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Sideshow randomly emailed me a $50 off code yesterday and I heard about the $20 off C1V1LWAR code today so I emailed SS earlier and they knocked $70 off my order. SCORE!
Lol this thread went sideways for a minute.

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That was a reply to the shoulder gaps comment.

I got what your saying. They added a line. It's still the same size. It has an added line. its still the same piece.

Again, if you don't like the mk45 production then the mk46, which is based on the mk45 production, I don't see why you assume it's going to be better.

Thai is going nowhere. My point was and is, the mk46 figure is a tweaked mk45. If ou don't like the mk45 production figure then you are going to probably not like the mk46 production figure. In the same way the mk4/6 and mk42/43 are the same base so are the mk45/46.

That's all I m saying.

Well, I'm not gonna spend $350 on something I don't like. We can pick this up a year from now when the MK46 comes out and either you can say I told you so, or I can say :pfft: when it turns out the MK46 does not have the weird crotch section and ends up looking like the prototype. :)

Now bring on comparison photo's!! I'm looking forward to seeing him with all the other armors in some nice comparison photos.

Yes Loki, I said assigning random human physiology traits to a suit of metal armor is silly. There are hundreds of other things about every single suit that do not match human anatomy. But those are ok? Like it, don't like it. Not what I said was silly. Your justification was what I find silly. And just as you said it was your opinion, and used that word as back up for your view point, my opinion was that is silly. The suit is not a person. It doesn't have to follow human body, and in fact doesn't in any iteration. This has one extra "ab" section you called silly Becuase you don't have abs all the way to your pee pee(you can say that but me saying you that is silly is totally off base?) misses the point that the place where the prototype "abs" stop if essentially where most humans would call the private area and thus essentially do the same thing...but those are ok? You see why it's silly? Becuase they both do exactly the same thing but ones wrong just Becuase

I didn't once say I prefered or liked one over the other. I also prefer the prototype design. That wasn't the point of this. And I think I was pretty laid back the last five pages answer question after question after question after question despite being totaled to like I don't understand English. Like just didn't get what your saying, Becuase I simply disagreed . Like there's no way I could disagree if I understood. I started this by trying to help. Share some info. And it's lead to being questioned over and over and over and asked to do this and that the other. I saw you where not getting what I said and I attempted to let it go three pages ago. And you kept asking and talking like I wasn't seeing the difference and that I just didn't get it. And when eventually you did the whole your my getting it (towards me) and let's move on, like I was the one egging this on, after I had tried to squash it

Again, all I was doing was pointing out that the issues you had with the 45 production in comparisons to the 45 prototype are probably going to be carried over to the 46 production given the 46 prototype is based on the 45.

The above post was from like 5 pages back. All I've been saying is the same as that. If you don't like it on one, and chances are it's going to be on the other as well...and you stated you liked the one (45) better then the other (46) except for those issues(which will be on both, based on past releases and an educated guess) then I thought you would know that way if the 45 goes up in price or starts to sell out in the 15 months before the one you don't like as much is released you would know and have a chance to pick it up.

Honestly, I could care less if you buy one, or both or none or the 46 alone or the 45 or whatever. It's your money. I was just trying to give you the most information availble so you could make an INFORMED choice. What you do with the info is up to you

I'm confused now.... Are you arguing with yourself? I said way before you did about ending it when I jokingly said we can pick up this conversation a year from now about how they will both look the same. Then an hour and a half later you post something about human anatomy and blah blah that I never mentioned at all or addressed directly to you anything you said about it. That was someone else, so why are you naming me here? All I ever said in my original post were the things that HT changed that I didn't like. I don't know why you decided to challenge me on anything. It was your choice to start the discussion.
For me, with coming soon iron man figures, I like a lot of them. I very much dislike the mk42/43 1/6 scale, but the 1/4 is a big improvement. However, I would never buy that suit as I feel it was a step back in design (and functionality in the case of the 42). The mark 45 though is definitely a big step forward. And I really love that suit. I really like the mark 46 too, and I think hot toys did a fantastic job with the proportions. but again, it seemed to be a bit of a backwards design choice. The 45 is definitely the best one IMO. The choice then comes down to 1/6 or 1/4. I think that the 1/4 scale does have some details and techniques not possible with the 1/6. However that doesn't mean I like them better. Plus the 1/6 is die-cast. Factor in the price, the accessories, and the fact that so many other figures only come in 1/6 (including the one figure I already have), and it's a no brainer. 1/6 Mark 45 is the best option for me.

As far as the prototype to final argument goes, I am all for the final design. When I first saw secret base photos last year, I was disappointed, especially considering I thought the official pictures were great. But with each change, all of the problems I had were fixed. The parts that were the wrong colour were changed, the parts that were the wrong shape were changed, and elements the 1/4 had that the 1/6 didn't were added. Stuff like shoulder gaps don't bother me, as you can't have an articulated figure without small issues like that, and it doesn't seem glaring or severe at all to me. Plus, as evidenced by multiple photos, it only shows up in certain poses. After seeing the proto appear at secret base, I seriously considered getting the 1/4 instead. But now, they seem to have made this into a slightly different, smaller, metal version of that, and based on the differences between the two, I definitely prefer the 1/6.
Also regarding the shoulder gap, here's a photo showing on one side, the actual "gap," and on the other side, showing how far it can actually be pushed in:
Screen shot 2016-05-24 at 11.21.35 PM.jpg
That looks great! Thanks for the find, Mark 45! :hi5:
The shoulder gap can be minimized. Its more important to me that the body proportions are accurate, which HT did an excellent job with for this figure.

This is light years ahead of the 1/6 Mark 42/43. Well done.

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What did I just read throughout the last few pages?

The shoulder gap can be minimized. Its more important to me that the body proportions are accurate, which HT did an excellent job with for this figure.

This is light years ahead of the 1/6 Mark 42/43. Well done.

Sent from my VS990 using Tapatalk


This figure eclipses all of the main suits (Marks 1-7, 42, 43), in my opinion.
Anyone have a picture of 45 with the exclusive lit up infected helmet from 43? Was my original idea but after waiting a year and not getting the head I needed I was over it. I'm sure someone here has it;) this could break the current talk about crotch abs and arm gaps. Do it for the thread!!!
well.. i told myself i wasn't going to do it.. but i went ahead and purchased the age of ultron war machine mark 2. i have the iron man 3 version.. but i know that if i paired the iron man 3 version with the 45, it would always just feel wrong to me. the color, the markings, the details.. i know that i'd always look at it and wish i had the age of ultron version. so, i broke down and bought it. man, it's been an unexpectedly pricy month. and ultron hasn't even become available yet.

oh well.. after ultron my next preorder is deadpool, so, i'll have a decent amount of time to recoup lol.
well.. i told myself i wasn't going to do it.. but i went ahead and purchased the age of ultron war machine mark 2. i have the iron man 3 version.. but i know that if i paired the iron man 3 version with the 45, it would always just feel wrong to me. the color, the markings, the details.. i know that i'd always look at it and wish i had the age of ultron version. so, i broke down and bought it. man, it's been an unexpectedly pricy month. and ultron hasn't even become available yet.

oh well.. after ultron my next preorder is deadpool, so, i'll have a decent amount of time to recoup lol.

I feel your pain I have 45 paid Deadpool waiting to be released wolverine on flex and I just ordered a f4f samus varia exclusive suit from their site. Actually two of them....