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I think that some of these arguments are a little bit unnecessary. I think it only really matters what you personally like/dislike about something. I personally don't think this suit looks any harder to fit a human into than any other hot toys iron man, but I probably won't be able to change your mind if your eyes disagree. Although I do believe some people asking for perfect human proportions in every pose would probably have a hard time liking any of these type of figures, as no articulated figure has ever had perfect proportions in every pose. I genuinely think this one is better than most in that regard, but again, that's my opinion.
yeah, but the CGI still I posted shows that the arms should come down farther... and to add, yes Iron man was CGI, but it is designed with a human in mind, the CGI artists take some liberties but it still has to appear real.. so your point on that is moot.

No, my point isn't moot. Yes, it's design to look real. But it is not design to look exactly like a human. Which is my point. Applying "ideal human anatomy" to a cg character that isn't human isn't accurate, nor is it what he artists do. Just because an ideal human with his arms straight down to his sides would have the tips of his fingers, fully extended, come to the spot indicated by the diagram does not mean that same human inside of a metal suit would or should be expected to do the same thing. And then, a 1/6 scale figure or toy or whatever based on that would then not be expected to either. The intital question asked was if his arms (the figure) look "really short". It was a question. And they don't. They are in line with the cg image...and with every other figure.
No, my point isn't moot. Yes, it's design to look real. But it is not design to look exactly like a human. Which is my point. Applying "ideal human anatomy" to a cg character that isn't human isn't accurate, nor is it what he artists do. Just because an ideal human with his arms straight down to his sides would have the tips of his fingers, fully extended, come to the spot indicated by the diagram does not mean that same human inside of a metal suit would or should be expected to do the same thing. And then, a 1/6 scale figure or toy or whatever based on that would then not be expected to either. The intital question asked was if his arms (the figure) look "really short". It was a question. And they don't. They are in line with the cg image...and with every other figure.

someone get some red lines up in this *****
Yep it's "really" short in comparison. I mean look at that huge massive difference! It's astonishing...

The top of the shoulder pads at level/even and the start of the wrist socket is level/even

(Typical personal attack, "inside source", essay l, or snarky gif to follow. See I can play too!)


It's funny. A question was answered. I posted a quick answer. A rebuttals followed with human anatomy diagrams and screen grabs from th film. So I reply with why I said what I said and an explanation as to why and I get three personal comments, a quip about essays (the horror people feel when confronted with posts longer then two sentences is stunning) and somehow I'm the one that is out of line and out of left field and unable to relax and all that crap. Because, again, I answered a direct question and had the gall to explain my response. gasp! The humanity. And I'm the one with my drawers in a bunch despite the fact I continue to get personal comments directed at me. Yep.
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Yep it's "really" short in comparison. I mean look at that huge massive difference! It's astonishing...

The top of the shoulder pads at level/even and the start of the wrist socket is level/even

(Typical personal attack, "inside source", essay l, or snarky gif to follow. See I can play too!)

View attachment 266717

well thats not the two im trying to compare. not only that you cropped the pic at just the right place that I cant tell where the hands are sitting, and it needs to be at least 3x smaller... please re submit
Also the angle of the arms makes a difference. The 43's arm has a wider angle which shortens the length relative to the ground.
Sweet pictures, John! :clap This figure is a true masterpiece!

Hope you're doing well also!

Perfection. That first one looks exactly like a movie still. :drool

i know.. at first, before scrolling down, i thought it was going to be a comparison between the movie CG and the figure.

I think that some of these arguments are a little bit unnecessary. I think it only really matters what you personally like/dislike about something. I personally don't think this suit looks any harder to fit a human into than any other hot toys iron man, but I probably won't be able to change your mind if your eyes disagree. Although I do believe some people asking for perfect human proportions in every pose would probably have a hard time liking any of these type of figures, as no articulated figure has ever had perfect proportions in every pose. I genuinely think this one is better than most in that regard, but again, that's my opinion.

i disagree.. i think it's fun to debate and discuss these things. just as long as it doesn't resort to name calling and what not.

Yep it's "really" short in comparison. I mean look at that huge massive difference! It's astonishing...

The top of the shoulder pads at level/even and the start of the wrist socket is level/even

(Typical personal attack, "inside source", essay l, or snarky gif to follow. See I can play too!)

View attachment 266717

It's funny. A question was answered. I posted a quick answer. A rebuttals followed with human anatomy diagrams and screen grabs from th film. So I reply with why I said what I said and an explanation as to why and I get three personal comments, a quip about essays (the horror people feel when confronted with posts longer then two sentences is stunning) and somehow I'm the one that is out of line and out of left field and unable to relax and all that crap. Because, again, I answered a direct question and had the gall to explain my response. gasp! The humanity. And I'm the one with my drawers in a bunch despite the fact I continue to get personal comments directed at me. Yep.

i think you might be missing the point a little. you're getting hung up on the human diagram and not the point of the statement, which is that the figures arms aren't as long as the way they appeared on screen.

the reason to make these figures is to best represent the way they appeared on screen.

when comparing the hot toys mark 45 in a normal stance to the CG mark 45, the arms are a little short. the only reason the human diagram was posted was to emphasize why the CG looks that way, and to further show that the arms should be a little bit longer.

and lets face it.. to be believable the armors need to look fairly human. after all, they're trying to show a human wearing a suit of armor. so everything isn't going to be perfect. but that's not what's being discussed. what's being discussed is that the arms are a little shorter on the figure than they are in the movie.

lipsmack asked if it was just him who thought the arms were short.. you responded "it's just you".. when clearly that isn't the case.

to my eyes, when compared to the CG, yes they do look a little short. but its not a big deal to me, i would never have noticed if someone hadn't pointed it out. and it certainly won't diminish my enjoyment of the figure. but i can see how someone could be slightly disappointed by it.
That's also a good point. Something I noticed when watching Budget Stark and Figure Junkie's reviews was that even when the arms are fully extended, there's a slight bend to it due to the way the elbow section is built.
That's also a good point. Something I noticed when watching Budget Stark and Figure Junkie's reviews was that even when the arms are fully extended, there's a slight bend to it due to the way the elbow section is built.

yeah, i've noticed that to be the case on a few of the figures.

but like i said.. it's not a big deal to me at all. i'd be more annoyed about the lack of an all red gauntlet than i would be about the arm length.

Probably a bit on the short side yes, but not much I think based on this pic (note the slight bend on the arms, the wrists/palm would be a bit lower if straight).


man i can't wait to get this. may age of ultron war machine should arrive today.. it's going to make the wait for the 45 that much harder, and that photo isn't helping lol.
i know.. at first, before scrolling down, i thought it was going to be a comparison between the movie CG and the figure.

i disagree.. i think it's fun to debate and discuss these things. just as long as it doesn't resort to name calling and what not.

i think you might be missing the point a little. you're getting hung up on the human diagram and not the point of the statement, which is that the figures arms aren't as long as the way they appeared on screen.

the reason to make these figures is to best represent the way they appeared on screen.

when comparing the hot toys mark 45 in a normal stance to the CG mark 45, the arms are a little short. the only reason the human diagram was posted was to emphasize why the CG looks that way, and to further show that the arms should be a little bit longer.

and lets face it.. to be believable the armors need to look fairly human. after all, they're trying to show a human wearing a suit of armor. so everything isn't going to be perfect. but that's not what's being discussed. what's being discussed is that the arms are a little shorter on the figure than they are in the movie.

lipsmack asked if it was just him who thought the arms were short.. you responded "it's just you".. when clearly that isn't the case.

to my eyes, when compared to the CG, yes they do look a little short. but its not a big deal to me, i would never have noticed if someone hadn't pointed it out. and it certainly won't diminish my enjoyment of the figure. but i can see how someone could be slightly disappointed by it.

From what I can tell a large part of the arm length problem is that the majority of times we've seen the figure in a basic pose, it has the fist hands on, which is not a look that shows up often in the film.
From what I can tell a large part of the arm length problem is that the majority of times we've seen the figure in a basic pose, it has the fist hands on, which is not a look that shows up often in the film.
Exactly. Fisted hands give the appearance of shorter arms. & that live picture from the movie is shown from a perspective looking up at iron man. Gives the appearance of longer arms.

Great IM figure, top 5 easily that HT has made from the line.

Sent from my VS990 using Tapatalk
Wow those pics are amazing. I was gonna wait till the 46 but all these pics make me want this one
I picked up some of the recently released bootleg Tony heads for my armours and although not strictly related to the 45, i reckon it will look the business on it.
Here are a couple of pics on the MKIV.
Best Tony likeness so far in my opinion, and well worth $30.

