1/6 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Avengers: AoU - Iron Man Mark 45

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They both (1/4 and 1/6) look great. I got both on PO. But if I had to choose...I'd take the 1/6. It fits with the other figures. The 1/4 is a great figure, but right now there's not much else in scale with it. I happen to have a lot of statues so I can pose it with those. But if you have a 1/6 collection I'd say get it
:mwaha:thud:my wallet wont stop crying,:lol
They both (1/4 and 1/6) look great. I got both on PO. But if I had to choose...I'd take the 1/6. It fits with the other figures. The 1/4 is a great figure, but right now there's not much else in scale with it. I happen to have a lot of statues so I can pose it with those. But if you have a 1/6 collection I'd say get it
Gotta love that 1/6! :yess:

For a second I thought it was the 1/4... Though I have the Mark III coming in a couple of weeks this one is currently grabbing my attention, gonna be hard choosing which to display where as I am already low on space and considering boxing some of the other 3 Iron Man Mk's I already have to make room!
For a second I thought it was the 1/4... Though I have the Mark III coming in a couple of weeks this one is currently grabbing my attention, gonna be hard choosing which to display where as I am already low on space and considering boxing some of the other 3 Iron Man Mk's I already have to make room!

Yeah, only one of the four pics is of the 1/6. For whatever reason, the reactor in the 1/4's chest is a milky white while it's clear on the 1/6's. :dunno
Those latest photos did it for me and I pulled the trigger on pre-ordering this from my local hobby shop. I'm waitlisted though. I'll know by the end of the week if I successfully got a slot. Overall cost me $297 because I got a discount for paying in full. Not bad if it pushes through.
Those latest photos did it for me and I pulled the trigger on pre-ordering this from my local hobby shop. I'm waitlisted though. I'll know by the end of the week if I successfully got a slot. Overall cost me $297 because I got a discount for paying in full. Not bad if it pushes through.

Thats a great price :clap Congrats
Thanks! I'm not celebrating yet. I'll know hopefully by the weekend if I made it to the main list. If not, they'll be calling me to refund my money and put me on waitlist when it comes out.
Still can't tell if there's any ab articulation.

I'm guessing yes. See how the abs aren't quite lined up in this PO pic?


I wouldn't expect a great range of motion, but we'll likely get a little, maybe even with a button on back that'll extend the abdomen.
This one seems to show articulation too:


You can see the ab plates skewed slightly indicating a bit of ab crunch.
The more I look at this armor, the more I like it. It's a clear evolution from the Mk43. If this is the design language of the newer IM armors coming then my wallet won't be happy. :rotfl