Lt. Vulture
The reward points are a web based system so they can't be used on call in orders. Only non web based orders that get points are those from SDCC.
Just put in my pre-order for the regular edition in case I miss out on the exclusive edition during the PPO.
wow. With each picture this figure just looks better and better. All of my fears about this not turning out well are slowly dissolving. I still have one issue with the figure though...the bodysut could use some tighter tailoring. I think that the loseness of the bodysuit is what is contributing to the chubby and stumpy look in some pictures. I sure hope they fix this so we can have the perfect ANH Vader.
This certainly is not the best picture on earth. But it's only purpose is to shed some light on some earlier speculation that Darth Vaders height compared to the Stormtroopers might be the result of his being set higher in the case.
doesn't really look that way to me.
Also, I asked for some changes to the poses to show some more dynamics of the articulation and I was told that these prototypes were not good for that purpose. And the Darth Vader prototype in the showcase has a vinyl mannequin at this time and has no articulation.
Sorry, I have not been following this issue. So is Vader going to be taller than the troopers?
It better turn out just like this.
This picture instills complete faith in this figure and SSC's ability to make figures just as good as Medicom or Hot Toys.
I just got back from my excursion...
What did I miss now?
That's outrageous...I guess shipping won't be as expensive as a double pack, but still...