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Neither 45 or 46 show the extended lines in the prototype ab armor section. Just because they added it to the 45 why does that mean HT will change the 46 as well?
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Did they change it on the 45? Yes. Is the 46 based on the 45? Yes. What seems more likely they retool one section so it goes back and matches a prototype they changed(i.e. To match the mk45 prototype) or that they use the tooling and design that was created for the production version?

The mk45 prototype is irrelevant. The mk45 production figure is what they made. Comparing it to the mk45 prototype when there is a production figure is pointless.

Some movie stills you can see a faint extra line, other's you cant. The proto 45 didn't have the added ab line. HT decided to add it, I don't like it. Looks dumb to me. I don't have ab muscles all the way down to my peepee. The 46 does not have it at all in any movie, toy, or other photo's so don't see why the HT figure would add it like they did to the MK45..

:gah: ..... I don't think you get what I mean, so I'll give up trying to explain. :rotfl
I don't have ab muscles all the way down to my peepee.


I didn't think I'd ever read something like this on a toy board. Repped for making me LOL. :lol
Some movie stills you can see a faint extra line, other's you cant. The proto 45 didn't have the added ab line. HT decided to add it, I don't like it. Looks dumb to me. I don't have ab muscles all the way down to my peepee. The 46 does not have it at all in any movie, toy, or other photo's so don't see why the HT figure would add it like they did to the MK45..

:gah: ..... I don't think you get what I mean, so I'll give up trying to explain. :rotfl

No I get what you are saying. But you clearly are not getting my point.

It doesn't matter if the mk45 prototype or even the mk46 prototype have those parts or lines. What matters are if the pieces they sell have them. The production parts. And I was just trying to give you heads up, that if you dislike the mk45 Production figure, that the mk46 will be built on that platform.

Weather you can see or understand why they (hot toys) do something is irrelevant and not what is at issue. It's recognizing what they DO actually do. Not why. Or even how. The mk46 is built on the mk45. If they used the mk45 prototype in the past as a basis for the lower section, and that section was in fact changed by hot toys to have the line you don't like, (following?) then going forward the comparison and thing you can look at to see what the mk46 production parts will look like is the mk45 production parts. Not the mk45 prototype or the mk46 prototype...neither of which will ever be sold. Out of the three...the Mk45 prototype, the mk46 Proto, and the mk45 production...only one is what they actually spent thousands of dollars to tool and die and was approved for sale and made it to market. So...the mk45 Proto IS now the mk45 production. And if the mk46 is built on the mk45, then guess what l"crotch" section they will actually make? Probably the one they actually made, and not the one they essentially threw in the trash and discarded.

As for you not having abs all the way to your man parts... What does that matter? It's a metal suit not a human body. It's not anatomically accurate. Should he have a ***** as well? People apply all these human anatomical ideas to a suit of armor. I saw someone else say they didn't like the mk45 because he study anatomy and the shoulder gaps bother him. If you are judging this based on human any any you wouldn't buy a single suit and should hate iron man as an idea. As it's not correct in any way with human anatomy and isn't supposed to be. It's a metal suit of armor. Not flesh. So that argument is silly.
No I get what you are saying. But you clearly are not getting my point.

Well, I'm not gonna spend $350 on something I don't like. We can pick this up a year from now when the MK46 comes out and either you can say I told you so, or I can say :pfft: when it turns out the MK46 does not have the weird crotch section and ends up looking like the prototype. :)

Now bring on comparison photo's!! I'm looking forward to seeing him with all the other armors in some nice comparison photos.
Don't worry, I see what you're talking about too. :lol

As do I. The ten little photos up close of iron man crotch where easy to "understand".

All I was saying is that the mk46 is built in the mk45. So if the mk45 prototype changed to the mk45 production then the mk46 will do the same. They never made the tooling for the mk45 prototype crotch Section he disliked.
Well, I'm not gonna spend $350 on something I don't like. We can pick this up a year from now when the MK46 comes out and either you can say I told you so, or I can say :pfft: when it turns out the MK46 does not have the weird crotch section and ends up looking like the prototype. :)

A lot of the things you have issue with will be the same on the 46. Especially the time. There's more time between when the 46 was shown and when it's scheduled to release then was between the same with the 45.

And I never told you to spend a dime. This all started because I was trying to let you know that chances are the mk46 will have the same issues you have with the mk45 and not to expect any different as you seemed let down by the 45.
As for you not having abs all the way to your man parts... What does that matter? It's a metal suit not a human body. It's not anatomically accurate. Should he have a ***** as well? People apply all these human anatomical ideas to a suit of armor. I saw someone else say they didn't like the mk45 because he study anatomy and the shoulder gaps bother him. If you are judging this based on human any any you wouldn't buy a single suit and should hate iron man as an idea. As it's not correct in any way with human anatomy and isn't supposed to be. It's a metal suit of armor. Not flesh. So that argument is silly.

That was me and I never, not once, said I did not like this armor. I'm just as excited as everyone else who's been waiting for this to release.

So should we not base this on the human form? Because correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure a suit is supposed to fit AROUND the human form. I'm not saying it needs to be a perfect adaptation of the human body. Hell, RDJ is like 5'9" but 6'4" in a suit? Did his body stretch? Of course not. And it's been talked about how the human body usually comes down to length of about 7 heads, while the prototypical "hero" body is 8 lengths long (which is what the marks are), essentially stretching the legs. And those are all the type of things I LEAVE at the front of the movie theater before I step foot inside.

The gap bothers me because it visually puts a "hole" where a body is supposed to be. Nobody needs to study the human body for a minute to know where there should and shouldn't be holes. As evidence in here, I am not the only one to mention the gaps. Nor was I the first with the 42, 43, 3, etc.

What bothers me the most about it is that I've seen what HT can do to fix that gap. Just compare the shoulders of the 1/4 and 1/6 scale 43. Yes, different scale. But the ability to add that piece between the shoulder pad and exposed shoulder joint is possible.

This doesn't change my excitement for the figure at all. As I stated, I just hope for future marks they are able to apply that piece of engineering from the 1/4 scale pieces to the 1/6 scale ones.

And to call my argument silly? That's your opinion. Just because I love this figure doesn't mean I have to think it's flawless. Sometimes you can be one of the most helpful members on here, and I've thanked you on numerous occasions for answering my questions. But sometimes you come off as down right condescending.
So the past few pages summed up, crotch-gate and the 46 proto is based off the 45 figure. Got it. :D
Oh and a butt flap.

Random question, has anybody put 45 in an IM2 Hall of Armor? I think the paint will look pretty good under that lighting.
That was a reply to the shoulder gaps comment.

I got what your saying. They added a line. It's still the same size. It has an added line. its still the same piece.

Again, if you don't like the mk45 production then the mk46, which is based on the mk45 production, I don't see why you assume it's going to be better.

Thai is going nowhere. My point was and is, the mk46 figure is a tweaked mk45. If ou don't like the mk45 production figure then you are going to probably not like the mk46 production figure. In the same way the mk4/6 and mk42/43 are the same base so are the mk45/46.

That's all I m saying.

Yes Loki, I said assigning random human physiology traits to a suit of metal armor is silly. There are hundreds of other things about every single suit that do not match human anatomy. But those are ok? Like it, don't like it. Not what I said was silly. Your justification was what I find silly. And just as you said it was your opinion, and used that word as back up for your view point, my opinion was that is silly. The suit is not a person. It doesn't have to follow human body, and in fact doesn't in any iteration. This has one extra "ab" section you called silly Becuase you don't have abs all the way to your pee pee(you can say that but me saying you that is silly is totally off base?) misses the point that the place where the prototype "abs" stop if essentially where most humans would call the private area and thus essentially do the same thing...but those are ok? You see why it's silly? Becuase they both do exactly the same thing but ones wrong just Becuase

I didn't once say I prefered or liked one over the other. I also prefer the prototype design. That wasn't the point of this. And I think I was pretty laid back the last five pages answer question after question after question after question despite being totaled to like I don't understand English. Like just didn't get what your saying, Becuase I simply disagreed . Like there's no way I could disagree if I understood. I started this by trying to help. Share some info. And it's lead to being questioned over and over and over and asked to do this and that the other. I saw you where not getting what I said and I attempted to let it go three pages ago. And you kept asking and talking like I wasn't seeing the difference and that I just didn't get it. And when eventually you did the whole your my getting it (towards me) and let's move on, like I was the one egging this on, after I had tried to squash it

Again, all I was doing was pointing out that the issues you had with the 45 production in comparisons to the 45 prototype are probably going to be carried over to the 46 production given the 46 prototype is based on the 45.

The above post was from like 5 pages back. All I've been saying is the same as that. If you don't like it on one, and chances are it's going to be on the other as well...and you stated you liked the one (45) better then the other (46) except for those issues(which will be on both, based on past releases and an educated guess) then I thought you would know that way if the 45 goes up in price or starts to sell out in the 15 months before the one you don't like as much is released you would know and have a chance to pick it up.

Honestly, I could care less if you buy one, or both or none or the 46 alone or the 45 or whatever. It's your money. I was just trying to give you the most information availble so you could make an INFORMED choice. What you do with the info is up to you
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