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I know that is the comic look but IMO I think Thor (and Loki) looked better without the helmets.

I agree, and I think it works better in the more real world setting that the MCU is set in.. even though the bigger the MCU gets, the further from reality it gets, especially now that 'super powers' are creeping in. Its like, I like how the early seasons of Arrow, not only was he a more realistic 'real world' hero, the costumes were too. (Oliver was a hooded vigilante who just happened to favour green).. Now with the direction the program has gone, the number of characters and their abilities moving into super power category, the costume style has firmly gone into the comic book realm.
On that same note, I'm also a fan of the more real world adaptation looks of superheros. The reveal of Daredevil's costume on the Netflix series felt like it was supposed to be an epic moment but it really just made me miss the all black with a black beanie look.
If Hemsworth thought he were Brando, he'd be constantly wearing an ice bucket on his head and be in the company of his own little person. :lol


Another question asked a lot is why Thor has only ever worn his helmet for a grand total of about two minutes in the MCU... I've read a range of discussions and possible reasons, from the helmet wouldn't stay on, to actors don't get to emote the same with helmets on (hence why IM, Cap and even Spidey spend so much time without their masks/helmets), to.... Hemsworth didn't like wearing his helmet so wouldn't wear it. The last one makes me laugh. NO actor in any of the Lord of the Rings movies ever liked spending hours in prosthetics or getting squeezed into corsets. Yet, they all did it.... Would Hemsworth seriously have that much control of the Thor movies that they would drop the use of the helmet just because he didn't like it?... yeah, right, lol..

It's a combination of factors. The helmet didn't stay "centered" or on for most action shots. And no, hemsworth didn't like wearing is. That's not just why they stopped though. It also wasn't easy for emoting as you mentioned. Any normal head shots had to be done closer and tighter. And it just wasn't written into later films and scenes. It's rare that any one thing is the reason.

As for comparing it to lotr...wearing a 10lb helmet for 10 hours a day for a couple months is different then wearing makeup and rubber and latex glued here and there. The helmet can cause real medical issues.

Loki's helmet caused all kinds of problems as well.
I can let go of Thor not wearing the helmet, but I thought Loki was perfect in his. Hiddleston emoted just fine, I thought, with it on. I really hope they bring it back for Ragnarok.
Tom has a different bone structure. Not every actor performs that same. Becuase it worked for one..doesn't it does for the other. And most of loki's true expressive scenes (the ship, Germany, the quinjet battle scene) where all done without the helmet. And that on purpose. Even though he could do well with it on, unless they wanted to spend hours resetting cameras in a scene to get close to show that emotion he had to be sans helmet.

And they didn't use it later films becuase it gave him migraines.

It's his battle helmet. Like a medieval knights metal helmet, or a military mans brain bucket. You wear it as little as possible becuase it's not natural. It's much more likely he wouldn't wear it all the time. Or as little as possible. It's like expecting JJ Watt to walk around the mall with his football helmet on.
Seems like a bit of a cop out though. Most of the LOTR cast did just fine, migraines or not, Anthony Daniels wore an entire body suit as did Peter Weller, Karl Urban as Judge Dredd, the list is fairly extensive. Even Keaton had a dig at Joel Kinnaman saying his water cooled Robocop suit was a piece of cake compared to his Batman stuff. The fact is, this stuff isn't comfortable, the props guys obviously try and make it as comfortable and practical as they can, but actors just have to get on with it and suffer for their art..they're being paid enough.
Wearing a suit made to fit a body is one thing. Wearing a helmet that moves the balance on your head is something else. The comparison isn't equal. It's not like Thor did have a full body costume made from materials just as bad to wear as any human Lotr character. Aragons character walked around in robes and normal clothing that people wore on a day to day basis for a few hundred(or a thousand) years.

Those prop guys your talking about. That's me. I got a fairly good understanding of how it works. Keaton can make all the jokes he wants about someone else...but he didn't exactly not ***** when he wore his. He insisted on body doubles becuase of the suit. So that is a cop out.

You can make it seem as easy as you want. Put a bowl on your head and glue a 5lb dumbells on either side like wings.all while having to act (not sweat) do action scenes...in extreme lighting.....walk around wearing it for 5-10 hrs a day for three months. Then come back and tell me how it's a cop out to not want nerve damage in your neck.

The helmets that Thor, and especially Loki, wore in the films are worse then a full body suit or form fitting helmet(dredd) or cowl(batman). All of those are light, and keep the natural structure of a body as a support. The Loki helmet is not even remotely that same. Other then going on you head. It's like saying I can wear winter mittens, so I should be able to walk around holding a 2 lb dumbell straight out level with the floor all day. That dredd helmet and the batman cowl may be uncomfortable and hot and itchy...but they don't require constant muscle work. The Loki helmet is like I said, like taping 5 lb Dumbbells to either side of your head for hours a day. Thor not as bad but it's the same thing. Easy to call it weak or a cop out while never having done it or anything like it.

And as I said, it wasn't the actors choice or preference that was the sole, or even main factor. Its just part of it.
wait.your saying J.J. Watt does not wear a helmet in his sparetime???:thud: :lol
Tom has a different bone structure. Not every actor performs that same. Becuase it worked for one..doesn't it does for the other. And most of loki's true expressive scenes (the ship, Germany, the quinjet battle scene) where all done without the helmet. And that on purpose. Even though he could do well with it on, unless they wanted to spend hours resetting cameras in a scene to get close to show that emotion he had to be sans helmet.

And they didn't use it later films becuase it gave him migraines.

It's his battle helmet. Like a medieval knights metal helmet, or a military mans brain bucket. You wear it as little as possible becuase it's not natural. It's much more likely he wouldn't wear it all the time. Or as little as possible. It's like expecting JJ Watt to walk around the mall with his football helmet on.
Coulda been worse... any actor playing Sun Wukong had to wear a full suit of fur while acting in the desert!!!

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Love it! Just hope it is similar in height to the war machine mark iii, I like how they are both sleek. Thanks to YF for guiding the thread!