1/6 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Avengers: AoU - Iron Man Mark 45

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I don't like this pic nearly as much as the proto...This pic makes the red/gold look like it has a chrome look to it or something, I dunno...

You watched the movie, right?

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Man that gif takes me back to when the 45 first appeared in a trailer. My how time flies...

And we're STILL so many months away from this figure releasing :lol
Seems like yesterday! Weathering wise the only time the suit is seen clean is when he lands in the church, every scene from then on he's pretty dirty.
I'm not sure how practical a practical IM suit would be. Or how good it would look during all the action scenes. Stormtrooper stark. Marvel flicks are rife with CG anyway.
It wasn't until we saw this at Secret Base and at cons where it was like whoa this has the potential to be one of the best 1/6 IM releases. The Hot Toys figure is what sold me on the mk45, not it's appearance on film.
Yeah, I never liked that Ironmans suits were always CG. It could be easily prosthetic. But I guess RDJ can't be bothered with all that

I've posted it before so I'm sure you could find it..a video of him wearing the full mk3 suit and how much work it takes to get it on...and how he can't hardly walk in it. Bet even so...the full suit is made for every film (I'm not 100% sure on Aou as I didn't know most the prop/costume people)....but for the others it was. Not all the HPP suits. But the mk1-7 (except the mk5...though most of it was made but never worn)

The design of the suit itself means a full suit would never work. Not for anything other them standing there. Which means a pretty boring movie.

I'm curious where people come up with things sometimes. 20 plus years ago not knowing something easy to find I can understand. Info was a bit harder to get. But with a two second Google search I'm sure you would have found a thousand pics of the practical suits and RDJ in them. I don't get it. On top of making a comment like it is done one way, a way that is not true, becuase the actor can't be bothered....like he's too good for it or something. It's easy enough to find the truth with a Google search that takes two seconds...but I guess you can't be bothered. See, doesn't sound so nice.

Nice info. Mk6 looks awesome. When he does wear the practical suit, is there still a bunch of cgi done on top of it? Mk6 and mk4 look pretty good as is.
Yeah most the time. It's nearly impossible not to, given the way the suit is designed and how it moves. It's essentially a medieval suit of armor. And those guys couldn't walk hardly in full plate. Or get on a horse without help. And that's just tip of it. The way it looks is just not possible in reality. Some of the suits would require RDJ to have a 46 inch chest and a 24 inch waist with a 34 inch in seam and other crazy purportions.

Tried everything to make it look ok. Nothing really worked. So in 80% of the shots it's just a chest piece. Sometimes arms. But outside of a few static shots (the donut shop with Fury for example) the legs don't get used after im1. He had to walk bow legged in them. Lol and he pinched is junk a couple times. Funny to see and hear. Not so heroic. Lol

And any articulated parts of the suits are CG. Air brakes and flaps and missiles and flares and all that is CG. The joins are all CG. Any action scenes..all CG. You can't move in the things. Not naturally or fluidly.

But a 1/1 suit is almost always fully constructed for lighting and paint and a bunch of other crap that never makes it to screen.
Very interesting. Definitely gives me a ton more respect to Hot Toys for being able to create these amazingly accurate figures that ARE articulated. Especially the 1/4 mk43, that thing is an artistic and engineering marvel.

Thanks for the info Motuxmen.
I've posted it before so I'm sure you could find it..a video of him wearing the full mk3 suit and how much work it takes to get it on...and how he can't hardly walk in it. Bet even so...the full suit is made for every film (I'm not 100% sure on Aou as I didn't know most the prop/costume people)....but for the others it was. Not all the HPP suits. But the mk1-7 (except the mk5...though most of it was made but never worn)

The design of the suit itself means a full suit would never work. Not for anything other them standing there. Which means a pretty boring movie.

I'm curious where people come up with things sometimes. 20 plus years ago not knowing something easy to find I can understand. Info was a bit harder to get. But with a two second Google search I'm sure you would have found a thousand pics of the practical suits and RDJ in them. I don't get it. On top of making a comment like it is done one way, a way that is not true, becuase the actor can't be bothered....like he's too good for it or something. It's easy enough to find the truth with a Google search that takes two seconds...but I guess you can't be bothered. See, doesn't sound so nice.

Another question asked a lot is why Thor has only ever worn his helmet for a grand total of about two minutes in the MCU... I've read a range of discussions and possible reasons, from the helmet wouldn't stay on, to actors don't get to emote the same with helmets on (hence why IM, Cap and even Spidey spend so much time without their masks/helmets), to.... Hemsworth didn't like wearing his helmet so wouldn't wear it. The last one makes me laugh. NO actor in any of the Lord of the Rings movies ever liked spending hours in prosthetics or getting squeezed into corsets. Yet, they all did it.... Would Hemsworth seriously have that much control of the Thor movies that they would drop the use of the helmet just because he didn't like it?... yeah, right, lol..