Mark I blew to pieces too. Who's to say Sheild didn't reassemble it and it shows up in some background of Avengers II?

Besides, if this reaches new heights on after market prices, I'd bet dollars to donuts HTs will tap this well again.

They're becoming the kings of "upgrades", "do overs" and "re do's".

They had no real reason to redo the T2 T-800, but there it real reason to upgrade the P2 Pred or the Scar Pred but here they come! Why rerelease, well I argue, primarily because the secondary market shows there is still a demand for them...using that premise, Monger could be a candidate for a future second run easily.

Good point. I hope they do in the future as well as this guy is currently outside of my budget.
why would Stark use something someone else made to make the Hulk Buster armour, he'd do it from scratch.

Monger is gaaaaaawn

Did you even read what I wrote?!?! :huh

I never said anything about Stark using the Monger suit for the Hulkbuster armor. I said SHEILD! They are the ones who have been established as being eager to develope counter measures to defeat and/or contain the Hulk.

Besides, even if Tony did use it, it's based on HIS design. Surely he would modify it before facing Hulk...that would only make too much sense.

And he didn't exactly defeat Monger as much as he lead him to his demise. Had Pepper not have blown up that arc reactor, Tony's goose was cooked. It was pretty obvious Stane built a formidable suit. I bet some would argue that he actually beat Tonys Mark III as he was basically done until Pepper popped the reactor.

Back on topic, anyone who doesn't buy now is taking a HUGE gamble on never getting this outside the secondary market, but there are many many examples of why HTs might chose to rerelease this in the future. I surely think that with the success of future movies and a healthy after market price, HTs will reuse this one off mold again. And for those that say there is no room for improvement, you're missing thee most obvious area for improvement. They could retool the legs and put a full Stane figure in the armor. That would be the ultimate upgrade, get tons of new buyers and pull existing owners back in. Certainly seems like a move HTs would make.
Got the knock off Crushed Mark III Helmet today in the mail

Not certain why everyone is bi*ching about it. I do realize its not perfect but it actually ( to me ) looks much better in person than in the pictures. I will take some pictures of it when its actually sunny out side again but I say it was worth the purchase. Now of course the hot toys version would be better if you have it, but screw paying them high prices on ebay for it. I will take this one and be just fine with it.
Got the knock off Crushed Mark III Helmet today in the mail

Not certain why everyone is bi*ching about it. I do realize its not perfect but it actually ( to me ) looks much better in person than in the pictures. I will take some pictures of it when its actually sunny out side again but I say it was worth the purchase. Now of course the hot toys version would be better if you have it, but screw paying them high prices on ebay for it. I will take this one and be just fine with it.

$6.99 ship, I am happy. Even if I got the mark 3 be. I still feel would use this one.
Who would win in a fight? Superman or Terminator?

Well it all depends on the year your talking about and if your talking about a comic or a movie Superman.

Let's get this off the table ASAP. 45 and up his is a Wimp.

39/45 well. He was not all that great of a good guy per say. He let people die, took out town, trash cars, poison people (well let them get poison). I have to go back and see for sure on this one. But I think he took some guy (bad guy) up really high to get info and drop him. Bad guy hit the ground. Oh forgot. He con/rip off this con man that was selling bad Oil Wells.

The Terminators are computers and meatloaf to superman. They have a program and run the program. Being they can be taking out by a weapon as they are a walking weapon.

Why you did not ask about Batman. Depending on the year (before the boy wonder) he would let the bad guys fall to their death. Still he has firepower and can take down a Terminators.

Iron Monger is a man in a suit with a crap load of fire power. Again the Ts don't have it.

If your talking about a man, again they are still a walking weapon that can be taken out by some hevey firepower.

So why the Ts are a great weapon. The living person would win out each time.

Yes way off OT.
It's $10.99 now which is still a great deal. Can I see it in Monger's hand?

Here is the kick on this. They are all sold by the same seller. They have them at all kinds of prices. The day I put my bid in on this one. It was a bid not a buy it now starting at $6.99. Yet the same seller had a BIN at $11.99. 2 days later I won it, the same day he put it up again at $5.99 and a buy it now at $10.99.

This is the same one that I seen months ago when someone posted it. I just did not hit the buy it now and forgot till much later. Even at $10.99 ship its still a good deal. But if you bid you will win, as not to many are being bid on. $4.00 is still $4.00 you will just have to wait a day or so more.
Here you go



The way the helmet is crushed and how it sits in his hand...almost appears as though he did it himself. Very happy with the purchase.
Here is the kick on this. They are all sold by the same seller. They have them at all kinds of prices. The day I put my bid in on this one. It was a bid not a buy it now starting at $6.99. Yet the same seller had a BIN at $11.99. 2 days later I won it, the same day he put it up again at $5.99 and a buy it now at $10.99.

This is the same one that I seen months ago when someone posted it. I just did not hit the buy it now and forgot till much later. Even at $10.99 ship its still a good deal. But if you bid you will win, as not to many are being bid on. $4.00 is still $4.00 you will just have to wait a day or so more.

I saw the same thing after I purchased the one I did. I copy and pasted the number he had for the helmet, a few other auctions came up ( I usually do not buy anything till I know for certain its the best price I can get, but I had trouble finding it by using just words). I wonder why they do not make it more searchable. I would have never knew it was even there was not for other people on this site posting the auctions.
I saw the same thing after I purchased the one I did. I copy and pasted the number he had for the helmet, a few other auctions came up ( I usually do not buy anything till I know for certain its the best price I can get, but I had trouble finding it by using just words). I wonder why they do not make it more searchable. I would have never knew it was even there was not for other people on this site posting the auctions.

eBay or the person selling it?

eBay, it has to to with the person selling it. A programer can write the code but people change the way they do it all the time. Yes it can be done in less then 10 lines of code. Those 10 lines could change day to day. I used to write shopping cart code back in the 90s. Its a bugger.

The Seller/Person/Company/Etc. They get something for X or make something for X. They list it for this and that to get a feel on how well it will sell.

Then there are the people that miss spell and you get something that books/sells for $$$ for $ (being my Droid puts in words all the time, I get some great deals).

In anycase, $6 or $11 ship its worth it. Now $20 ship that is another story.