1/6 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Avengers: AoU - Iron Man Mark 45

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Shush you :lol
my wallet declared bankruptcy a while ago,but mr.stark wont listen to it.:slap:gah: he just keeps building armour after armour :gah: :thud:
The more I look at this armor, the more I like it. It's a clear evolution from the Mk43. If this is the design language of the newer IM armors coming then my wallet won't be happy. :rotfl
I need to stop looking at this thread because this armor is just too bad ass and it's release date is still so far away
Seems standard fair for HT. In the 5 years I've been collecting them, the IM line has nearly doubled in price.
If the pricing for this armor is the new standard fare, then why wasn't the new stealth this amount instead of going back to the usual 309 dc pricing. I dunno, I think they could have sold more if they priced it the same. I know I would buy it at that price point.