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I don't think I'll be getting the 1:1 Stan Lee. Just too creepy for me. Plus as you said the likeness just isn't there yet.
45 is better

i agree.

i do like the the smaller lights throughout the mark 46, but design-wise, i think the 45 looks better. especially when it comes to the heads.. it's no contest for me between the 45 and 46, the 45 is far superior.

i can't wait to see what his armor looks like in infinity wars. i just picked up starboost, but i'm really interested to see if he has a space-esque suit that'll actually be featured and that he'll wear. i wonder how it'll differ from starboost. (assuming there will be another space armor)

anyways, this is far too long of a wait. it could be worse (drax) but that doesn't make the wait any easier.
Well I could see how waiting so long for this figure could piss someone off who likes the 46 but it seems not to be the case.

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The thing is in all likely hood passing on the 45; especially if you like it, want it and have ordered it at this point will mean you are then waiting on the same amount of time for the 46 assuming they make an MMS (very likely) which could put it at round early - mid 2017... by then I bet people will already be thinking about suits from IW.

I like the 45, I also like the 46, there are different parts to each I like... iI have the 45 on order already so I won't be cancelling that order waiting for a new figure which will then be another x number of months away.

Though if the 46 includes a Tony head with no helmet I will be kicking myself and will be adding it to my basket, out of the 4 (5 by then) I don't have one like that (but 3 which have open faceplate helmets) so would like a completely open on.

Kinda hope when they get round to the Mk6 they do that (light up and open face helmets along with an Avengers Tony head and some light battle damage alt pieces would be ideal... but I am asking for way, way too much there).
Doesn't the head pop off these so you can attach a RDJ headsculpt, or is that only the plastic IM figures?
Doesn't the head pop off these so you can attach a RDJ headsculpt, or is that only the plastic IM figures?

The heads come off on nearly every hot toys figure. Diecast and plastic are no different. They both function (in regards to these figures) exactly the same. One is just heavier. A diecast figure is mostly plastic.
Just a question can this do the landing pose like Iron Patriot if I don't see it in the preview pics I asume it does not have the updated hips any one know for sure?
There's no way anyone could know for sure. It's not made.

That said...outside of the few large armors (striker, gamma, Igor) every iron man can do it. Mk2,3,4,5,6,7,9,33,42,43 ect...they all do it. Some better then others, but they do it.
There's no way anyone could know for sure. It's not made.

That said...outside of the few large armors (striker, gamma, Igor) every iron man can do it. Mk2,3,4,5,6,7,9,33,42,43 ect...they all do it. Some better then others, but they do it.
Well I guess I need to be more specific do you think this and the new war machine have the updated hip design like the iron patriot and mark 42.

I am guessing that they don't since they did not show it of in the previews I guess they just got the extendable hips that pull down

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My MK45 with Tony Stark and Heartbreaker
