Official 1/6th Darth Vader Thread

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Yeah, I think thats pretty much what I said. :rotfl

How's it unfair? I love it when people that don't go complain. Sour grapes is all this is.

Sideshow also has international customers who already get screwed by shipping and customs charges. Are you suggesting they should be prepared to fly to San Diego and pay inflated hotel charges just so they can get a fair shot at a product? There's no way I'd even fly cross-country just for that, and if I was back at home in Sydney I think a few thousand dollars and a week off work might be asking just a little too much for the privilege of paying for a figure.
i was thinking about just getting the regular, but a force choking hand is a pretty important way of how I'd probably want to pose him from time to time.... so not having that would actually for once be quite a loss. I'll defintely be on here to order, even from the UK. I'll pay the extra in shipping and tax on this one

by the way... (I suppose I should find out first, lol) ... what's PT... and how far behind the UK is it? ..does it stand for pacific time or something?
another thing I've just thought of... nobody has mentioned this. All the pics we've seen of Vader his arms are posed out, either at his hips or at his sides but in a 'stocky body builder' way... can his arms go down flat at his sides as they should? I hope they body/bodysuit combination doesnt mean that's as close to his sides his arms go.
How's it unfair? I love it when people that don't go complain. Sour grapes is all this is.

Now that's a bit extreme. I'm fine with attendees getting the privilege of avoiding PPO madness, but if the ES of piece was such that a large percentage of that could be bought up by attendees with little left for those that couldn't go, that'd be BS. I'm sure everyone would love to go to the con but sometimes the money just doesn't work out, those people shouldn't be punished cuz they're dropping thousands on the products all year and because of that have no spare cash for a trip, they're still contributing lots directly to Sideshow.

I have faith Sidshow will balance the situation out so the playing field is even for everyone, but given their history of fan friendliness over the 3 years I've been following, if they were to suddenly do something that made a product seem meant only for those able to attend the convention, that'd be more than sour grapes. Even the Con pieces are made available to everyone just to balance things.
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Here's that profile shot I mentioned from DarthCitrix at RS showing the cape collar and helmet shapes very nicely.

The way the large wrinkle seems to run down from the neck to the back looks to me like with his arms down properly and the cape fixed, should run over the fronts of his shoulders correctly.

Yeah, I think thats pretty much what I said. :rotfl

How's it unfair? I love it when people that don't go complain. Sour grapes is all this is.

If you make the effort to go to the Con then its only right that you get a first shot at things. Cant see why it bothers people so much.
If you make the effort to go to the Con then its only right that you get a first shot at things. Cant see why it bothers people so much.

I don't think people are so much concerned with the first chance to order, but that depending on the edition size of the piece, an item could be almost entirely bought up by con attendees with the non attendees never having a chance. I think everyone supports attendees getting first crack so long as there's equal opportunity for non attendees to secure the item too, when it's a regularly offered item and not a con exclusive.
another thing I've just thought of... nobody has mentioned this. All the pics we've seen of Vader his arms are posed out, either at his hips or at his sides but in a 'stocky body builder' way... can his arms go down flat at his sides as they should? I hope they body/bodysuit combination doesnt mean that's as close to his sides his arms go.

Actually, that's been discussed, the limited posing we've seen of him, but someone said they heard at the con that Vader is presently on a temp manequin body with limited poseability with his real body still in development.
I am still undecided on whether to go for the exclusive version. From where I am, the extra charges is really going to COST! I might very well get myself the Medicom Jawa while getting the regular edition.

I felt SSC has pretty much change tactics of late. Now they are offering smaller items but of bigger significants for the exclusive items.
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Actually, that's been discussed, the limited posing we've seen of him, but someone said they heard at the con that Vader is presently on a temp manequin body with limited poseability with his real body still in development.

ahh good point, i remember reading about that... but hadn't thought that that was why the arms were sticking out. Fingers crossed I guess (and for the cape)
Sour grapes my ass. It supposed to be a SSC exclusive not a SDCC exclusive. If you want to make something special for attendees thats fine but it should be the back up gun for the rebel fleet trooper not something for the most anticipated figure in SSC history. That would be like SSC saying FU to anyone who can't attend because real life got in the way. If thats the way they feel they should say so, I'm sure I can find something else to blow a few hundred a year on.
So does anyone really expect Sideshow to stick with the 1977 edition size. I really dont see this thing being under 3000. I will hopefully be able to snag one come Friday but if now I will get on the waitlist and hopefully it will convert.
I felt SSC could have chosen something less important for the exclusive item and give everyone this extra hand.

The choking hand makes such an iconic pose for Vader, its difficult for any fans to live without. Hah...

At the same time, I can understand the whole point is for us to fight over this...
ahh good point, i remember reading about that... but hadn't thought that that was why the arms were sticking out. Fingers crossed I guess (and for the cape)

It is a little concerning, but based on bare images of the armor body and the images of Vader's jumpsuit not looking too thick, I think he should be poseable arms down and it's just a matter of them setting up the temp body in a somewhat iconic pose, a lot of press stuff had him hands at side like they have the figure.

So does anyone really expect Sideshow to stick with the 1977 edition size. I really dont see this thing being under 3000. I will hopefully be able to snag one come Friday but if now I will get on the waitlist and hopefully it will convert.

If they really already sold like 1000 at the con, I don't think they should. Realistically, if that is the number sold at the con, the ES should be 2500 to make enough available for NAs, I'm sure there's about 2 people that couldn't go to the con for every one that did who wants the Ex. version.
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